Thursday, 23 October 2008

In the 'waiting' mode

Good Morning, or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world!

As mentioned yesterday, we had an early night, along with a refreshing night's sleep; as we were 'tuckered out tid puppies'. Was up early this am; and it is 'mixed' weather at the bit moment. Took Blue out for his constitution in sunshine; now it is starting to rain and large black clouds are appearing! Methinks it was good timing; and my cup of coffee, is extra appreciated this morning,

Speaking of good timing, we are 'in the waiting mode' for a tidbit of good news later today. It is simply a bittid matter of timing and patient 'waiting' on Him, to Provide Solution.

Will write tidbitz in a bittidz, when I have a bittidz to tidbitz. Love the photo image and its wonderful message.

'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

God Bless.

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