Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Present political mess in Ottawa

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Interesting times! ie our Canadian Budget Speech and / or our present political mess in Ottawa. At the moment, it is being suggested that Liberal Leader Michael Ingatieff, is putting the Conservative government on 'probation'; ie if the Liberals support the Budget, the Conservatives must currrently yield to their demands / ammendments. In other words - 'with strings attached'. Excuse me; Is this genuinely good for the whole of Canada, to be held up for 'ransom' in such a manner? Brother, if I were a Liberal, I would strongly consider crossing the floor to the Conservatives camp asap! The behaviour exhibited by Ignatieff, is NOT in the best interest of our Nation. His face displays his approach. Plus, if an election had to be called (again!), methinks that the Conservatives would be given a resounding majority government! They did not create the financial mess; it goes back to 'Trudeau and the boys'. 'Selective memory' comes to mind; how quickly one 'conveniently forgets?' To add, a futher 'comedy of errors' - NDP Leader, Jack Layton is royally 'ticked off' at Ignatieff's latest remarks, and appears to be saying no to a 'coalition'. Plus the Bloc are upset because they feel they are not receiving enough benefits for 'their Quebecois'. You can refer to my post of yesterday, that Alan eloquently shared our views.

Am going to include some tidbits that I included from my January 25th post,'Blessings'; as a recap for some later bittids.

"This morning I was up early, full of joyful anticipation for the 3 programs on the Vision Channel. Had my cup of coffee, mind, heart, pen and paper ready! (You can refer to yesterday's post for a bit of background, if you wish). I will share a few tidbitz thoughts within the week; however, to do yourselves the best bittidz, please tune into their wonderful teachings and messages of encouragement.

Will say, that on 'Hour of Power', there were some wonderful guest speakers! If you think you are having your challenges and thensome, please read about Patrick Henry Hughes, as per his courage and touching story; and you may rethink your situation(s) again. Also, Pastor Bill Hybels, from Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, Illinois gives invaluable and genuine insights about 'taking a stand!' etc. Both Alan and I think Bill Hybels is a 'special' man; and a heartfelt 'thank you' goes out to him!

On 'Enjoying Everyday Life', Joyce Meyer basically shares about having a 'healthy self image and to get right with God.' Also 'to enjoy the journey along the way'; and 'the less you think about yourself, the happier you will be'. Best to check into her as well; she is great and right down to earth!

On 'Living Truth', Charles Price is starting a series on the 'dynamics of an effective Church'; as well as the dangers of a 'dead' Church. (ie Church of Sardis in Revelations). Eventhough, I have made bittid notes to post a tidbit or few, still best to check out his excellent teachings for yourselves! In other words, take the iniative to 'find out more', if you truly wish to gain more knowledge and Truth. I am currently reading 'Revelation Unveiled' by Tim LaHaye; very interesting and timely book!

Also, while we were watching 'Hour of Power', Alan commented that I had a 'rainbow' on my face! Of course, I could not see it; but he did! We have a beautiful cut crystal antique ashtray; and the brilliant sunshine that was streaming in through our front windows, created a prism and thus a rainbow! I LOVE rainbows; so that was another Blessing!"

We have another full day; however hope to be back later. In the meantime, am going to Pray an Intercessary Prayer for Parliament; and ALL those involved in the process. May their hearts be touched by 'Understanding, Grace, Guidance, Humility, and Empathy etc by Him. Also, may they hear and follow 'His Words of Wisdom' to Direct them into making the best and right decisions for Canada, AS A WHOLE! How about putting the partisan politics aside!

God Bless.

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