Friday, 8 February 2008

Neighbours can be Good!

A bit of an update! We are in a waiting mode; so a lot of things have been 'put on hold'; as this is a priority.

The 'plot gets thicker'. Hmmmmm. The other 2 siblings (not the one on the phone from yesterday) were at the entrance door of our old apt; and they were LIVID! The Mum does NOT wish to see them; or not right now...and Alan has been carrying out his Mum's wishes. You can refer to the last tid blogs about 'stuff', if you wish a bit of background. The 2 siblings were full of venom and accusations towards Alan; when they saw each other this morning. Alan, Thank God, chose to rise above it. The siblings' behaviour is really bad news; and it is of all their own doing. I am tempted to pick up the phone and call the other sibling; and give that person, my two tidbits worth! However, I must act with Grace as well, concerning all these bittids of emotions flying here and there.

I know things are 'happening for a reason'; and that there are 'some lessons to be learned', by us all. Also, I feel that 'they' are being 'EXPOSED' by their actions, words, and deeds re: towards the parents and Alan. And, the sad thing is, all this could have been avoided so easily. But, when you are confronted with seething rage, rancour, jealousy, envy, deceit, malice, piety, and confusion; hmmmmm. - Best to just leave it all to Him to handle. And, I have the Faith, that He will Provide what is the right, fair, and equitable Resolution.

Tidbit - We are fortunate that we have 'souls'; thus, we have freedom of CHOICE. We can make GOOD or bad choices. In this event, we choose to act in accordance with His Word and Will; and just to Rely on Him for Solution. In a bittid, we have the ability to make choices; best to always 'rise above it!'

Bittid - 'Love one another, as I have Loved you' is so true.

We have been invited over 'for drinks and cheese' at our neighbour's tonight, for a tidbit visit; and we can bring Alan's Dad with us! Interesting just lost his wife; one's wife just went into hospital; one's mother just passed away; and, the woman who is inviting us, has recently put her husband into a 'home'. So, this will be a good boost for each and every one of us. Apparently, these people would meet weekly at each others' homes; and it was a fun and casual way of 'keeping up with the neighbours!' LOL!

Will be back later. God Bless.

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