Thursday, 16 October 2008

Tidbits on a rainy day

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Have come down with a tid of a cold; stuffed up nose, 'plugged' ears, sore throat, and a bit of a 'foggy groggy' head. We were supposed to go out tonight to an evening soiree, to honour my cousin re: the publishing of his successful second book. Unfortunately, we will have to give the occasion a pass; however, we will buy his autographed book! No doubt, he will experience a warm turnout!

Have spent most of the day in bed; most unusual for me; am up now, to blog for a bittid. It is pouring with rain; so it is definitely a good day to be 'tuckered in' at home.

We carefully watched the Debate last night between Senators McCain and Obama. We felt that Senator McCain was much better than in his last two Debates, and we wish him all the best for the next few weeks. Could not help but sense that CNN may appear to have a bittidz leaning towards the Democrats. However, that being said, we are most grateful for CNN, bringing us these Debates, as well as other globular news. Senator Obama, if elected as President, may be a good President; particularly, if he aligns himself with a good mix of advisors to effectively help him run the country, as well as uniting the bruised Nation, as a whole. Also, I was not aware that 'Independents' must be Registered as 'Independents'. Guess that makes sense; and yet I find it interesting that the poll of 'Independents' appears to have a Democratic slant. Also, Sarah Palin has an 80% approval rating in her State, which is one of the highest ratings ever achieved as a Governor of any State. Wish that Senator McCain had mentioned that tidbit as well, in yesterday's Debate. Not to forget Joe Biden, I believe he would also make a good Vice President; if the Democrats should win the election.

Tidbit - When you are feeling not at your best, turn your thoughts around and think of all your Blessings and 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. Also have the FAITH in Him, that He will Provide Solution for your needs.

Bittid - Sometimes, just take time out and calmly reflect on how best to 'keep things simple'; for each and every day; and living one day at a time. Do not allow your head to be filled up with 'clutter and stuff'; instead, take an appreciative step back, so that you can enjoy a positive focus on what genuinely matters the most to you.

Love the above photo image!

God Bless.

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