Saturday, 9 February 2008

Dignity is so vital!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Here is Saturday. Since we have been up from 7 am onwards (early for a Saturday, I think!), it has been a full bittidz day, thus far! We have been playing 'catch up' with our business; as we have let it 'slide' in favour of helping the parents etc. The projects do not go away; however, we are doing our best to deal with everything at once. The siblings have been a real source of 'irritation'. All I know is, that they are not going to be the winners in the end. That is a reassurance to me. Their behaviour is immature and just "not on" anymore. I have strongly suggested to Alan that he NOW has to 'lay down the law' to these 'people' who are just not 'getting it'. 'They' are totally disregarding their Mum's wishes; and are really imperically foisting themselves on her. Too little, too late, is what I feel. And yes, they have the right to see their Mum; but they are going to have to put 'their agenda' / anger mode aside for the few minutes allocated, to visit with the Mum. She is just plain worn out; and tires very quickly. However, she is very happy to be where she is!

None of the siblings believe Alan; they think he is lying. Hmmmmmm. NOT SO; as he is following his Mum's last wishes.

Have experienced those who DO lie; and am sure you can recognize the following 'dodge symptoms'. ie Protesting very loudly; accusations (towards Alan, in this case), which are unfounded and untrue; delays with supplying info; not wishing to directly speak with him etc. Running away; and turning things around, so as to avoid being 'exposed' themselves. Hmmmmmm. I could go on and on...however, no point; and it is a tidbitz draining, right? However, 'they' have, indeed, convicted themselves, 'by their words, actions, and deeds'; that is a very real and comforting thought to me. And, it did not ever have to be this way; however, the siblings have brought it ALL on themselves. None of us are perfect; definitely far from it! BUT, this is not right; and Alan (and I) are doing our best to help put things 'right!' AND, most importantly, we are LEANING on Him to put things right.

Tidbit - When you feel you are genuinely doing the 'right' thing, continue! And know, that when you RELY on His Guidance, His Wisdom, and Truth, that you are on the 'right' track.

Bittid - Be grateful and thankful for your health and for your Blessings. Have 'borrowed' this photo image again (post of Feb 4th); I just LOVE it! Dignity is so vital!

God Bless.

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