Friday, 23 January 2009

It is the weekend! Hurrah!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Whew! Had a full tidbitz day; and am about to call it a tid night and watch a couple of movies.

We have been working on various bit projects; and in the early evening, we received a return phone call from a financier (who 'thinks outside the box'), who may be able to offer us some quality and reasonable assistance with our 'small business'. As per yesterday's post, the banks at this time, appear to be 'more of a hindrance, than a help'. We will provide the information requested; and he will have what he needs by Monday morning.

Tidbit - Appreciate the end of a day; and just 'chill out'. Put all matters 'to bed' or to 'rest' for the night. Sometimes when times are tough, it takes extra courage to reach out to Him for His Help. However, when you Ask Him to carry your burdens etc; you immediately feel uplifted; as if a huge weight has been removed from your shoulders and heart! Plus, you will have a much better bittidz sleep!

Bittid - 'Praise Him In ALL Things' during both the good and the bad times. However, it is even more important to remember and joyfully acknowledge Him in the good times! After a while,(because you have genuinely accepted Him into your heart) it becomes 'second nature" to always Thank Him for all your Blessings.

I love the above photo image; have written a few posts about that wonderful plate, which we really enjoy! (See November 4th post etc if you wish).

Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.

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