Friday, 24 October 2008

Happy Friday!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am really happy it is Friday and the weekend! Methinks I say that bittidz each and every week! LOL!

First of all, we are still 'awaiting' the tidbitz news; and at the same time, we are also pursuing other avenues for fruition, should 'Plan A' falter; eventhough, we are still holding out hope for 'Plan A' to be successful. However, we are not afraid, because we know 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light!'

During the night, both Alan and I were up a few tid times each with our 'puppy', Blue. He had the 'runs'; and fortunately, he did not have any accidents in the house (plus I had just vacummed yesterday! LOL!). Perhaps, he has a bit of a bug? Other than upset stools, he has been fine - cold nose, cool head, playful even. The only thing we noticed was that he was really 'sticking close' to us; however, he is now appearing to be feeling much better.

Went for my hair appointment this am; and boy, had I been looking forward to this; as it was long overdue! Very definitely, the 'before and after' hairdo! Whilst there, I admitted that I should really 'invest' in a pair of 'reading glasses'; because, well just because. My hairdresser friend heartily agreed, as she had noticed me 'squinting' whenever I read the magazines in her shop. Hmmmmm. I ended up with an inexpensive pair of 'Funky Frames', non prescription, 1.50 (from the local drugstore down the street); and are they ever 'funky!'. Believe it or not, they look fabulous on me, if I say so meself! LOL! Plus, I received major compliments from Alan, as well as my hairdressing friends! I went back to show them! I love to read; and used to be inseparable from books; however I have not read as much as I would like...because I could not see properly, save for doing 'acrobats' with my eyes. My concern was that perhaps 'glasses' would 'weaken' my eyes, thinking I would be dependent upon glasses. However, it works the other way too; as squinting is not beneficial for the eyes either! So, it is a delight that now I can see; and it is like a whole new world! I have tried on various reading glasses; and they were either blurry or giving me an immediate headache! Hmmmmm. Anyway, this colourful pair of red, cornflower blue, (predominately blue frames), and yellow glasses are just right!

Tidbit - 'Lest we forget, if we can keep our heads, when all of those around us, are losing theirs, you will have become a man / female' by Rudyard Kipling. That is what is going on around us; and we are doing our best to not panic, and to be calmly confident of positive outcomes. Plus, it does not do one a lot of good anyway, to be fraught with worry and fear. May as well 'enjoy the journey', while you 'wait upon Him' to Provide Solution.

Bittid - It is neat to be like a little child again! ie Appreciation of something 'special', and that makes a positive difference! In my case, reading glasses; and funky cool ones at that!

Love the above happy photo image! (If you wish, you can refer to some earlier blogs about oyster plates, as well as my bittid posts of March 14/08, & 15th etc).

Til a tidbit later!

God Bless.

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