Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Be on Fire!

Good Evening!

Want to share a few bittidz thoughts, re: the International Biblical teachings from Charles Price, of 'Living Truth'. Also, a tidbitz about the meaningful movie, 'The Solid Gold Cadillac'.

This past Sunday, Charles honoured the memory of Dr. Smith; who founded the Peoples Church in Toronto, some 79 years ago. Dr. Oswald J. Smith is the author of 'Fire in His Bones'; and was one of the world's leading Evangelists of his time. Charles was offering, that one must have 'passion' or a 'fire' within one's heart; particularly, when one is sharing the Word of God. Makes sense to me! Also, for Ministers, it can be even tougher; because one must have the live enthusiasm and genuine motivation to share the Good News.

It is when you are at your weakest moments, God steps in. 'You can never be too weak, too poor, or too simple for Him to help you.' Yet, there may be times, when one's circumstances; ie being too strong, too rich, or too complicated in oneself, for one to 'give Him room', so that He can step in. ie. He wants us to ALWAYS Rely on Him; and not upon our own understandings. There is also, the tendency to be a 'fair weather friend' - ie 'When the sun is shining, and the skies are blue', we might not acknowledge or Praise Him as we should; save for 'when our backs are against the wall.' Methinks best to 'Praise Him In ALL Things - in ALL circumstances, 'good, bad, or indifferent'.

In all honesty, I can not do Charles Price enough justice. If you wish to gain a depth of his knowledge and empowering insights, please do yourselves a tidbit favour, and check into his website: I do not think you will be disappointed! Then what little bittidz I am sharing, will definitely make a lot more sense to you! In a tidbitz, 'Be on Fire! Thank you Charles; both Alan and I think you are great; and we really appreciate your invaluable teachings!

Last night, regardless of us being weary, we thoroughly enjoyed the movie, 'The Solid Gold Cadillac', with Judy Holliday and Paul Douglas. The casting for all the bittid parts were excellent; and I identified with her 'spunk!' Good on her for persistently 'sticking to her guns' as a shareholder and questionning the operations of the 'head honchos'. It is well worth watching; and the 1956 movie was in 'black and white' til the ending, which was in wonderful 'colour!'

This movie makes me think of what has been happening in today's world; ie the greed and power of various CEOs' and individuals (ie Madoff) who have predatorily made themselves, 'rich' at the grave expense of others. I have seen Judy Holliday in some other films; and she was a 'brilliant' actress; eventhough she generally portrayed the parts of a 'dumb blonde'. She definitely, was NOT 'so dumb!' LOL! I love the above photo image of her stance and her 'plucky' spirit; stepping confidently and joyfully out of her solid gold cadillac!

Hope your tid spirits are uplifted a bit, with some of these tidbits and bittids!

Good Night and God Bless.

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