Friday, 29 February 2008

Happy February 29th!

Happy Leap Year!

Boy talk about one Leap Year Day, we will never forget!

Have you ever had a day when everything, and I mean 'everything' leaping / flying all over the place, off the wall, out of left field, not making any sense, assward backwards, etc??? Today, is that day for us.

We are involved in a major Spiritual Battle here. These siblings just HATE Alan so much, that they are striking out with full vindicative force! However, I have to agree with Alan, that we must be doing 'SOMETHING RIGHT' in Christ's Service, to be under such viscious attack! And, I 'tid' you not!

A few weeks ago, He gave me a Gift of 'Discernment' about the siblings' character / behaviour in this whole matter. I felt a bit uncomfortable at the time, because the Discernment was not even a bittid positive about them. However, as Alan pointed out, it was an empowering tidbit of information for me and for me alone, to be aware of. If called upon, I will be Guided by His Powerful Words of Truth. Thus, a Warrior in His Service.

What is going on, is WRONG. 'They' KNOW that; and so do we. They do not like that!

Tidbit - Put on the Full Armour of God; when you are confronted with evil.

Bittid - Keep a calm composure and express a joyful spirit! HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIGHT.

I know that Justice will be Served - ULTIMATELY - by HIM.

God Bless.

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