Monday, 17 November 2008

A quiet & reflective Monday morning!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Here are some tidbitz from 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller), 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer). and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price), that I found insightful to me. As I suggested in yesterday's post, best for you to check these wonderful International Bible Teachers out for yourselves; to do you and them the best justice.

'Hour of Power' - Dr. Robert Schuller had a couple of inspirational guests. One of them was a woman called Marilyn Carlton Nelson, and what a powerful lady & CEO she is! She has written a book called, 'How To Lead Matters'; and she has her own personal story to tell. She was sharing also, that when she was a young girl, she decided she no longer wished to attend Sunday School; well her father did not approve of her sentiment. In fact, he suggested to her to make a list of how to "Fix It"; inasmuch as she did not like the current set up. So, she had an early start in making 'management' changes and thus, making a difference. She is a very lovely woman; and I recommend you read her story. She tragically lost a daughter, (age 19), in a car accident; and eventhough she was angry; (like, how could God do this?) she made a decision. - To make the best of each and every day; as her daughter was no longer alive to do so. That really touched a bittidz chord within me. Can not imagine what it would be like to lose a child; my hat goes off to her courage and Faith in Him.

The other guest was Lee Strobel; his background included being a professor (at Yale?), a lawyer, a legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, an author, and now a Pastor. He was doing his bittid best to prove that Jesus was not for real; as he believed himself to be an 'atheist'. To make a long story short (he candidly told a bit of his story as well;), he has written a book called, 'The Case For The Real Jesus'. He found that, indeed, Jesus IS real; and when he accepted Christ as His Saviour, his life soon CHANGED for the better and to the GOOD! His wife was a Christian; and she was always so positive and upbeat; and he thought perhaps her way is better! His young daughter, age 5 at the time, when she saw the transformation in her Dad, she accepted Jesus into her heart. This was also a touching tidbit story.

Dr. Robert Schuller was sharing that although the attendance is up at Crystal Cathedral, they are experiencing a 'tough time' economically; and therefore, he and all his staff are taking a 20% cut in their wages (some of whom, who are not paid high wages anyway). It tid hit me that in order for us to hear and watch his televised programs (as well other televised ministries), there are expenses; so whomever can help out by donating, would be much appreciated by 'Hour of Power'.

'Enjoying Everyday Life' - Joyce Meyer was outstanding as well! I liked what she said, ie ' If the devil isn't bothering you, then maybe you aren't bothering him'; as if to suggest that we need to 'declare war' and actually be 'doing' what we spiritually say we are going to do in His Service. The evil one does not want anyone to succeed, ie inviting Christ into one's heart. It could be interpreted as a compliment when life throws bittidical difficulties our way to distract us; and he wishes to set up tidbitical obstacles to prevent us from reaching our goals. You do not go out of your way, to look for the devil; (he will definitely find you; as he is always lurking in the background, like a hungry lion waiting to pounce and devour); so, you need to be always 'on the alert'; because he is real; eventhough he does not want you to think he exists.

A tidbit - 'When we prevail in Christ, we will be stronger for it and be better equipped for the future assaults. Remember Christ equips us as needed; at the precise moment that it is needed for you to overcome this specific personal dilema. Continue to have Faith in Him and in this scenario'. Thank you Alan, for your eloquent tidbitz here.

Joyce was also sharing that PATIENCE and Obeying Him, is to the good; and when we put God first, He puts us first. I recommend you tune in to her televised series as well; and as Joyce says, 'Trade in a wishbone to get a backbone'. I like that active thought! Also, she has recently been in India, and is making a positive difference there. Methinks, donations to 'Enjoying Everyday Life', would go a long way to help some of those unfortuante people; ie women whose only way to survive is to live off the avails of prostitution.

'Living Truth' - 'Charles Price was wanting to remind us that we must come to a place where we are genuinely desirous of participating in the Christian Body, in ways that uplift individuals by our conduct, in giving of ourselves of our resources. It is a privilege to give and to tithe, wherever one feels the need to do so; and to always do it in a generosity of spirit; as well as quietly and anonymously. To do so, under His Direction. When one has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and one lives moment by moment, and day by day, it becomes second nature; and the more that it is done, the more natural it becomes'.

Thank you again, Alan. He helped me sum up what Charles was sharing on 'Living Truth'; and it is so true about Giving and Giving Cheerfully! I would recommend watching his televised programs as well; and to donate to 'Living Truth'. 'Lead us, so our hearts can be in tune with Him'; is a wonderful Prayer that Charles expressed yesterday.

Bittid - Be a 'Giver', with a generosity of spirit! If you are having your challenges, as soon as you think of others; even by giving someone a smile, you not only brighten up their day, but yours as well.

Have to confess, that this morning I am a bittid stiff! LOL! Tidbit muscles I have not used in a long time! Have to get back to the Tony Gazelle walking machine! Good on Joyce Meyer for her workouts and trainings; and sticking with it! The results show! Another tidbit she shared, was about 'jealousy'; and that people may be jealous of her. I know of what she says; and I agree with her thoughts totally! What also comes to my mind, is that we are all 'special' in our own unique way; so remember that; and focus on the positives, rather than the negatives.

Must go for now; however, I am appreciative of this quiet Monday morning (cup of coffee and all our Blessings!). We have decided to be 'patient', and to SIMPLY enjoy today and whatever unfolds. That works best! As mentioned in recent posts, we are in a 'waiting' mode for 'fruition' of various projects; and in FAITH, we are 'waiting' - patiently and with a joyful heart!

Dr. Robert Schuller, Joyce Meyer, and Charles Price all provide vast knowledge, illumination, and encouragement! Hope you diligently check them out; or as I say, 'check them in!' They have excellent resources; and you may discover that your life (and others whom you care about it) will be changed for the better!

Eventhough the above photo image is 'summery', I love the peaceful and calm ambience it portrays. My daughter, her husband, and their little boys (our twin grandsons; age 2 years!) are now in Hawaii, for a vacation; and no doubt, they will enjoy a great week! Aloha!

God Bless.

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