Monday 24 November 2008

'Happy Feet'

Good Afternoon,

Our morning appointment has been put 'on hold'; as there were some delays at the other end. Meanwhile, we have attended to some other bittidz matters that arose today; so as they say, 'better laid plans of mice and men'.

Forgot to mention, that last night, we watched and thoroughly enjoyed the animated movie, 'Happy Feet'. For those of you who 'think outside the box', or 'march to a different drummer', etc, this is an exceptionally encouraging show! I LOVED it! And good on the emperor penguin,(type of penguin) who 'dared to be different' and danced to a different tune. It also ties in with the tidbitz I shared yesterday re: John Maxwell's comments about 'running the race'. ie Noah and David; about making a difference and not allowing limitations to overcome you. Most insightful and delightful; very upbeat!

Thought this might give you a bit of a boost for your tid spirits! I just LOVE this photo image! Happy Happy!

Til later.

God Bless.

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