Monday, 18 February 2008

Spring is in the air!

Good Evening, or whatever the applicable greeting is to you, in your part of the world.

It has been a full day; starting tres early. Just sat down for a brief bittid; have some tidbit things left to still do; before dinner time; and we are having company over for dinner! The food is already prepared; save just popping the dishes in our oven; and the Caesar Salad will be done closer to our dinner hour. The wine (South African) is already opened to breathe!

Tidbit - When you are on a 'roll'; keep at it, if you can! ie bittidically cleaning house in my case, or whatever it is you find yourself doing. Plus, the 'cleaning' is a good bit of a 'healing' process.

Bittid - Appreciate the comfort of your home!

Today it is gorgeous outside! And, while I have been tidying, the brilliant sunlight that is filtering in through various tids of our crystal pieces (ie wine decanters; the above 2 exquisite Green Glass Hatted Lady Head Vases (Sophia and Stephanie); etc, is tidbitically sparkling everywhere!

The red roses that Alan gave me for Valentine's Day, are just as beautiful; as are the 2 bouquets of wonderful fresh spring flowers from my children. "Spring is in the air"; and I have a 'spring in my step' today!

Once again, 'Happy Presidents Day' to all those who are celebrating the occasion.

Praise Him in All things!

God Bless.

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