Thursday, 29 January 2009

It feels like a Friday!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have had a very full bittid day; feels as if it is a 'Friday'; and it is only Thursday! Alan and I put out various tid 'brush fires', had appointments, made numerous phone calls, the works! Also, we enjoyed some tidbit Blessings; re: our business; time will tell!

I love the humour in the good tidbit question asked today, by Professor Howdy: 'How's Canada today???' (You can refer to my post and comment section, of January 27th 'Canadian Budget Speech'; as well as my post of January 28th & comment section for tidbitz background!) Professor Howdy's Blog - 'Thought and Humour' is excellent!

My bittid response - "Currently, it is the 'same old, same old'. ie. 'After reflecting on things', Liberal Leader Ignatieff is saying he will support the budget. BUT, he is only demanding quarterly reports (which are available anyway).

'He is posturing as if he is the 'king maker', when in actual fact, if he did not approve the budget, and forced an election, he would invariably lose! That being said, it would appear that the coalition between the NDP and the Bloc Quebecois has been terminated. They are very angry at the Liberals for not adopting an Opposition Coalition. Political analysts up here commented that it was the weakest possible posture he could take! And yet, 'he still pounded his chest', as if the government would stand or fall on his input!" (Alan's "words" here; eloquently expressing our sentiments)'.

Do I dare ask how the United States is doing today? ie. Governor Blagojevich;
President Obama's 'stimulus package' etc. (the stimulus package, as worded currently, appears to be a bit frightening to us Canadians, as we are thinking 'protectionism').

We are looking forward to February 19th; whereby President Obama and Prime Minister Harper will meet in Ottawa, to work towards building a better future. ie NAFTA etc. It will be an exciting day in our history!"

To 'lighten things up' a bit, here are 4 pictures I took later this afternoon. One photo is of our den / family room / T.V. room; displaying our shelf of wonderful Horse Head Vases! It has been dark and overcast day; so when the sunshine is back, will take another photo of our 'Horsies'; as this picture, methinks, does not do them enough justice! The picture with Blue, is in our front hall; whereby, the cut crystal antique ashtray (mentioned in posts of 'Blessings' -January 25th & also in yesterday's comments of 'Present political mess in Ottawa') is resting upon the 400 year old antique Norwegian 'throne like' large chair. The other matching blue chair, as you can see, is in our living room; and I had cushions made to complement them! The 2 other photos are my 'attempts' at showing this beautiful crystal ashtray. This ashtray (resides in our family room), is stunning whenever the sun's rays fall upon it! Prisms of colours are created 'everywhere'; hence mini & multi scattered rainbows throughout the room!

Am enjoying a glass of our red South African wine. Skal! Glad that evening is now upon us. Tomorrow, we have an early bittidz start; a downtown appointment at 9:30; and before you know it, it will be nightfall again!

Tidbit - Take joy in the 'little things'. ie prisms or whatever makes you smile and or laugh!

Bittid - When you feel a 'peace' and a calm, you know He is working within you, towards a greater Purpose! Have the Faith to daily endure, and 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

Good Night and God Bless.

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