Saturday, 31 January 2009

'Al's Add Ons!'

As mentioned in my most recent post, here is 'Al's Add Ons!' If you wish (may be a tid helpful to you), you can refer to yesterday's bit post. The comment section; re: Professor Howdy and Alan, expressing our thoughts, is "quoted" below. Also, you may appreciate reading Professor Howdy's excellent blog, 'Thought & Humour' (found to the right, under 'Other Blogs').

"We do not disagree! We find with interest on the Lou Dobbs show yesterday, re: Union vs Non, that 50% of the Stimulus Package is geared to the Union Sector, which presently has a 2% unemployment rate. Of the entire employment number, only 12.5% belong to a Union. Also, Lou was saying that the Unions, which are primarily Government (Federal, State, and Municipal)plus Fire, Police, have contributed in excess of $40,000,000 in campaign contributions to left of centre politicans, this past 2 years.

It appears Obama and his cohorts, are and have assisted this group very quickly.

Up here in Canada, it is specifically disheartening to observe how the United States with its banking, securities, hedge funds, etc has allowed the thieves, deceivers, and extortionists, to go unpunished! The CEO's and executives of all of these firms, had to KNOW what the 'hell was going on' and subsequently, should be criminally charged, prosecuted and sent to jail! For their gross incompetence and greed, that has essentially compromised and contaminated all G-30 + economies, which has filtered down through the Freddy Macs,Fanny Mays, Bearsterns, Lehman Brothers, City Bank, AIG, MADOFF, etal etc etc. The collusion that occured between the Credit granting agencies down there, along with the banks, distorting data and knowing full well, that they were selling toxic assets? (paper) to other unsuspecting banks, investment houses, in the International arena is deplorable!

As we have seen, the 'house of cards' has fallen, which has and is creating fear, confusion, re: the unemployment numbers, losses across the board, on the NYX, TSX, and elswhere! The lack of confidence is depressing and all news medias keep 'stoking the fires!' Now, the Democrats want to get into a Protectionist mode to exasperbate the situation further!
Just 'spouting off!'"

January 31, 2009 11:08 AM

Love the above photo of our fireplace at night!

Peace be with you, Good Night, and God Bless.

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