Tuesday 26 February 2008

It is night time! Night night!

Good Evening, or whatever is the applicable greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well, it has been a day of 'grieving'; we are all pretty tid tired from yesterday; which was the Memorial Service for Alan's Mum. We have kept a bit to ourselves today; ie. the Dad looking at photos and cards, reflecting and sleeping; Alan has been on the phone handling our business projects, as well as 'everything else'; and me, well? - Have been 'puttering about' and rearranging various shelves and cupboards; in between 'everything else'. May as well 'put out our stuff'; so that we can enjoy it; as opposed to it all sitting dormant under cover. Plus, it is a form of 'therapy' for me; because I LOVE to decorate; and this was like a 'Spring Cleaning Indoors' for me.

Tidbit - KNOW that He is ALWAYS with you; and RELY on Him to help you through everything.

Bittid - Be thankful for your health; and at the same time, have empathy for those that are not as fortunate...ie afflicted with disease etc.

Also, I have reflected about various 'friendships' I have had / have now; and I can honestly say that I can count on my fingers - 3 close friends; that are "true blue". I feel very Blessed that I have these 3 wonderful friends in my life; and they have 'shown up' like 'major troopers' at this sad time. I do not think they read this blog; save for one, who lives in another part of the world. You are all very special and dear to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Good Night and God Bless.

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