Wednesday, 15 October 2008

We have much to be thankful for!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

My apologies for not writing a bit post yesterday; it was a tid 'tackling Tuesday', as well as our election in Canada. We were sitting on the 'bittid edge of our seats' last night, when we were watching some tight races / results in various ridings, brought to us, by CBC.

Stephen Harper was re elected; and personally Alan and I are delighted; eventhough the candidate in our riding, was not elected. The Conservatives gained approx 22 more new seats throughout our country! There is a broader distribution of seats, save for a few areas; which I believe will have more representation in time. It is taking tidbit steps, one day at a time; and having communication and dialogue amongst all parties. Methinks, that this Election has helped create a feeling of cooperation and, a positive focus for the parties to genuinely work together; starting with our economy. I thought it was interesting that our PM spoke in French first, when he was delivering his gracious Victory Speech last night.

Tonight, we are looking forward to watching the U.S. Debate between Senators McCain and Obama. Trust there will more directness in their responses to key issues.

Tidbit - Live one day at a time. It is the little steps taken along the way each day, that encourage both stability and fruition.

Bittid - Have an open, joyful mind and heart. Do your daily best to be positive and confident; knowing that He carries your burdens and He IS the Solution. 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

Love the above photo image! We enjoyed tid turkey leftovers (the best part! Yum!), with all the trimmings last night. We have so much to be thankful for; we feel that each and every day, is like a mini 'Thanksgiving'. As a tidbit, we appreciated the Spanish red wine, 'Penascal' (You can refer to 'Appreciate your Home', Oct 12th, if you wish); however, we are still loyal to our South African Red wine. 'Two Oceans' (plus it is a bittid cheaper!). My son came over for Thanksgiving Monday dinner and it was great to spend some time with him. My daughter and her family were not able to visit; as she and her wee sons had picked up a bit of a bug; and thus were 'laying low'. Plus, it was pouring with rain; and not a nice day to travel on the roads.

Have our business bittidz to attend to; may be back for a later tidbitz today. Hope you are enjoying the day! In the mornings, I usually Pray for a 'good day'; and generally, that is the case!

God Bless.

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