Sunday, 25 January 2009


Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a wonderful day; and it is still light out! Nice that the days are becoming longer! The weather, albeit very cold, was gorgeous! Bright blue skies, brilliant sunshine, and fresh snow on the majestic mountains.

The 'three of us'; Alan, Blue, and I enjoyed an afternoon exhuberant walk, which was so invigorating and refreshing! Ran into a couple of neighbours; and one of whom was a good friend of my parents. I had no idea she was living here; so we made a new friend. We have been invited over to her home; and we look forward to a visit with her.

Also, wore a black 'pea coat', I have not worn for awhile (given to me 6 years ago for Christmas, by my daughter); and it looks great; if I tid say so myself! LOL! The tale gets better! I was 'on fumes' with my bright pink lipstick (one of my 'trademarks', so I am told! LOL!); and lo and behold, when I put my hands into the jacket / coat pocket, tube of lipstick shows up. Wow! The strange thing is, that I had 'misplaced' a new tube of lipstick a few years ago; and now it has been 'found'; as good as ever! Plus, reacquainted myself with a warm jacket, perfect for chilly temperatures!

I just took the above 2 photos. My Norwegian Grandmother did the fine embroidery on 2 matching lovely old antique chairs; which are situated in our bedroom bay window area, that overlooks the wondrous 'parklike' setting, as well as the magnificent coastal mountains in the distance, across the ocean. As you can see, on the chair, there is a bittid pillow with a lipstick! LOL! My lipstick colour is almost identical to the vibrant pink lipstick and writing, illustrated on the pillow! 'Put on a little lipstick. You'll be fine!' Guess the name of the lipstick! 'Pink Vibrations', from Elizabeth Arden. Thought that was an amusing, but a most true tidbit! Always good to have a sense of humour! LOL!

This morning I was up early, full of joyful anticipation for the 3 programs on the Vision Channel. Had my cup of coffee, mind, heart, pen and paper ready! (You can refer to yesterday's post for a bit of background, if you wish). I will share a few tidbitz thoughts within the week; however, to do yourselves the best bittidz, please tune into their wonderful teachings and messages of encouragement.

Will say, that on 'Hour of Power', there were some wonderful guest speakers! If you think you are having your challenges and thensome, please read about Patrick Henry Hughes, as per his courage and touching story; and you may rethink your situation(s) again. Also, Pastor Bill Hybels, from Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, Illinois gives invaluable and genuine insights about 'taking a stand!' etc. Both Alan and I think Bill Hybels is a 'special' man; and a heartfelt 'thank you' goes out to him!

On 'Enjoying Everyday Life', Joyce Meyer basically shares about having a 'healthy self image and to get right with God.' Also 'to enjoy the journey along the way'; and 'the less you think about yourself, the happier you will be'. Best to check into her as well; she is great and right down to earth!

On 'Living Truth', Charles Price is starting a series on the 'dynamics of an effective Church'; as well as the dangers of a 'dead' Church. (ie Church of Sardis in Revelations). Eventhough, I have made bittid notes to post a tidbit or few, still best to check out his excellent teachings for yourselves! In other words, take the iniative to 'find out more', if you truly wish to gain more knowledge and Truth. I am currently reading 'Revelation Unveiled' by Tim LaHaye; very interesting and timely book!

Also, while we were watching 'Hour of Power', Alan commented that I had a 'rainbow' on my face! Of course, I could not see it; but he did! We have a beautiful cut crystal antique ashtray; and the brilliant sunshine that was streaming in through our front windows, created a prism and thus a rainbow! I LOVE rainbows; so that was another Blessing!

Want to expand a bittid on 'Stop - Loss', that was included in my tidbit post yesterday. I added and changed my original content; because we are aghast that this actually happened or happens. Here are my revised words, for quick referral; although you may wish to refer to the post. "Also watched 'Stop - Loss' last night; very impactful movie, of what took place in real life. We hope and Pray those situations have been remedied; and / or if not, will be changed".

Eventhough we are Canadians, we were dismayed while viewing the movie, 'Stop - Loss'; in that when the decorated hero in the U.S. Army came home after his final 'tour', he was arbitrarily ordered to return to the front for another 'tour'. What a massive 'let down!' It was (hopefully it is now a 'WAS' scenario) disgraceful, that these courageous men, who had already endured major traumatic experiences, as well as suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome, were coercised and treated in such an insensitive way. To boot, families were torn apart!

We can appreciate 'doing one's duty'; however, this practically defies / defeats 'the concept of Freedom in a Democracy', methinks humbly. However, we are Prayful that these unfeeling decisions have been been corrected; and / or these particular injustices are rectified. The 'powers that be' in my opinion, should be more compassionate and understanding; it reminds me of the saying: 'You can not judge a person or circumstance, until you have walked a mile in his shoes'.

Tidbit - He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT - always!

Bittid - Be thankful for the 'little things'; as in small and simple Blessings! Today, I enjoyed quite a few! LOL!

Am presently appreciating a glass of South African red wine. Skal! For dinner, we are having baked chicken, a la 'Shake and Bake', parmesan & herb roasted potatoes, and my mixed creative combination of a healthy Green / Caesar salad. 'Keeping it simple', but good! Alan has already prepared and put the chicken and potatoes in our oven; and such a wonderful smell is permeating throughout our house!

Here is wishing you a nice evening and may you have a good start to your day etc! 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'

Peace and God Bless.

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