Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Bittids & Tidbits - down to earth!


'They' say 'chicken soup is good for the soul'; well, how about turkey soup?
Alan is cooking up leftover tidbits and bittids of turkey; and the smell of wonderful turkey soup is healthily permeating throughout our home. Mmmmmmm! During these 'tough and trying times', soups are so 'down to earth', aren't they?

Tonight, Alan and I are looking forward to watching the U.S. Debate between Senators McCain and Obama. As mentioned in today's earlier post, I trust there will be more astute directness in dealing with the current issues of domestic and foreign policy. If I were an American, I would vote as a Republican; as I am a strong Canadian Conservative. I trust and Pray that Senator John McCain will courageously 'be himself', 'shine' through, and 'speak up', as he has much to offer to the world, let alone the United States of America! His running mate, Sarah Palin, is a very wise choice too; as it has been shown, that she has the best record of being a State Governor! Also, again to reiterate, we are relieved that Stephen Harper has been re elected as Prime Minister; that is a definite plus to world wide stability!

Tidbit - FEAR NOT. Rely on Him - always!

Bittid - Appreciate the simplicity of things; do not get bogged down in details.

I love the above message! 'Love Conquers All'. We must remember and honour these powerful words always!

God Bless.

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