Monday, 27 October 2008

Appreciating a 'slower pace'

Good Morning or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Have to admit, am a bittid 'sleepy' or 'fuggy pluggy' (a 'made up phrase', but it is an apt tidbit description! LOL!) this am! The 'bug' (or whatever) is on its way out; the ears being the final exit. Am sure you can relate if you have ever had 'plugged' ears; as your head appears to be 'hollow?'. However, this morning, I am going to enjoy this 'slower pace'; as we do not have any immediate appointments.

I keep thinking of Robert Schuller Jnr's (Hour of Power) comment, 'When you are down to nothing, He is up to something'. (meaning He, God, is up to something good for you). So, I am extra appreciative and reflective upon ALL our Blessings, and I heartily 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'

Will be returning in a bit; am going to go back to my warm bed for a tid rest of reading ('Revelation Unveiled', plus studying bits of Spanish). My reading glasses make such a wonderful difference; as I can now read without squinting or going through tids of acrobatics to read! You can refer to 'Happy Friday', Oct 24th, if you wish a bittidz of background.

Also, yesterday afternoon Alan and I had to handle a 'tricky' situation with utmost tidbitz diplomacy; and we are on record for courageously standing up for what is 'Fair, Right, and Equitable'. We called 'this person' on the TRUTH. A 'friendship' here, may be at risk. However, he has been most 'greedy', and apart from having taken a bittidz advantage of us; he has fooled others (to their detriment). 'You may be able to fool others, or even yourself, but you can never fool Him'. That is a solid comfort to me! Methinks too, that one if 'one has enemies, who needs friends like like?' So, am glad we are on record; and we hope, he will choose to put things right; not just for us, but for the others he has 'deceived' by 'words, actions, and deeds'.

Also, after my 'quiet time', will be enjoying the gentle 'walkathon' on the Tony Little Gazelle Machine; as well as appreciating the T.V. news of the world. 'Killing 2 birds, with one stone' as the expression goes.

Hope you are enjoying your day! If one makes the choice to enjoy their day, it is amazing what transpires! Turning 'situations' around positively, and making the best of things is GOOD!

Will be back! Love the above photo image!

God Bless.

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