Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Canadian Budget Speech

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting you to you, in your part of the world.

We have had a full bittid day. That being said, I would like to share Alan's eloquent words that express our tidbit joint views as per today's Canadian Budget Speech, we watched on the T.V. CBC news. Since we were unable to successfully email the CBC at their email address, we contacted a newspaper; and hopefully, this will also reach the ears of the CBC.

"We have been watching with interest since the last Federal Election at the shenanigans of the Opposition parties. ie Liberals 77 seats, the NDP 33 seats, and the Bloc Quebecois 50 seats. We should not forget that the Conservatives have 143 seats and the highest percentage of the popular vote of any party and has the widest level of support across the entire country. The Liberals, on the other hand, had the lowest percentage vote in their history under Dion.

The 3 'also rans' colluded or conspired to put all of their respective seats against the Conservatives to form a quasi self centered coalition to essentially create a coup d'etat.

Everyone knew that the day after the election, Dion was gone. That allowed three 'also rans' to vie for his position. Expediency dictated Michael Ignatieff to be the winner? Since that time, he has been declaring how he should spearhead this coalition and become the next PM by defeating the present, this day Federal Budget. As if he is a king maker!

The Bloc and the NDP have demonstrated their ignorance by declaring that they will not support this Budget; regardless! They have both spoken; especially Layton and his minions that a coalition government would be substantially better at running our country? Whereas, the voting public would definitely disagree! The NDP has support if we can call it that, of approximately 18% of the voting public. The Bloc literally only has support in Quebec. Their expressed reason for existence is to break up Canada and all the while, are at the public trough, re: their salaries, expense accounts, pensions, as well as $1.95 per vote per annum to continue their assault on the rest of us, outside Quebec.

Mr. Ignatieff has been pontificating at any and all turns that the Conservatives had better include all of the Liberals' positions in the forthcoming budget; and if not, at their peril by joining forces with the other 2 leaders??? to bring the government down on a vote of non-confidence. It should be noted that the NDP and the Liberals combined, can not meet the number of Conservatives in the House; and it is at the behest of the Bloc to dictate terms.

Re: Ignatieff's digesting the Budget, he is casting aspersions that as per the article by Andrew Mayeda of Canwest News Service, the Province, Sunday, January 25/09, that he openly states that the deficit that we presently have, was caused by the last majority Conservative Government of Brian Mulroney and giving credit to Jean Chretien and his bunch for eliminating the deficit. However, he fails to remember that it was Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his cronies that literally started the buildup of deficits since 1968, until his defeat by the Conservatives. They slowed it down; but it was so large, that it consumed in excess of 32% of total tax revenue to pay the interest. Also, the GST was specifically created to reduce the deficit and was to be discontinued after the annual deficit had been taken care of. This did not happen under Chretien or Martin's watch.

It still appears that the Liberals think that it is their predestined right to govern our nation; wherein they essentially only have minimal support throughout our great nation.

All 3 Opposition parties have been throwing mud at the Conservatives for the debaucle of the world financial melt down; whereas, if the truth be known, this dilema had very little to do with the goings on in Canada. We would be wise to listen to the World Bank, the IMF, and all major governments of the G-30, that Canada and its financial institutions are the most stable and best regulated than any nation in the world!!

Shouldn't the Opposition parties be part of the solution, rather than not??? We have not heard of one concrete suggestion from any of them, as to what they would do to take care of ' the average Canadian family '. Why not?

The policies of the Conservatives over these past 2 years has quite literally foisted us to the top of the free world's totem pole. We should be thankful and appreciative of their efforts and support them to help all of us get out of this global economic difficulty, as smoothly and efficiently as possible."

Will be back tomorrow.

Good Night and God Bless.

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