Thursday, 30 October 2008

Alan's tidbits re: the U.S. Election

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in this part of the world!

It has been an 'interesting' day. NOTHING visible; and yet, LOTS from 'behind the scenes'; if that makes any bittid sense!

Today, we have had various 'fires to put out', and still have a number of hurdles to overcome. However, we are doing our best to rise above all these challenges (as well as the unexpected ones) and are CHOOSING to remain focused on POSITIVE outcomes. It IS a matter of simply 'waiting' upon Him to supply Solutions and also, to not RELY on our own understandings.

There is so much 'doom and gloom' being forecasted around the globe; and it definitely is creating a 'domino effect' of pessimism throughout the world. GRRRRRR. A tidbit here, is to calmly just keep on 'trekking', much like the 'energizer bunny!' LOL! The saying, 'When the going gets rough, the tough get going'. We are sticking to that inspirational slogan!

It is a miserable rainy night; and we are thankful to be home! Have lit a nice cosy fire, and appreciating a mellow glass of South African Red Wine! For our dinner, we are going to enjoy a large Costco steak, that Alan has marinated for most of the day! Mmmmmm. Very tender! There is enough steak for 3 or 4 people; so the steak can be sliced diagonally to 'stretch' towards another meal! Steak a la Diane style! Plus corn, sauteed sweet peas, mashed potatoes (Alan adds a bit butter and a tid of garlic! Mmmmm - Garlic is good for your heart, so they say!).

Will be tuned in to the CNN coverage of the upcoming U.S. Election. It gets down to one bittidz, you are either a Republican or a Democrat; it is that tidbitz simple. Those are my bittid words. (If you wish some background bittids, you can refer to Please Vote!, as per my post of October 25th).

Both Alan and I are of the same mind; however, these are Alan's own words in this paragraph, as well as in the next 9 paragraphs! - The telling of the tale is that two years ago Senator Obama (a 2 yr Junior Senator) and Senator John McCain, both mutually agreed that they would agree to both adhere to the Federally placed financial arrangements available to the 2 principal candidates.

Subsequently, Senator Obama broke his word and decided that he would not adhere to this understanding, and went and raised money independently. As we have seen, he has had a phenomenal response from the public. To the tune of $750,000,000 in donations. READ that last sentence again! That has allowed him throughout and at this late stage, to produce an 'info commercial' ; wherein he bought one half hour of U.S. PRIME TIME TV on 5 or 6 U.S. Network stations to present his story? Also, he has been able to outspend Senator McCain pretty well 4 - 1 in advertisements etc.

It is unfortunate - eventhough it was well done - that Senator Obama broke his word, which allowed him to do this in the first place. Senator Obama is a wonderful speaker, but if you listen to him carefully, he really does not say much. Change is needed, Pray tell, what change?

'Everyone wants everyone to be happy, and have a good job, and no debt, and have a great education, and have no disease, and have fully paid university tuition, and a fully funded health care system that nobody pays for, and everyone is happy'.

Daily on CNN, they have a pundit, that goes over the previous day's utterances of both candidates; not only in their 3 debates, but every major speech; and we, as Canadians, find it very strange that on many occasions, Senator Obama is quite literally not telling the truth. Everyone seems to be mesmorized by his oratory, and the fact that he is an African American. He has less administrative experience than both Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin. There does seem to be a bias that benefits Senator Obama and everyone seems to be so derisive of Governor Sarah Palin re: her looks, her glasses, her figure, her clothes? She has more qualifications / experience to be Vice President than Senator Obama has to be President!

The philosophical difference between a Democrat and a Republican is essentially the Democrats tax the rich, ie wealthy individuals and corporations, that actually create jobs and wealth. The Democrats then 'spread this wealth' to those less able to create wealth themselves. Also, they have a tendency to expand the size of government and run deficits to obtain their goals.

In Canada, we have the Conservatives / Republicans (Right of centre) and the Liberals, NDP / Democrats (Left of centre).

It would be wonderful to see that both parties could actually get together in the House of Representatives and the Senate to work in a bi partisan fashion to create whatever Legislative changes that are deemed to be necessary, so that there can be ongoing harmony to enhance all the citizens of the United States to greater levels of prosperity, security, and enlightenment.

The United States of America is a fantastic Nation, that has demonstrated throughout their history, to be ready, willing, and able to help any and all Nations that have asked or are in need of their help. That being said, they must become more understanding from a Foreign Affairs perspective to try to use a 'velvet glove' more often than not. Fully aware that we must always be vigilant against our enemies. It would go a long way if they, as a Nation, could become more aware and more understanding of their allies and their enemies, so that they can eventually become more inclusive, that would create a more secure planet, than at present.

The G7 / G8 / G20 / G30 (of which the U.S.A. is the dominant player) must use their influence at this time in world history to be a guiding light; wherein, the economic, military, political, and social goals can be achieved and implemented with transparency. This would allow all Nations to achieve a greater level of economic prosperity, education, health, understanding, and security for all.

Thank you Alan, for your simple eloquence in expressing our views.

Good Night and God Bless.

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