Saturday, 18 October 2008

Golden thoughts!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am relieved it is the weekend; as it has been quite the week. I think I said that last week, that it has been 'quite the week'! However, I think most of you around the globe, can relate!

This am is a gorgeous Fall morning! The leaves of the surrounding trees once green, are now a beautiful golden yellow; and with the morning sunlight, they are 'glowing'. Particularly, the big old tree outside our bedroom window. The mountains are in the background; so it makes for a very lovely and tranquil Autumn scene. Am enjoying my 'elixir' of coffee, that Alan has brought to me; and before I go and start my daily reading of 'Revelation Unveiled', I thought I would write a bittid post. Also, the multi coloured geraniums in our planter boxes on our upstairs balconey, are still blooming magnificently! ie Pinks and also different shades of pink, Reds, Whites, and purples; like a strong and vivid painting!

Last night we watched an excellent movie (1957), 'Twelve Angry Men'; and it was very well done; with Henry Fonda, Lee Cobb, etc. Interesting how prejudice clouds one's judgment or depiction of the truth. There were 12 men selected as Jurors in a murder case; and for those of you who have not yet seen this 'oldie but goodie' movie, it might be an enlightening tidbit.

Tidbit - Another new day to joyfully appreciate! 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

Bittid - If you have a chance to 'step back', and / or 'recharge your batteries', embrace the oppportunity; as this will help clear your head and heart of 'clutter'.

That is all the tidbitz for the moment. May be back later today. Here is wishing you a peaceful weekend. Also, made a few bittidz spelling errors in yesterday's post; however, have been ammended now.

God Bless.

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