Thursday, 28 February 2008

Do what is right in your hearts.

Good Morning, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of thw world.

As soon as my head hit the bit pillow last night, I was out like a light! The body lets you know when it is a tid tired, doesn't it? SLEEP, is always the best!

To post that we have a lot going on, is a bittid of an understatement! We have had deadlines for numerous projects; and, it is interesting how tidbit things all seem to happen at the same time!

This is the day Alan will be taking his Dad to the old age home; personal belonging, affects etc. Alan has had no help from his siblings; save that they are AGAINST whatever he says and does. I am looking very much forward to 'our day in court'. Sadly it did not have to be this way; however, when you are not heard and thus ignored, this is the only way. And, I repeat, 'Justice will be Served'. The angst is so huge aganist Alan, that Alan will be in a position to question the rational and motives of his siblings. Once this is all said and done, I am quite happy to have nothing to do with any of them - ever. However, He wants us to "Love one another, as I have Loved you"; so, we must still 'welcome them into the fold'; should 'they' wish to return. The Biblical and wonderful story of the 'Prodigal Son' keeps coming to my mind.

Our morning is in full swing; phone calls, the Dad; and getting him 'ready'(washed clothing etc). As I mentioned, he is extremely upset with all of the 'goings on'; and we feel his pain and deep sadness. He has dementia; yes; however, he would thrive in a 24/7 Personal HOME Care far better than in an institution; where he will not be receiving full care; as eluded to in yesterday's blog. We do have him on a 'waiting list' for the old age home of his wife's choice; and it is a lot cheaper and has a nice atmosphere for seniors. It is only 3 to 5 minutes away from us; however, if we can place him in our old apt, with 24/7 personalized HOME care; that would be better yet. Then when there is a spot available at this particular home, we can re-evaluate his circumstances at that time. He may then, require that type of institutionalized care as his disease progresses; but we are simply now doing our best to follow the Mum's wishes, the Dad's feelings, and what we also feel is right in our hearts. The siblings are not concerned that the Dad will be 'traumatized'; like 'he will get used to it...give him a week or two'. That is not the point. Like right now, he is crying; and repeatedly saying to us, that if it was anyone else but Alan, the siblings would listen and think ' great idea!'

Tidbit - I am glad that He will Prevail and I know, 'Justice will be Served'. I look forward to that day.

Bittid - Praise Him in All Things. Let Him be your Guide.

Bye for now. God Bless.

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