Monday, 10 November 2008

Remember in Rememberance!

Remember in Rememberance!

The first 3 tid paragraphs (including the Tidbit and Bittid) are from my post of November 11, 2007; and eventhough there are a few different tidbitz details, I wanted to share it again. I thought I would help 'sow the seed' of remembering and honouring Rememberance Day, which is tomorrow, Nov 11, 2008; as well as reflecting upon the changing times.

Also, if you wish, you can refer to yesterday's post and other posts Nov 18, 2007 & Nov 25, 2007 etc for more info about Dr. Robert Schuller - 'Hour of Power'; Joyce Meyer - 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and Charles Price - 'Living Truth'.

"That covers so many subjects; and today, November 11th, is a day to do just that! In that, it is both reflective, and being thankful for what we have been given; and at the cost of so many lives. Our freedom. And we also 'Praise Him in All Things'.

Tidbit - For those of you who wish to learn more about Him (Jesus Christ), see if you can hear or listen to today's message, on the Vision Channel (Ch 105); ie. "Hour of Prayer" (Robert Schuller), Joyce Meyer, then Charles Price. You can access them by computer; or, if you are not near a computer, possibly via a radio broadcast or T.V. I enjoyed my reflective and quiet time this am. It is so true that He can make the ordinary into the extraordinary. ie the Miracle of the Water being changed into Wine. We are like the water; but it is Him who provides the rest.

Bittid - Open your hearts; and with Him, all things ARE possible. Just have the FAITH in Him. That is where it is at. And today, is certainly a most memorable one, as well; 'Lest We Forget'"

Perhaps because of what is going on around the globe today, Rememberance Day holds an even more significant meaning for me this year. We have that much more, to be thankful for; and it is, indeed, about FREEDOM. The unselfish and courageous acts of all those, who gave of their lives to make the world a better place for us all. Our parents, grandparents, great grandparents, other family relatives, and so forth, did not have the opportunities that we all enjoy so readily in today's world. In some respects, their lives were a lot simpler; and I feel we should get back to the
simple bit 'basics' and be sppreciative for ALL our Blessings and take nothing for granted.

Tidbit - Be genuinely grateful for each and every day! ie Freedom! Wear your Poppy on your left lapel proudly! I have noticed many more people wearing the Poppy this year; people of all ages, both 'young and old'. It is a very touching bittidz to observe!

Bittid - Cherish your good friends and family; and let them know they are 'special' to you. 'A little praise goes a long way!'

Love the awesome Biblical story about the Miracle of the Water being changed into Wine! Writing of wine, I am about to enjoy a glass of our South African Red wine (Two Oceans) and say a Norwegian toast to, 'Absent Friends'. I think it is a very appropriate toast to all those who are no longer here and / or who have given of their lives for our freedom.

Good Night and God Bless, til tomorrow.

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