Thursday, 2 October 2008

Be appreciative all the more!

Good Afternoon, or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world!

Well, it is pouring outdoors; a miserable day; and yet typical of the onset of fall. Am glad to be home today; will be lighting a fire before too long, as it is the perfect day for a cosy fire!

Alan was at the doctor's yesterday; and basically he has a very serious intensive knee problem; which will require surgery; which is recommended sooner rather than later. It is the worst type of internal injury, with continual tears that are still expanding vertically and horizontally. As soon as there is a scheduled time for the operation, Alan will be there! Fortunately, one of the top three qualified surgeons, is our friend; so that helps a bit.

If you wish to refer to my post, "Through the Ringer" of May 30/07, I feel that pretty much sums up what a lot of the world is experiencing at this current time. History is definitely in the tid making here. With what has been happening in the United States, is also affecting us Canadians. The banks are over terrified; credit crunches, the works; as well as property values going down. It very clearly is a 'buyer's market'; and good on the buyers, as opposed to the sellers. We happen to have one of our assets up for sale; and if it does not sell (even us being price sensitive to the present situation), we may just pull it off the market and rent it instead; and then sell it, when the market prices are more solid. You reach a point as a seller, when enough is enough.

On that note, I am glad that the Senate in the United States is 'working on things'; and as Warren Buffet was suggesting, there needs to be ACTION NOW; as opposed to waiting to do something; because matters will just become worse! As indicated already by waiting even ONE day, as seen by the dismal results earlier this week. He is right; that the 'top' has to be helped in order to help the little guy.

Am looking forward to the Debate tonight between Palin and Biden. Interesting that Biden was pictured on the T.V. also carrying a child in his arms?

Tidbit - Take stock of what you have and appreciate your Blessings all the more; AND Praise Him In ALL Things.

Bittid - I keep thinking of Robert Schuller's('Hour of Power')recent message - 'If you are down to nothing, you know that He is up to something!' Meaning He is up to something GOOD for YOU! Have the courage of your Faith to courageously ENDURE.

Our master set of keys have still not been 'returned'; but we have the silent majority / community behind us; because the 'culprits' have been indentified; so it is just a matter of time, when the keys will be 'found'. You can refer to my post of Sept 30/08 - 'A positive attitude and a calm and confident outlook', if you wish a tidbitz of background.

I love the above photo image; which I have already 'pressed into service', as seen in my blog of September 19th, if you would like to read that post as well! It may uplift you a bittidz!

God Bless.

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