Sunday, 26 October 2008

An R & R Sunday!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today has been a most relaxing and quiet day! Woke up to the 'Hour of Power' (the Schullers), then 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer), and 'Living Truth'(Charles Price). Alan brought me my coffee in bed; and it was a nice non rushed start to Sunday!

Will blog more about the three wonderful International Bible Teachers and their inspirational messages tomorrow. As mentioned in earlier posts, to do them fair justice, it is better, if you check them out for yourselves; be it online, the T.V. or on the radio, and / or if possible, to attend in person!

We went out for a drive; and it was the most gorgeous day! The vivid colours in full Fall regalia! Also, on route to the shopping mall, we ended up going to an 'Open House'; a most unexpected visit; inasmuch as we had only stopped on the street to take a look at the listed information on a sign. The 'alert' realtor happened to see us; and invited us in! As I have shared in earlier tidbit posts, I believe there are 'no coincidences'. It is a listing for a wonderfully appointed 2 bedroom apt; 100square feet smaller than our old tid abode, which is located on the same street. Our old place is a large one bedroom, with potential for a second bedroom; and we currently have our abode up for sale. The 2 bedroom apt has a bittid den, which is approx the same size as our 'storage' area in our one bedroom apt; so renovations could be done, if a buyer so chooses to add a second bedroom. Our old home is quite a bit 'cheaper'; and it is priced extremely well; taking the current market conditions into consideration. There are always 'pros and cons' in every scenario; however, each situation is uniquely different. We know, that the 'right' person will come along; and appreciate our spot, as we did!

Tidbit - Be thankful for your home; and appreciate ALL your Blessings.

Bittid - Enjoy the day to the fullest; and 'keep things simple!'

Love the above majestic photo image; as it was just like our glorious sunny day here! Hope you have spent or are enjoying a nice R & R Sunday as well!

God Bless.

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