Friday, 8 February 2008

Sense of Humour

Back for a tid! The above photo image is titled, 'Strange sense of Humour', in a hotel room. I suppose it is a bit bizarre! However, I love the gorgeous simplicity of the maghonany table; and the unusual display! LOL! Reminds me of our cabinet collection of Lady Head Vases and Oyster Plates!

Tidbit - Humour helps! Or, as they say, 'when all else fails, have a sense of humour!'

Bittid - Appreciate genuine friendship of all ages! You can learn so much!

Should add that the neighbours tonight are all old enough to be our parents; so it will be an interesting and fun time! Thought you may have surmised that; and yet, I may be 'ready' to check myself into the above hotel room! LOL!

Til later. God Bless.

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