Saturday, 22 November 2008

Refreshing your thoughts!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Had a sound night's rest; and woke up to a beautiful sunny morning! Mentioned in yesterday's post, that my ears are still a bit 'plugged'; a very strange feeling. Alan has experienced the same with his ears; however, when he went to his doctor yesterday, he was given some antibacterial ointment; and that gentle 'cloud nine' cream has helped a tid! There is a generous tidbitical amount (for the 2 of us; or so it would appear!) in a bittidical container; and it is most soothing; as in 'music to one's ears!'

Earlier today, I was 'checking out' Ebay and other websites re: Lady Head Vases, and they have still retained their value. (You can refer to my post, 'Enjoy the Journey', of Nov 14th, if you wish some bittidz background).

Tidbit - Eventhough we are all going through tougher times, best not to sell yourself short. ie If you are a 'collector' of quality pieces, they will hold true; and if you can 'hold off' from selling them, do so. (Unless you just want to unload them). However, if you must sell (whatever it may be), be astute to create an equitable / fair play 'win win' scenario for all those who participate.

Bittid - Everyone (or mostly everyone) is experiencing these tough and 'leaner' times. We are simply cutting back and prioritizing ALL expenses. 'Leaner times' can be viewed as a positive encouragement; and 'keeping things simple', works best! Also, when one is genuinely appreciative of one's Blessings, it gives one 'an edge!' As Dr. Robert Schuller Snr ('Hour of Power') says, 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going!' (You can see November 1st post, if you would like a further tidbitz tale).

We have also received some interesting tidbits today; however, we are waiting til various bittids fall solidly into place. It is said that, 'When one door closes, another door opens!' That is where we presently find ourselves; and we are calmly confident that He has opened a new door for us; and for the better!

Here is wishing you a peaceful and joyful Saturday and Sunday! I love the above majestic photo image; looks very similar to our gorgeous 'wind free' day today!

God Bless.

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