Monday, 6 October 2008

Glad it is Monday night

Greetings again!

Am back from our 'shopping'. Purchased our 'Double Dip' lotto ticket for this coming Wednesday. The winnings would certainly come in handy, wouldn't they? Methinks that most of us would be 'on cloud nine', if any of us were to win a lottery! We already have plans and plans to the good, I might add, should we be amongst the fortunate recipients!

Picked up a 'frozen' turkey and all the gracious trimmings! I might add, that when I mentioned 'buy one, and get one free' in my most recent post, I was referring to a package of cranberries, not a turkey! LOL! I began to reflect too, that in various parts of the world, there are those that may not have the opportunity or the means, to even buy or 'snarf' a turkey, let alone it being sold for a prudent savings to the customer. So, with this upcoming Canadian Thanksgiving, it is even all the more meaningful and reflective a time for many of us. Am sure the United States' Thanksgiving will be all the more 'special' too, this year. I understand that in the United States, Thanksgiving is as 'major' a celebration as Christmas, if not more! I think this is a time that families should courageously pull together, have the Faith to endure, and survive through these tough times. At present, Canada IS in a better financial situation than the United States and Europe; however, Canada is still affected somewhat, by these unfortunate world events.

Now back to this past Sunday! ie The 'Hour of Power' - Robert Schuller Snr was sharing that 'There are infinite possibilities in little beginnings, if God is in it'. 'Start small, and think tall'. Also a song,'If God is for us, who can be against us', was the song sung by the choir, that greeted me, when I first turned on the T.V. I thought, 'Wow! Music to my ears!'. Robert Schuller also shared that 'Beginning is half done' (he was quoting a friend, a professor, who said those wonderful words); and Robert Schuller also said that 'If you have the Faith, the grain of a mustard seed, you can move mountains'. His revised book, 'Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do' is very appropro at this time.

Joyce, in 'Enjoying Everyday Life', was sharing about the 'Power of the WORD of God'; and that the words that come out of your mouth, are very powerful. Also, 'If God is for me, God can't be against me'.(Psalm 107, verse 20 is one of Joyce's favourite Scriptures). Joyce (along with her guest, Author and Pastor, Bob Yandian) had some wonderful perspectives; most inspirational! I feel that to do 'them' the best justice, it is better for you to simply refer to their messages; be it online, T.V. or radio. Joyce's books, 'How to Succeed at Being Yourself' and '100 Ways to Simplify your Life' may also be of benefit.

Charles, in 'Living Truth', was giving his interesting perspective on angels, where they appeared in the Bible, the categories of angels, etc. Once again, methinks you should tune into him, if you wish, to do your bittidz due diligence. Charles also suggested that you should not seek angels out; and if you 'see' one, it is in human form only, and created by Him, to obey His wishes. The angels 'appear' to be more prevalent with children (Guardian angels) or with the dying.

Will share a tidbitz tale with you; and I feel there was some connection re: Rocky (my second earlier post of today). Four years ago and a bit, Alan and I were enjoying a tid lunch at one of our favouite bistros. A 'street person' 'appeared' and he ended up standing right behind me and not saying a single word. I was not fearful; on the contrary. I turned around to face him and I softly asked him, 'Is that heavy?' (I was referring to the 'water jug' he was carrying on his shoulders, which to me, looked very Biblical). He GENTLY replied 'No, not really'. My response was 'Oh, good'. His melodious voice was of many rushing rivers; a beautiful flowing sound; and his beautiful eyes 'poured' into mine. Again, I was not afraid, in fact was strangely comforted. (I did not ask him if he needed money; something 'told' me, that this was not the case). I sensed that this was no ordinary human being; and I felt as if he 'knew everything about me'; like his deep brown eyes that I was peacefully 'lost' in, and that had penetrated right to the very heart and depths of my soul. Then he 'went away'; just 'disappeared' as suddently, as he had 'appeared' on the scene. He was different and even his 'walk' was like as if he was 'floating' or 'gliding'. Our Rocky was diagnosed with cancer a day or two later. Hmmmmm. Who knows, but it was an experience (a good one!), that I will never forget! When my time is up, and I am in Heaven, I will ask Him about that awesome moment. Hmmmmm.

Tidbit - Do your best to maintain 'a calm', (be it at home, work, wherever) regardless of what is happening all around you. Keep your cool; and also have a joyful confidence that you will survive. Lean on Him to carry ALL your burdens, as well as having the FAITH in Him to Provide Solutions.

Bittid - Rely on Him to Guide you, with His Words of Wisdom and to Give you Understanding. He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light.

The above photo is of our beloved 'Rocky'. He was, indeed, a great dog and he responded wonderfully to love. The passing 'school children' loved him. We adopted him from a young couple, who were expecting their first child. They were concerned for their soon to be born child, in the event 'Rocky' might be jealous. Unfortunately, the dog was often left alone at home; be it in their rented basement suite, or being chained to a post outdoors ( in all weather conditions; day or night). I remain grateful to my dear friend (she was the one who passed away from a 'broken heart', as I mentioned in my Oct 4th post) who gave me the info about a 'dog who needed a home'.

Must go for now, as it is dinner time; and our 'Shake and Bake' chicken smells wonderfully cooked, along with some healthy sauteed vegetables!

Good Night and God Bless.

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