Monday, 27 October 2008

STILL appreciating a slower pace

Good Evening,

Where has the bittidz time gone today! 'Well'...(You can refer to my post of June 13/07 on "Well" - Can be a rather "deep" subject if you wish, re: the word, 'well' as, it has various meanings and / or connotations).

Ended up doing the 'walkathon' on the Gazelle machine for about 15 minutes. Watched also the CNN news re: the U.S. Election for a bit. It will certainly be an interesting next 10 days!

Was all set to start my 'reading' and 'studying'; however, have been on the phone, pretty much non stop. Received a few phone calls from good friends that I had not heard from in a tid while; and 'well', that was where the time wonderfully flew! It was a such a tidbitz treat to hear from them, and to get caught up on their lives; which included some of their challenges. Takes your mind off your own 'stuff', that is a for sure bittidz!

Mentioned earlier today, that my ears are still 'plugged' (weird!); 'well', my head, sinus, eyes, and throat are a bittid 'fluey / feversish'; so perhaps this 'bug' is still hanging on? 'Best laid plans of mice and men', methinks. So, am listening to my body and taking a tidbit of a rest. Thus, I look forward to enthusiastcally sharing tidbits tomorrow re: 'Hour of Power', 'Living Everyday Life'. amd 'Living Truth'.

Tidbit - Appreciate hearing from and reconnecting with 'old' friends; and particularly, 'out of the blue'. You may find that their problems are worse than yours; and that by offering them bittids of encouragement, you in turn are uplifted as well.

Bittid - There are times when you just have to 'slow down'. With all that is happening in the world today, it is good to just be 'STILL', and take a reflective pause and enjoy a simple calm.

Am going call it an early night. Love the above photo image; very appropro at the moment.

Good Night and God Bless.

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