Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Peace of Mind

Good Evening, or whatever is an appropriate greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Today has come and gone! It has been a non stop treadmill. Am glad now to be enjoying a glass of red wine (South African!)and then retiring for the night, before too long.

As an update, Alan's Mum is leaving the hospital tomorrow morning; and will be driven by ambulance to our old home. When her time is up, she will be happy to pass away there; as opposed to dying in the hospital. (made mention of that in the last few tid blogs). The doctors, nurses, etc. have all been wonderful! We have been working on finding 24/7 for the Mum; and we are doing the best we can. The Dad will be going to be with her as well; and he needs the supervision and medical attention as well; but in a bit of a different way. We just need to come up with a bed for the 24/7; so we will be looking for one tomorrow; before the nurse arrives in the afternoon to start her shift.

Tidbit - Compassion, compassion, compassion. Be thankful for your health; and have empathy for others who are less fortunate than you. It is so easy to get upset and frustrated with those who have dementia or whatever; but it is NOT their fault! Must always remember that piece of tidbitz! And, do your bittidz best to be kind and gentle as best as possible. However, there are tidbitz moments when you have to assert yourself, because they are like a 'child' who does not understand; and thus a 'firm guidance' from time to time, is very much needed to keep things on an 'even keel'. It is a fine line, nonetheless.

Bittid - If you can go to bed at night, knowing you have done your best; then that is both rewarding and reassuring enough, to give you a peace of mind and comfort. I love the above photo image; but then, I love the ocean! Cheers.

With that, Good Night, and God Bless.

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