Friday, 31 October 2008

Food for thought!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a very productive and positive day! Mind you, we jumped through a fair bittidz of hoops; but then it became a tidbitz easier, in the sense, that things just started to 'flow'. We, like most people, have been affected by the global financial crunch, due to the greed of certain CEOs' in the United States. However, we have chosen to remain focused and calm; and not panic, albeit doing a few tidbit 'creative' acrobatics!

Tidbit - Robert Schuller said 2 or 3 weeks ago (You can refer to those posts, if you wish),"If you are down to nothing, He is up to something!" I keep hearing those very words, within my head; and it is all about having FAITH in Him to Provide Solutions.

We did have a few bittid challenges earlier in the day; however, things took a change for the better and to the GOOD! I feel He is Guiding us through this 'storm'; and is the Answer to our Prayers!

Glad it is the evening; and Friday night again! We are going to enjoy this weekend at home and appreciate ALL our Blessings, as we have much to be thankful for! Also, love the above photo image! Alan and I are going to savour the leftover steak from last night! (You can refer to yesterday's post, if you wish).

Bittid - Out of adversity, comes Humility, Strength, and Gratitude.

Good Night and God Bless.

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