Monday, 4 February 2008

Seek and Ye Shall Find.

Good Morning, or whatever greeting is applicable to you, in your part of the world!

Today is an unusual kind of is too cold to snow; frozen snow all around, and yet you can hear the birds chirping; and you can see the tid baby buds beginning to bloom! Quite wonderful in a bit sort of a way; as I 'crunch' along the icy roads / paths, in a refreshing morning walk with our Blue. As if Winter is slowly surrendering the reigns to Spring.

Coffee was / is much appreciated this am; and for whatever bittidical reason, it tastes extra good! There is a lot of tidbitical 'stuff' happening, and we are doing our best to 'keep on top of things'. So this morning's 'elixir' is a hearty welcome to the start of today.

We have a number of projects, coming to fruition this week; and regardless of everything else, we are taking care of each tid thing that comes along. Alan's Mum is in hospital; she is being kept alive by blood transfusions - hmmmmm; you can only have so many; and the Drs feel that she has had several already. You wonder about the quality of life?

The Dad is into full fledged dementia; he thought this morning was night; and he 'raided the kitchen' - bit potato chips everywhere! So I 'crunched' indoors as well. He will need to go into a 'home'; because he literally is a 'danger' to himself. We are doing our best to 'watch him like a hawk'; however, you can only do so much. Sadly, he is like a small child; that does not comprehend. He is totally frustrated; and we have empathy for his rapid 'going down hill' situation. We have a 'home' nearby (5 mins away); and he will receive 24 hr attentive care and constant medical supervision. We will see to it, that he is well cared for; and as we are close by, we will 'take him out' on 'outings' to uplift his extremely frail and fragile spirit.

Tidbit - Take a deep breath, let it all go; and Rely on Him totally to Guide you; as He IS The Way, The Truth, and The Light.

Bittid - Live one day at a time; and Thank Him for each and every day! I love the above photo image; it warmly and gently, says it all.

God Bless.

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