Friday, 31 October 2008

Food for thought!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a very productive and positive day! Mind you, we jumped through a fair bittidz of hoops; but then it became a tidbitz easier, in the sense, that things just started to 'flow'. We, like most people, have been affected by the global financial crunch, due to the greed of certain CEOs' in the United States. However, we have chosen to remain focused and calm; and not panic, albeit doing a few tidbit 'creative' acrobatics!

Tidbit - Robert Schuller said 2 or 3 weeks ago (You can refer to those posts, if you wish),"If you are down to nothing, He is up to something!" I keep hearing those very words, within my head; and it is all about having FAITH in Him to Provide Solutions.

We did have a few bittid challenges earlier in the day; however, things took a change for the better and to the GOOD! I feel He is Guiding us through this 'storm'; and is the Answer to our Prayers!

Glad it is the evening; and Friday night again! We are going to enjoy this weekend at home and appreciate ALL our Blessings, as we have much to be thankful for! Also, love the above photo image! Alan and I are going to savour the leftover steak from last night! (You can refer to yesterday's post, if you wish).

Bittid - Out of adversity, comes Humility, Strength, and Gratitude.

Good Night and God Bless.

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Alan's tidbits re: the U.S. Election

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in this part of the world!

It has been an 'interesting' day. NOTHING visible; and yet, LOTS from 'behind the scenes'; if that makes any bittid sense!

Today, we have had various 'fires to put out', and still have a number of hurdles to overcome. However, we are doing our best to rise above all these challenges (as well as the unexpected ones) and are CHOOSING to remain focused on POSITIVE outcomes. It IS a matter of simply 'waiting' upon Him to supply Solutions and also, to not RELY on our own understandings.

There is so much 'doom and gloom' being forecasted around the globe; and it definitely is creating a 'domino effect' of pessimism throughout the world. GRRRRRR. A tidbit here, is to calmly just keep on 'trekking', much like the 'energizer bunny!' LOL! The saying, 'When the going gets rough, the tough get going'. We are sticking to that inspirational slogan!

It is a miserable rainy night; and we are thankful to be home! Have lit a nice cosy fire, and appreciating a mellow glass of South African Red Wine! For our dinner, we are going to enjoy a large Costco steak, that Alan has marinated for most of the day! Mmmmmm. Very tender! There is enough steak for 3 or 4 people; so the steak can be sliced diagonally to 'stretch' towards another meal! Steak a la Diane style! Plus corn, sauteed sweet peas, mashed potatoes (Alan adds a bit butter and a tid of garlic! Mmmmm - Garlic is good for your heart, so they say!).

Will be tuned in to the CNN coverage of the upcoming U.S. Election. It gets down to one bittidz, you are either a Republican or a Democrat; it is that tidbitz simple. Those are my bittid words. (If you wish some background bittids, you can refer to Please Vote!, as per my post of October 25th).

Both Alan and I are of the same mind; however, these are Alan's own words in this paragraph, as well as in the next 9 paragraphs! - The telling of the tale is that two years ago Senator Obama (a 2 yr Junior Senator) and Senator John McCain, both mutually agreed that they would agree to both adhere to the Federally placed financial arrangements available to the 2 principal candidates.

Subsequently, Senator Obama broke his word and decided that he would not adhere to this understanding, and went and raised money independently. As we have seen, he has had a phenomenal response from the public. To the tune of $750,000,000 in donations. READ that last sentence again! That has allowed him throughout and at this late stage, to produce an 'info commercial' ; wherein he bought one half hour of U.S. PRIME TIME TV on 5 or 6 U.S. Network stations to present his story? Also, he has been able to outspend Senator McCain pretty well 4 - 1 in advertisements etc.

It is unfortunate - eventhough it was well done - that Senator Obama broke his word, which allowed him to do this in the first place. Senator Obama is a wonderful speaker, but if you listen to him carefully, he really does not say much. Change is needed, Pray tell, what change?

'Everyone wants everyone to be happy, and have a good job, and no debt, and have a great education, and have no disease, and have fully paid university tuition, and a fully funded health care system that nobody pays for, and everyone is happy'.

Daily on CNN, they have a pundit, that goes over the previous day's utterances of both candidates; not only in their 3 debates, but every major speech; and we, as Canadians, find it very strange that on many occasions, Senator Obama is quite literally not telling the truth. Everyone seems to be mesmorized by his oratory, and the fact that he is an African American. He has less administrative experience than both Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin. There does seem to be a bias that benefits Senator Obama and everyone seems to be so derisive of Governor Sarah Palin re: her looks, her glasses, her figure, her clothes? She has more qualifications / experience to be Vice President than Senator Obama has to be President!

The philosophical difference between a Democrat and a Republican is essentially the Democrats tax the rich, ie wealthy individuals and corporations, that actually create jobs and wealth. The Democrats then 'spread this wealth' to those less able to create wealth themselves. Also, they have a tendency to expand the size of government and run deficits to obtain their goals.

In Canada, we have the Conservatives / Republicans (Right of centre) and the Liberals, NDP / Democrats (Left of centre).

It would be wonderful to see that both parties could actually get together in the House of Representatives and the Senate to work in a bi partisan fashion to create whatever Legislative changes that are deemed to be necessary, so that there can be ongoing harmony to enhance all the citizens of the United States to greater levels of prosperity, security, and enlightenment.

The United States of America is a fantastic Nation, that has demonstrated throughout their history, to be ready, willing, and able to help any and all Nations that have asked or are in need of their help. That being said, they must become more understanding from a Foreign Affairs perspective to try to use a 'velvet glove' more often than not. Fully aware that we must always be vigilant against our enemies. It would go a long way if they, as a Nation, could become more aware and more understanding of their allies and their enemies, so that they can eventually become more inclusive, that would create a more secure planet, than at present.

The G7 / G8 / G20 / G30 (of which the U.S.A. is the dominant player) must use their influence at this time in world history to be a guiding light; wherein, the economic, military, political, and social goals can be achieved and implemented with transparency. This would allow all Nations to achieve a greater level of economic prosperity, education, health, understanding, and security for all.

Thank you Alan, for your simple eloquence in expressing our views.

Good Night and God Bless.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008


Good Evening,

Can not believe where the day has gone! We have been doing 'admininstrative' 'stuff' today; and quite literally, it has taken at least 6 hours! A lot of bittidz was accomplished! We are fortunate that our 'office' is at home! It is a dreary, dark, dull day; and we have really appreciated our abode, as well as enjoying the warmth of a cosy fire, whilst we tackled various projects.

We have a number of classic stone marble coasters scattered about our house, and I would like to share their uplifting tidbitz messages with you! 'The HEART that loves is ALWAYS YOUNG'. 'Live, Love, Laugh', 'Seize The Day' (Carpe Diem), 'Know thyself' (Nosce Te Ipsum), 'Genius Is Only Great Patience', and 'When In Doubt Add More Wine'. These are wonderful sayings; I love them all! However, at the bit moment, am embracing being 'young at heart'; as well as having the calm patience of 'waiting' upon Him; AND, 'enjoying the journey' - as in appreciating a tid glass of South African red wine! Skal!

Hope this is a bittid of good cheer to you; and the 'tidbit' is - Be joyful and thankful for ALL your Blessings, each and every day! Love the above photo image, that I have happily utilized in earlier and recent posts!

God Bless.

Enjoy a Morning Calm

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you in your part of the world!

A tidbit to start your day. 'Enjoying Everyday Life', (Joyce Meyer) amd 'Hour of Power', (the Schullers) are also wonderfully involved with international ministries; and we will give donations to them as well, as soon as our financial timing is better for us. The same goes for 'Living Truth',(Charles Price) and the South African partnerships. (If you wish, you can refer to my posts of Sunday, Monday, and yesterday for a tid of info). Once again, if you need a bittid of an uplift, check out (or check in!) their websites for encouragement and knowledge. It is said that, 'knowledge is power'.

Had a solid sleep last night; in fact was up early. Alan slept in; which was good; he now has this fluey bit 'bug' and his knee is really bothering him. Alan just brought me my second cup of coffee. which I am extra appreciative of, on this cloudy, dark fall morning. Our Blue had slept in as well; so it was just me who was up a tid before everyone else. There is a quiet hush; somewhat strange, however it is very peaceful.

Tidbit - Be calm, do not panic, enjoy the 'wait' and Solution from Him. He says, 'Do not rely on your own understanding'. He wants us to totally depend and lean upon Him for everything! We do our best! Sometimes, that requires us to be in 'overtime' mode; to be that much more understanding and extra 'patient' while we 'wait' for Him to Provide our needs. He does step in; but in His Time and according to His Will. We are 'in the midst of the storm' as well; however, we are calmly confident and He says, 'Fear Not'. 'If you have the FAITH, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains'. I keep thinking of Robert Schuller's uplifting comment,'When you are down to nothing, He is up to something'. ie for all of us and always for a GOOD purpose.

Bittid - Keep things simple; easier to handle whatever comes your way in the day; particularly if you choose to maintain postive thoughts. 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

Some Garden tidbits and bittids:

Campsis grandiflora 'Morning Calm' (Trumpet Vine)

sun sun
height 30.0 ft
width 0.0 ft
water average/dry
growth rate average
hardiness zones (6)7-9
soil well drained soils/dry soils
flower coral and yellow flowers
seed elongated capsule
foliage Deciduous
fall color golden

"Vigorous climbing vine with pinnately compound foliage and clusters of flowers in summer. 3" trumpet-shaped flowers are coral with a yellow throat in the summer".

I love the above photo image (from Pender Nurseries). It is of a Campis grandiflora 'Morning Calm' Trumpet Vine, Clematis.

We have a gorgeous Yellow Trumpet Clematis Vine that we planted last year, and it is has branched out along our back patio fence! We are looking forward to seeing its bright blooms in the spring!

May write a tidbitz in a bittidz.

God Bless.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Good Night and God Bless

Good Evening,

This is just a quick tidbit I had earlier thought of, while I was cleaning out shelves and cupboards this afternoon. All that is left to do, is to organize albums and photos; which will be a nice project to do on a 'rainy day'. With regards to 'Giving', (Charles Price of 'Living Truth' & Partnerships in South Africa), we are going to give a heartfelt donation, when we are able to. Our tid donation may not be a lot; however, every little bittid we all give, goes a long way to help those in major need. For those that feel they have very little to give, but still wish to, remember that every bit counts.

Also, we watched CNN on our T.V. tonight re: the upcoming American Election on Novermber 4th; and I feel, it is going to be a closer election than anticipated! Please feel free to refer to my October 25th post of Please Vote!, if you wish.

Tidbit - When you fall off to sleep, ask Him to help you have a sound and restful sleep; and also, to carry all your burdens. Not only will you benefit from a good sleep, you will also have a positive start to the next day!

Bittid - 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'. 'Fear Not, For I Have Overcome the World'; are also calm and reassuring thoughts before you fall off to sleep. The above photo image and message is powerfully true.

Good Night and God Bless.

Appreciate a calm

Hi Again,

Just in case I do not get a tidbitiz to sit down for awhile. Am taking a bit of a bittidz, as I am in the midst of cleaning out shelf cupboards; in 2 cupboards in our second & guest bedroom. This includes boxes of photos, of wrapping paper, books, etc, as well sheets, towels, and miscellaneous. Alan's closet is in the smaller 'cubbyhole' 2nd bedroom cupboard; perhaps some of you can relate to hubby's clothing in smaller closets! LOL! However, that being said, I want to create, yes create more room and space, as well as organizing things a tid better. Fortunately, it is a bright room; and with the sunshine streaming in through our windows, it is a very cosy spot! Plus, we have memoralia on the walls from our parents; and everytime I go into that little room, I feel such a peace and a calm!

We are waiting upon Him to Provide our needs; and best to just simply 'enjoy the journey' while we 'wait'. It is a good time too, to 'fall clean' a bittid; so while I clean, I can appreciate and reflect upon our Blessings all the more!

We are not sure whether we will be going to Zihua this December; with Alan's leg needing surgery asap (he is on the top 'priority waiting list'; there is that 'waiting' word again). However, the tidbit possibility exists, that there may be a cancellation, since it is a rather busy time of year. Also, we may just stay put in 'our own back yard', and enjoy our home, family, and friends during the Christmas season.

Tidbit - Appreciate the quiet time, when you are given it. It gives you time to have a fresh focus!

Bittid - Be confident and joyful, while you 'wait', and be grateful for each and every day.

I smile and laugh everytime I see the above photo image (You can refer to my other posts for background, if you wish). We happen to have this wonderful plate; such a jovial expression on the man's face, as he devours his oyster! Mmmmmmmm.

God Bless.

'Giving, rather than taking'

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a beautiful Autumn day thus far. Am enjoying my 3rd cup of coffee, whilst I share some encouraging tidbits, re: my bittids from Sunday and Monday posts.

'Hour of Power', with Dr. Robert Schuller Snr. He was sharing the wonderful message about having FATIH. ie. 'For without Faith, it is impossible to please God'; as well as 'God has a plan for your life, have the Faith, without the Faith, life is impossible'. He added, 'If you have the Faith, the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains'. He was also suggesting that 'leaders' have not been 'brainwashed', rather, they have ideas, as they are 'possibility thinkers'. (I like that thought!) Should mention too, that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was in the Crystal Cathedral audience that day; and he appeared to be 'glowing'! To do 'Hour of Power' the best service, is to take a genuine look at the Schullers' inspirational and positive messages. May give you a different outlook - to the positive, that is!

'Enjoying Everyday Life', with Joyce Meyer. Basically throughout 'trials and tribulations', 'Be Happy', enjoy your day regardless of your circumstances. Singing joyful songs is good for one's spirits! ie 'Oh What a beautiful morning' (I love that enthusiastic burst of song!). Once again, my suggestion to do Joyce the best justice, is to tune in to her and check out all her enlightening taachings. There are as well some wonderful resources; books and CDs by Joyce, as well as books by John Maxwell.

'Living Truth', with Charles Price, in Malaw, South Africa; who was sharing his third part series. He is in partnership with 'Family Hands at Work' with George Synam; as well as now participating in partnership with Teresa, the Regional Tribal Chief of Malaw. Teresa has founded 'Somebody Cares' and it is also like a 'Life centre', that provides awesome support to widows and orphans; and to those with Aids. I can not do Charles or the partnerships enough justice; my strong suggestion is that you check this all out. As per my Oct 19th post, 'The Beauty of a Smile', gives the information to render assistance. We are going to send a generous donation; however, we will do so, when things stabilize for us, in our part of the world, as we have too been hit with the world financial crunch. However, am on record that we will be giving a heartfelt donation, when we are able to! Teresa is a magnificent woman; and the incredible stories of the people she has helped, along with her invaluable spiritual service to this very poor community, brings warm 'tears to my eyes'. It has very definitely struck a chord right to the heart of me. Once again, here is the telephone number: 1-888-269-6085, if you wish to make a positive difference to saving lives!

Tidbit - When you GIVE to others, or have a plan to give, you feel so much better. Your own challenges just 'fall away' in comparison.

Bittid - 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. 'Seek, and Ye Shall Find'. I love the above photo image!

May be back a bittidz later today, if there is some more special tidbitz to share with you.

God Bless.

Monday, 27 October 2008

STILL appreciating a slower pace

Good Evening,

Where has the bittidz time gone today! 'Well'...(You can refer to my post of June 13/07 on "Well" - Can be a rather "deep" subject if you wish, re: the word, 'well' as, it has various meanings and / or connotations).

Ended up doing the 'walkathon' on the Gazelle machine for about 15 minutes. Watched also the CNN news re: the U.S. Election for a bit. It will certainly be an interesting next 10 days!

Was all set to start my 'reading' and 'studying'; however, have been on the phone, pretty much non stop. Received a few phone calls from good friends that I had not heard from in a tid while; and 'well', that was where the time wonderfully flew! It was a such a tidbitz treat to hear from them, and to get caught up on their lives; which included some of their challenges. Takes your mind off your own 'stuff', that is a for sure bittidz!

Mentioned earlier today, that my ears are still 'plugged' (weird!); 'well', my head, sinus, eyes, and throat are a bittid 'fluey / feversish'; so perhaps this 'bug' is still hanging on? 'Best laid plans of mice and men', methinks. So, am listening to my body and taking a tidbit of a rest. Thus, I look forward to enthusiastcally sharing tidbits tomorrow re: 'Hour of Power', 'Living Everyday Life'. amd 'Living Truth'.

Tidbit - Appreciate hearing from and reconnecting with 'old' friends; and particularly, 'out of the blue'. You may find that their problems are worse than yours; and that by offering them bittids of encouragement, you in turn are uplifted as well.

Bittid - There are times when you just have to 'slow down'. With all that is happening in the world today, it is good to just be 'STILL', and take a reflective pause and enjoy a simple calm.

Am going call it an early night. Love the above photo image; very appropro at the moment.

Good Night and God Bless.

Appreciating a 'slower pace'

Good Morning or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Have to admit, am a bittid 'sleepy' or 'fuggy pluggy' (a 'made up phrase', but it is an apt tidbit description! LOL!) this am! The 'bug' (or whatever) is on its way out; the ears being the final exit. Am sure you can relate if you have ever had 'plugged' ears; as your head appears to be 'hollow?'. However, this morning, I am going to enjoy this 'slower pace'; as we do not have any immediate appointments.

I keep thinking of Robert Schuller Jnr's (Hour of Power) comment, 'When you are down to nothing, He is up to something'. (meaning He, God, is up to something good for you). So, I am extra appreciative and reflective upon ALL our Blessings, and I heartily 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'

Will be returning in a bit; am going to go back to my warm bed for a tid rest of reading ('Revelation Unveiled', plus studying bits of Spanish). My reading glasses make such a wonderful difference; as I can now read without squinting or going through tids of acrobatics to read! You can refer to 'Happy Friday', Oct 24th, if you wish a bittidz of background.

Also, yesterday afternoon Alan and I had to handle a 'tricky' situation with utmost tidbitz diplomacy; and we are on record for courageously standing up for what is 'Fair, Right, and Equitable'. We called 'this person' on the TRUTH. A 'friendship' here, may be at risk. However, he has been most 'greedy', and apart from having taken a bittidz advantage of us; he has fooled others (to their detriment). 'You may be able to fool others, or even yourself, but you can never fool Him'. That is a solid comfort to me! Methinks too, that one if 'one has enemies, who needs friends like like?' So, am glad we are on record; and we hope, he will choose to put things right; not just for us, but for the others he has 'deceived' by 'words, actions, and deeds'.

Also, after my 'quiet time', will be enjoying the gentle 'walkathon' on the Tony Little Gazelle Machine; as well as appreciating the T.V. news of the world. 'Killing 2 birds, with one stone' as the expression goes.

Hope you are enjoying your day! If one makes the choice to enjoy their day, it is amazing what transpires! Turning 'situations' around positively, and making the best of things is GOOD!

Will be back! Love the above photo image!

God Bless.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

An R & R Sunday!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today has been a most relaxing and quiet day! Woke up to the 'Hour of Power' (the Schullers), then 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer), and 'Living Truth'(Charles Price). Alan brought me my coffee in bed; and it was a nice non rushed start to Sunday!

Will blog more about the three wonderful International Bible Teachers and their inspirational messages tomorrow. As mentioned in earlier posts, to do them fair justice, it is better, if you check them out for yourselves; be it online, the T.V. or on the radio, and / or if possible, to attend in person!

We went out for a drive; and it was the most gorgeous day! The vivid colours in full Fall regalia! Also, on route to the shopping mall, we ended up going to an 'Open House'; a most unexpected visit; inasmuch as we had only stopped on the street to take a look at the listed information on a sign. The 'alert' realtor happened to see us; and invited us in! As I have shared in earlier tidbit posts, I believe there are 'no coincidences'. It is a listing for a wonderfully appointed 2 bedroom apt; 100square feet smaller than our old tid abode, which is located on the same street. Our old place is a large one bedroom, with potential for a second bedroom; and we currently have our abode up for sale. The 2 bedroom apt has a bittid den, which is approx the same size as our 'storage' area in our one bedroom apt; so renovations could be done, if a buyer so chooses to add a second bedroom. Our old home is quite a bit 'cheaper'; and it is priced extremely well; taking the current market conditions into consideration. There are always 'pros and cons' in every scenario; however, each situation is uniquely different. We know, that the 'right' person will come along; and appreciate our spot, as we did!

Tidbit - Be thankful for your home; and appreciate ALL your Blessings.

Bittid - Enjoy the day to the fullest; and 'keep things simple!'

Love the above majestic photo image; as it was just like our glorious sunny day here! Hope you have spent or are enjoying a nice R & R Sunday as well!

God Bless.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Please Vote!


Just a quick tidbitz of my 2 bittidz worth!

Ended up doing the 'walkathon' for 10 easing gradually into it. As mentioned earlier re: the Tony Gazelle Exercise Machine, methinks that 15 mins twice a day is good; as well as catching a bit of tid T.V. news.

Enjoyed a bittid of lunch; whilst watching on T.V., Governor Sarah Palin in Idaho, Senator John McCain in New Mexico, Senator Obama in Las Vegas, and Senator Joe Biden in Virginia. Each leader has their unique style and special message; however, I Pray and Hope that ALL Americans utilize their tidbit right to VOTE for what GENUINELY is best for America. It 'appears' that the Polls are driving the Election; and that there seems to be a prejudice or a Democratic slant.

I agree with Senator John McCain about his policy of creating and spreading OPPORTUNITIES; thus stimulating JOBS for people, and rebuilding America's ECONOMIC stability. Also, by taxing less on the 'wealthier', the lower taxes encourage the 'wealthier' to provide jobs for all, which include Democrats!

As to criticizing Governor Sarah Palin's clothing and hair expenses, she has to look the part to represent the country! Plus, Sarah Palin has a proven track record; she is the Governor of Alaska, that has an 80% approval rating and this experience will bold well for her in an executive capacity!

Senator Obama wishes to bring about 'change'; change is good; if it is for the right purpose. However, 'change for the sake of change', is foolish. Not by 'spreading the wealth', from one group (the wealthy) to another (less wealthy). Hmmmm. Think about it.

Senator Biden did touch upon an illuminating point; and my Dad told me the same sage piece of advice! It is not so much that 'when one has been knocked down, it is how quickly one gets back up again!'

So, utilizing that invigorating strategy, all Americans, who have the honourable right to vote, 'Just Go Do It!' By doing that, you have exercised your free will, rather than following the Polls like sheep. Vote with your conscience and conviction!

Tidbit - If you are fortunate to live in a country that gives you the undeniable 'right to vote', rise up and honour that freedom to VOTE!

Bittid - Look to the long term; not to a short term 'quick fix'; think of the 'bigger picture'.

We live in neighbouring Canada; and we recently had our election (Oct 14th); and fortunately, Stephen Harper was re elected as our Prime Minister. He and the Conservative Party, is our best tidbit choice; to nurture the future of our country's economic growth and stability. (You can refer to my posts of Oct 15th, if you wish a bittid of background).

You are either a Republican or a Democrat. HOWEVER, if you are a Democrat, and choose to become a Republican; it may be, because you have recently acquired a lot of wealth. Hmmmmm. Your understanding of PRESERVING the economy increases; in that you are now able to help create JOB OPPORTUNITIES, which in turn, stimulates long term healthy and steady growth, to the future benefit of ALL Americans.

Am going to go and enjoy the recently lit fire, as well as continuing with the book, 'Revelation Unveiled' by Tim LaHaye, then a bit of Spanish. My reading glasses make such a wonderful tid difference; I can now see clearly; no more squinting!

Good Night and God Bless.

Be 'happy'

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Saturday morning here; and thank goodness! I love these cool and crisp Fall mornings!

With everything else going on, am taking the time to just chill out and reflect upon Blessings! In a bittidz, I will follow through with my daily 'plan': a) a 'walkathon' (LOL!) on our Tony Gazelle exercise machine (will have the T.V. on, to catch the news; regardless of all the 'doom and gloom;), b)study some more Spanish words, and c) enjoy reading a bit more of 'Revelation Unveiled' by Tim LaHaye. I am thrilled that I 'invested' in a pair of reading glasses yesterday (you can refer to my post of yesterday, for a tid of background); and that has given me a new lease on reading! My hope is to tackle this tidbitz routine each and every day; remembering also, to keep things simple. ie work into 15 mins twice a day on the machine (post of Nov 15/07; as well as a post on 'Intercessary Prayer'), 15 or 20 mins on the Spanish, and about 30 mins to an hour reading.

Last night, we watched for the second time (I wrote a post May 14/07), the movie produced and acted by Will Smith, 'In Pursuit of Happyness'. You know, I gained even more insights from it, than the first go around. If you think you are having a 'bad hair day' or worse, perhaps watch the movie. The true story has a wonderful ending; so it is well worth the struggle. Another inspirational movie is 'A Field of Dreams' (post of July 04/07).

Tidbit - Maybe take in a movie or two; to be uplfifted by various themes and stories of encouragement and triumph. ie The challenges and hurdles of sports teams ('Facing the Giants' in Mar 13/08), old black and white movie classics, old westerns, whatever enlightens a spark of hope! We are thankful that we have a T.V. and we can enjoy all the comforts of home (and at a savings too!). I just mentioned 'savings' - well, in more ways than just one!

Bittid - 'Choose' to be 'happy' in your surroundings and / or situation. Have a sense of humour! We went out for a late lunch yesterday; and it wss just what the 'doctor ordered!'. We appreciated the change of scene (and good food!), as well as the tranquil opportunity to recharge our batteries and work on some new ideas!

Was just going through various tid posts (began my blog in Jan/07; where has the time gone!) and you may wish to read from the bittid beginning, as the posts 'tie in' with what is going on today! All tidbit posts are meant to be of bit encouragement to all those who read my blog. However, you may appreciate a pot or two of coffee, or a few stiff drinks, if you start from Day One!

Love the above photo image; very similar to our beautiful part of the world.

God Bless.

Friday, 24 October 2008

Happy Friday!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am really happy it is Friday and the weekend! Methinks I say that bittidz each and every week! LOL!

First of all, we are still 'awaiting' the tidbitz news; and at the same time, we are also pursuing other avenues for fruition, should 'Plan A' falter; eventhough, we are still holding out hope for 'Plan A' to be successful. However, we are not afraid, because we know 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light!'

During the night, both Alan and I were up a few tid times each with our 'puppy', Blue. He had the 'runs'; and fortunately, he did not have any accidents in the house (plus I had just vacummed yesterday! LOL!). Perhaps, he has a bit of a bug? Other than upset stools, he has been fine - cold nose, cool head, playful even. The only thing we noticed was that he was really 'sticking close' to us; however, he is now appearing to be feeling much better.

Went for my hair appointment this am; and boy, had I been looking forward to this; as it was long overdue! Very definitely, the 'before and after' hairdo! Whilst there, I admitted that I should really 'invest' in a pair of 'reading glasses'; because, well just because. My hairdresser friend heartily agreed, as she had noticed me 'squinting' whenever I read the magazines in her shop. Hmmmmm. I ended up with an inexpensive pair of 'Funky Frames', non prescription, 1.50 (from the local drugstore down the street); and are they ever 'funky!'. Believe it or not, they look fabulous on me, if I say so meself! LOL! Plus, I received major compliments from Alan, as well as my hairdressing friends! I went back to show them! I love to read; and used to be inseparable from books; however I have not read as much as I would like...because I could not see properly, save for doing 'acrobats' with my eyes. My concern was that perhaps 'glasses' would 'weaken' my eyes, thinking I would be dependent upon glasses. However, it works the other way too; as squinting is not beneficial for the eyes either! So, it is a delight that now I can see; and it is like a whole new world! I have tried on various reading glasses; and they were either blurry or giving me an immediate headache! Hmmmmm. Anyway, this colourful pair of red, cornflower blue, (predominately blue frames), and yellow glasses are just right!

Tidbit - 'Lest we forget, if we can keep our heads, when all of those around us, are losing theirs, you will have become a man / female' by Rudyard Kipling. That is what is going on around us; and we are doing our best to not panic, and to be calmly confident of positive outcomes. Plus, it does not do one a lot of good anyway, to be fraught with worry and fear. May as well 'enjoy the journey', while you 'wait upon Him' to Provide Solution.

Bittid - It is neat to be like a little child again! ie Appreciation of something 'special', and that makes a positive difference! In my case, reading glasses; and funky cool ones at that!

Love the above happy photo image! (If you wish, you can refer to some earlier blogs about oyster plates, as well as my bittid posts of March 14/08, & 15th etc).

Til a tidbit later!

God Bless.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

A tidbit of encouragement!

Good Evening,

Have had a full day; and glad now that it is evening! Had a good day; handling some more business projects, as well as a few bittid household tasks (laundrey, vacumming etc); and, we are still 'waiting' for tidbit news, which may be tomorrow.

However, 'like the energizer bunny, one keeps on going'. Also, this is the second day of utilizing our Tony Gazelle walking machine; and I am going to 'stick with it!' We have had this wonderful exercise machine for a few years; and it is just a matter of disciplining oneself to do a bittidz regime every day. A plus too, if we go to Zihua in December; as we do a lot of healthy walking there! LOL!

Tidbit - Having a 'clean' and / or tidbitz tidy house, gives you a bit of a lift, doesn't it? Everything has a fresh tid look!

Bittid - Keeping things simple, and being joyfully appreciative for all your Blessings, one day at a time, helps you handle any and all 'challenging' moments. Have the Faith in Him, to Provide Solution; and if you 'Fear Not' (as He says), you are calm and confident that things somehow, will work out; and to the good!

Am going to call it a night, as I am still feeling a bittid 'under the weather' with this flu? bug. The above photo image says much! LOL!

Good Night and God Bless.

In the 'waiting' mode

Good Morning, or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world!

As mentioned yesterday, we had an early night, along with a refreshing night's sleep; as we were 'tuckered out tid puppies'. Was up early this am; and it is 'mixed' weather at the bit moment. Took Blue out for his constitution in sunshine; now it is starting to rain and large black clouds are appearing! Methinks it was good timing; and my cup of coffee, is extra appreciated this morning,

Speaking of good timing, we are 'in the waiting mode' for a tidbit of good news later today. It is simply a bittid matter of timing and patient 'waiting' on Him, to Provide Solution.

Will write tidbitz in a bittidz, when I have a bittidz to tidbitz. Love the photo image and its wonderful message.

'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

God Bless.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Glad it is evening!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Do not have much to bittidz about today; as it has been a full tid day! Will have more to tidbitz about tomorrow; as I would like to 'wait' for the potential 'good news', which will be either later tonight or tomorrow afternoon.

Tidbit - Referring to Robert Schuller Jr ('Hour of Power), he said that 'If you are down to nothing, you know He (God) is up to something!' (for you and for the GOOD). I have Faith in that enlightening encouragement!

Bittid - 'Power of Positive Thinking', is a very sage message from Dr. Robert Schuller Snr ('Hour of Power'); and basically what you think, produces the outcome; be it either a negative or a positive scenario. Best to always be optimistic, regardless of what is going on around you!

In these uncertain and troubled times, fear, doubt, apprehension, confusion, etc are increasing like a 'domino effect' or a 'wave', around the world. However, remember 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'; and as He says, 'Fear Not, For I Have Overcome the World'.

Love the above bit photo image; methinks we will be calling it an early night.

Good Night and God Bless.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Banana Raisin Muffins! A tid of thought or a reassuring bit of bite!

Good Afternoon,

We are 'waiting' for 'fruition' of some of our tidbitz projects; CONFIDENTLY 'waiting' to hear responses, to the GOOD. We have done our best (with His Guidance) and now, it is just a matter of calmly 'waiting', PATIENTLY and JOYFULLY. There are tid times when it is not that easy to just 'wait'; however, Alan and I have 'waited' at other times; and He ALWAYS comes through with Solution! We are always anticipating positive and encouraging results; a win/win for everyone!

In one of my earlier posts, I had touched upon a 'Hot Cook' and a 'Cold Cook';("Hot" Cooks and "Cold" Cooks!, post of August 7/07), if you wish to refer to it) as per my Mum's explanation to me, of the two types of 'cooks'. She stated that she was more of a 'Hot Cook', and as I have definitely discovered, so am I! LOL! A 'Hot Cook' is one who has a leaning towards 'cooking'; whereas, the 'Cold Cook' has the keen interest in baking and 'whipping up' glorious cakes, pies, tarts, muffins, squares, cookies etc.

During these uncertain times, make the best of things, being all the more appreciative of your Blessings, of your home etc. 'Keep on trekkiing' as they say! Or 'keep on baking', as in my bit case today!

In that regard, thought I would share a bittidz recipe with you; which is delicious! Easy and quick to make (got my vote!), it is economical, as well as providing a wonderful 'baking' smell throughout your home!

Banana Raisin Muffins!

1 1/4 c flour
2t baking powder
1/4t baking soda
3/4t salt
1/4c sugar
1/2c raisins
1c mashed ripe banana
1 beaten egg
2T milk
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/2 c oil

Stir raisins into dry ingredients. Add combined liquid ingredients and stir just until moistened. Fill greased muffin tins 3/4 full.

Bake: 400 degrees
Time: 20 minutes
Yield: 12

I have just made another batch of these same yummy muffins! Have found that three bananas generally equal one cup. Plus, 'Waste not, Want not' (As per my post from yesterday). Methinks too, you can substitute the raisins or bananas? The above photo image (similar looking to the muffins I just made), is of Banana & Apricot Muffins, pictured in a neat festive basket! (I love these styles, types, and use of various baskets, a warm and decorative touch to one's abode!) Plus 'ad libbing' to the mix, with nuts, dates, berries, other fruit, carrots (not necessarily store bought baby carrots, as per today's earlier post!)other veggies, whatever appeals to you, or is needful of being 'used up from your kitchen larder. Or even 'pumpkin' muffins; inasmuch as the American Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Perhaps the 'Cold Cook' can have some fun experimenting with their talents! I may attempt as well; however, my hat goes off to the 'Cold Cooks' here. Also, not to forget to compliment the 'Hot Cooks!'

Also, for those who are not aware, Baking Soda hugely helps prevent odours in your fridge.

'Tis the Season of Fall'; and at this refreshing time of year, I always heartily identify with more thrifty cooking and creative baking to further stretch the family meals.

This particular muffin recipe is from a tidbit size of a book, 'Just Muffins', compiled by Gaye Hansen in 1978. Seems so long ago; and yet, where did the time go! Raising our families! If you make this scrumptious recipe, may it bring a bittid of comfort to all who partake! The thought of "a warm and tasty muffin fresh from the oven", is an uplifting one!

God Bless.

Bit of tid info re: Baby carrots

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Just received this provocative message, starting with "Please Read ...... pass it on" from a dear friend of ours; and I thought I would share it with you.

For years, we have always enjoyed the 'tid' baby carrots; great for stews, our turkey soup, other soups, veggie dips, etc. However, I have noticed a bit of 'white film', after the carrots have been sitting in our fridge for a bittid few days. I have often wondered 'what is that?' Perhaps this answers my question; and possibly yours, if you have had that tidbit experience!


Subject: Baby Carrots - Good to Know

The following is information from a farmer who grows and packages carrots for IGA, METRO, LOBLAWS, etc.

The small cocktail (baby) carrots you buy in small plastic bags are made using the larger crooked or deformed carrots which are put through a machine which cuts and shapes them into cocktail carrots, most people probably know this already.

What you may not know and should know is the following: once the carrots are cut and shaped into cocktail carrots they are dipped in a solution of water and chlorine in order to preserve them (this is the same chlorine used in your pool) since they do not have their skin or natural protective covering, they give them a higher dose of chlorine.

You will notice that once you keep these carrots in your refrigerator for
a few days, a white covering will form on the carrots, this is the chlorine which resurfaces. At what cost do we put our health at risk to have esthetically pleasing vegetables which are practically plastic.

We do hope that this information can be passed on to as many people as
possible in the hopes of informing them where these carrots come from and how they are processed.

Chlorine is a very well known carcinogen (Cancer causing).

Please let us make this information available to as many people as possible.

If you care about your family and friends, pass it on".

Methinks from now on, we will select 'regular' bunches of fresh carrots and will utlize them creatively. Am thinking too, we might attempt to grow tidbit carrots in our bittid patio garden; as there is nothing nicer than home grown produce! Mmmmm. Can taste them already!

Will write a bittidz later today, when I have some encouraging tidbitz to offer.

God Bless.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Appreciate your Blessings

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a full day, non stop! Since we got up til now! Had a lot of bittidz issues to attend to both this morning and this afternoon; was home for a short bittid, and then had an appointment for 4:00 pm. On our drive home, we saw a magnificent rainbow! What a tidbitz treat to welcome us home! We were fortunate that it had been a beautiful day, when we were 'out and about'; however, now the skies have turned dark, as well as strong winds and a deluge of rain. A tidbit good night to stay home, methinks!

After our 4:00 appointment, we had a bit of shopping to do; which included also, going to the Liquor Store to pick up a bottle of red wine (South African, 'Two Oceans'), to enjoy a glass with our dinner. I noticed that there were 'Gift Cards'! I immediately thought that with all the 'stuff' going on around the world, this was an enticing way of marketing 'Liquor'! Plus, if you wish to give your host and / or hostess a bottle of 'something', a Gift Card is a good suggestion; as it would be their choice. A lot of retailers are also providing the same service of issuing 'Gift Cards'; and with Christmas around the corner, this makes prudent sense!

Yesterday afternoon found us doing a tid of outdoor gardening fall / winter 'clean up'. We washed down our tables and chairs, covered them, as well as placing some other seat cushions under the protective eves. Alan was able to also clip most of the plants; and the trimmings are now in our compost.

We also went to Costco today, as well as to our favourite Produce Farm, which closes for the season, on Nov 2nd and reopens in April. We are appreciative that our larder is now full again!

Tidbit - 'Waste not, want not!' This message was what my Mum always told me; and it is true; particularly, when there are so many starving people around the globe. Today more so, than ever! The wastage of foods (ie from restaurants etc) is incredible; and apparently, because of 'health standards', whatever food is not eaten, is automatically thrown away. Methinks perhaps, the portions should be smaller; and if someone desires more, they can order a side order. It would also be a cost effective measure for the restaurants! Alan and I have decided that whatever food / leftovers we do not consume (but is still 'safe' to eat), and what we do not store / stock up in our freezer, we will give to the 'street people'.

Bittid - 'Keep your cool' and concentrate on what matters to you most, and do the best you can. Preserve what is most meaningful, and be CALMLY CONFIDENT that He will Provide! We have 'cut back' because of the global financial crunch; however, we are that much more reflective and appreciative of our Blessings. 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

Love the above photo image of 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

Good Night and God Bless.

Sunday, 19 October 2008

The beauty of a smile!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We SLEPT IN, this morning; including our Blue! He usually is our 'alarm clock'; but I woke up at 9:15 am, and realized that I had missed 45 minutes of 'Hour of Power'. So, we turned on our bedroom T.V. and I am glad to have listened to the last 15 minutes of the program, with Dr. Robert Schuller Snr. Basically, he was sharing about the 'power of positive thinking'. So true. Both Alan and I have been 'feeling under the weather'; and methinks a sound 'sleep' was necessary! Still feel 'pluggy' and 'fuggy'; but enlightened at the same time!

Then Joyce Meyer, of 'Enjoying Everyday Life' was on; and she is always so uplifting! I feel, there are no coincidences; and even in my most recent posts, what I touched upon, was validated / or endorsed by the insightful messages today from both her and her wonderful guest, John Maxwell (Author and Speaker). ATTITUDE is huge, methinks too. They were saying that your 'attitude is a choice'; I full heartedly agree! Their recommended books, 'Attitudes of the Mind' by Joyce Meyer, and 'Attitude 101' by John Maxwell, may serve as an enlightening encouragement, for those that wish to make an 'intentional' choice of having a more optimistic outlook. I agree too, that 'Keeping things simple' works best! Letting go of 'stuff' cluttering your mind, and /or always being 'too busy'. Slow down and Seek Him out to be your Guide and to give you UNDERSTANDING. Ask yourself, 'How would Jesus behave?'. I have started to do that alot; particularly during these uncertain and tough times. That is where HOPE and FAITH come in; Lean patiently, calmly, and joyfully on Him to carry your burdens, to help you through all these 'storms'.

The thing is, you just simply need to 'slow down'; always be thankful for your Blessings; and daily think of others, as to how best to uplift them; even with a smile, and / or a kind word or deed. Think positive and GOOD thoughts; a lot more 'fruitful' and 'peaceful'. If you accept Jesus Christ into your heart, He will never leave you; and His Holy Spirit will reside forever within you. You and your 'attitude' change - for the better! Alas, there are some that may not appreciate or understand the 'change'; but then, perhaps 'it is not yet in their time' to understand. Having compassion, and treating others well, is very
important; and when you are genuinely 'happy', the 'Fruit of the Spirit' is working through you and hence reaching others.

Joyce and John were saying that if you choose to think positive thoughts and take time out to Pray for good things to happen; ie first thing in the morning, then that is a good start to your day! 'Thoughts Feed Attitude!' True! Once again, for the best results, check them out and / or tune directly into them; because they offer such illuminating messages! As mentioned in earlier posts, 'Hour of Power'(the Schullers); 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer); and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price) are so uplifting and have certainly given me enthusiastic encouragment! A huge appreciative 'Thank you' and big hugs to them! Also, the good thing too, is that God, LOVES us all UNCONDITIONALLY!

Last but not least, I watched 'Living Truth' with Charles Price. Presently, he is travelling throughout Africa. He was in South Africa last week, and is now in Mozambique. (My posts of last week, you can refer to, if you wish). His Ministry has 'partnered' with 'Hands at Work', which provide support to orphans, widows, and the dying (Aids, HIV). We have so much to be thankful for in our part of the globe; having observed (on our T.V.) only a glimpse of unthinkable poverty and raging disease in Mozambique, and other African areas.

Would like to give you a bit of info, should any of you wish to lend a helping hand and donate to their worthy and just cause. Also, George Synam, of 'Family Hands at Work' is working in conjunction with other African Churches, to build another 'Life Centre', which will provide the care, the food, the protection, the education, life skills, etc. for these less fortunate people. Telephone number is 1-888-269-6085; the website is:; and the address for Canadians and Americans is: Living Truth, Box 6100, Station B, Toronto, Ontario, M2K 2Z5. We will be sending them a cheque before too long; as we too, have been sffected by the world economic crunch. There was a scene in one village, showing that their staple diet, is mice. Can you believe it? Something has got to CHANGE and be DONE! With everyone contributing, even if only, a bittidz bit, towards their vision of building a 'Life Centre', this is a wonderful endeavour. Charles Price was sharing that the 'Biblical Mandate' is to care for the widows and orphans; and the Church there, has been turned from 'upside down', to 'rightside up!' Plus it would cost Canada approx $50K to help out with donations; so again, a tidbitz tid from each and every one of us, would help 'Living Truth' and 'Hands at Work' achieve their awesome goal.

Boy, methinks I have written quite a bittid. Hope there is a tidbit or few that are of encouragement to all those who read my blog(s). Will share too, that this bug, flu?, that Alan and I have 'picked up', has 'slowed' us down; and we have been reflecting upon much! ie Thanking Him for our Blessings!

I only watched about 30 minutes of Charles, because the fire department and an ambulance arrived at our neigbour's across the way. Apparently, she was having 'breathing bronchial' difficulties (she is 86 yrs approx; and very young looking for her age; as well as being 'young at heart'!); so the caregiver called 911. It turns out that she has gone to the hospital (for a check up); so our Prayers are with her. Alan took over some turkey leftover soup (in the event she was remaining home); so turkey soup has many wonderful uses! Our other neighbours might pop in today or later this week for a bowl! The great thing with Turkey soup, is that you can really 'stretch it'; plus it is very good for what ails you! Maybe serve a glass of wine (South African!) or sherry with it, have a slice of bread (French, Italian, whatever works!) or a roll, and / or a salad with it, and you are set! I have suggested to Alan that during these 'storms', we should just keep on cooking turkey; as turkey can provide so many delicious dishes! Small wonder that 'turkey' is what is served as a Thanksgiving meal! 'Thanksgiving', is to give special thanks! Alan is just about to go and give away some of our cooked turkey to some 'street people'. Once again, always better to give genuinely from the heart!

Here is wishing you a nice R & R day! Love the above cheerful photo image and its bright message! Also, 'Smile, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you cry alone' was a 'saying', my Dad always shared with me; very true!

God Bless.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

MORE Golden Thoughts!

Good Afternoon,

Am back for a bittidz and then I am going to start reading 'Revelation Unveiled' by Tim LaHaye. The day is now a bit 'iffy'; dark clouds, then brilliant sunshine; Fall weather, back and forth. So, with the comforts of a warm fire, and our dog ('puppy' to me), Blue, lying by the hearth, it will be a nice Saturday afternoon. Also, Alan will be adding the rest of the tidbitz of turkey leftovers into the tasty homemade soup; thus creating more meals for us; and possibly for our neighbours who may drop in tomorrow.

Earlier today, Alan and I had to go out to do some tid errands; including our banking. I could not help but discern a lot of 'sad' and glum people walking about on the streets. It is, indeed, a very somber time for most people around the world. We have our challenges as well; however, this is where Hope and FAITH are paramount, during these tough economic times.

Tidbit - It is always better to give than to receive. Even giving a smile; which costs you nothing; but may be huge to someone else. There is always someone who is worse off than you; and if you can give someone a kind boost, you in turn, will feel uplifted as well.

Bittid - Remain calm. Keeping 'things simple' is best! Love the photo image! Looks so majestic!

God Bless.

Golden thoughts!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am relieved it is the weekend; as it has been quite the week. I think I said that last week, that it has been 'quite the week'! However, I think most of you around the globe, can relate!

This am is a gorgeous Fall morning! The leaves of the surrounding trees once green, are now a beautiful golden yellow; and with the morning sunlight, they are 'glowing'. Particularly, the big old tree outside our bedroom window. The mountains are in the background; so it makes for a very lovely and tranquil Autumn scene. Am enjoying my 'elixir' of coffee, that Alan has brought to me; and before I go and start my daily reading of 'Revelation Unveiled', I thought I would write a bittid post. Also, the multi coloured geraniums in our planter boxes on our upstairs balconey, are still blooming magnificently! ie Pinks and also different shades of pink, Reds, Whites, and purples; like a strong and vivid painting!

Last night we watched an excellent movie (1957), 'Twelve Angry Men'; and it was very well done; with Henry Fonda, Lee Cobb, etc. Interesting how prejudice clouds one's judgment or depiction of the truth. There were 12 men selected as Jurors in a murder case; and for those of you who have not yet seen this 'oldie but goodie' movie, it might be an enlightening tidbit.

Tidbit - Another new day to joyfully appreciate! 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

Bittid - If you have a chance to 'step back', and / or 'recharge your batteries', embrace the oppportunity; as this will help clear your head and heart of 'clutter'.

That is all the tidbitz for the moment. May be back later today. Here is wishing you a peaceful weekend. Also, made a few bittidz spelling errors in yesterday's post; however, have been ammended now.

God Bless.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Further reflections on a 'rainy' day!

Hi again!

It has been an unusually 'quiet' day; and it is still pouring with rain! The world financial crisis has really put a 'crimp' on things; everyone's lives have been affected by the Global credit 'crunch'. You can 'sense' this 'doom and gloom' is pervasive throughout the entire world. 'Revelation' IS happening, as we speak! And, more than ever, it is imperative that we all read 'Revelation',(in the New Testament), to gain an understanding. Tim LaHaye's updated book, 'Revelation Unveiled' has been suggested by Alan, to be an accurate yet simplified depiction of 'Revelation'. Alan read Tim LaHaye's original book in 1975; so he will be a helpful resource to my all my many questions. 'Revelation' is not an easy book to follow; however, I will start at the beginning (again) tomorrow Saturday, Oct 18/08 and continue with it every day, until I have finished reading it, in full. Also, have to confess, I have not tackled learning the Spanish words, as I had eluded to in an earlier blog; however, will enjoy 15 mins of daily 'studying', starting tomorrow. I think having some Spanish, before we go to our beloved 'Zihua' in December, will be good!

We are still 'waiting' to hear encouraging news from our bank; and eventhough, the banks are 'stronger in Canada', there is still the perceived FEAR. Banks do not trust each other; so Canada is going to have to get on the same page as the other worldwide banks. We are at the hands or mercy of the banks; and it is a tidbit tough, when one is a bittid 'bystander' (ie small business folk) of the events in the U.S. due to the MANIPULATIONS and GREED of the CEO's in question. I think those particular CEO's should be brought to task; and they should 'pay back' what they themselves, have knowingly taken from the American Nation.

Having shared those tidbits of the heart, am going to enjoy some bittids of leftovers! ie Homemade Turkey soup and turkey sandwiches, and also cheer on the hockey game. Glad too, it is Friday night and the weekend. Also, love the above photo image.

Tidbit - 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

Bittid - Take a stand for what is right, honourable, and just. The Truth always sets you free!

Good Night and God Bless.

Radiant reflections!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is another rainy miserable day! However, was up early, took our Blue out in the pouring rain for his daily constitution, put on a large pot of coffee, boiled the water for Alan's tea, lit a cosy fire, and turned on some lights to brighten up our home, on this dark day.

We have some really neat cabinet lights; and every once in a bit while, we turn on these lights to shine on our Lady Head Vases 'behind the glass', if you will. We collect Lady Head Vases, as well as a few oyster plates. For those of you, who are collect these items and / or other collectibles, you can appreciate the enjoyment of your collection and radiant display lights. Also, our antique Czechoslovakian green crystal wine glasses are in a lighted cabinet; and I love how the prisms sparkle from these delicately cut crystal pieces. We appreciate the beautiful craftsmanship of these glasses; and when we use them, our "Skals", are that much more 'special!'

This is a time too, to reflect and 'take stock' of what matters most to you; particularly during these uncertain times. Personally, it is about getting 'back to the basics' and, also having FAITH in Him, to Provide your needs. You can refer to yesterday's post for a bittidz background, if you wish.

Tonight, we are going to enjoy again, both the turkey soup leftovers and the hockey game on our T.V. The Canucks were great last night; so we will cheer them on again this evening! Methinks, we have the makings of a good team.

Tidbit - We are still 'waiting' (for Solution); however, as I have already mentioned, do your best to enjoy today; simply living one day at a time. Take extra delight in your home and appreciate the 'little things'; ie sparkling cut crystal reflections, fresh cut flowers, whatever gives you a tid of joy and brightens your spirits. Alan just picked me a glorious yellow rose from our garden; and it looks wonderfully picturesque with the rain drops on it.

Bittid - Regardless of all the globular 'turmoil', do your best to have a 'positive' outlook. Ask Him to Carry your Burdens; He always DOES. It is amazing how uplifted you feel, when you do that. It is as if a huge load has been lifted from you. Try it! He does not give you any more burdens then you can handle. You just need to have the Courage of Faith to Lean on Him. I always think of it, in that way; and that helps.

Love the above photo! That is of a pair of our Green Glass Hatted Lady Head Vases. You can refer to the posts of August 3/07 and / or October 1/07, if you wish some tidbitz information.

God Bless.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

A perfect night for soup


Am back for a short bittid. There is nothing like leftover turkey tidbit soup! Mmmmmmm.

Alan continued to elaborate on yesterday's turkey soup; which consists of turkey bones, added water, tid seasonings, and bit baby carrots, chopped celery, fresh garlic, and green onions. We enjoyed that preparation as our repas tonight. A perfect night for homemade soup; and it is the best turkey soup, I have tasted in a long time! We also appreciated sandwiches made up of leftover turkey, Alan's Scottish Oatmeal Stuffing, and my Cranberry sauce! Plus, a glass of South African Red Wine hit the spot.

As mentioned in today's earlier post, we passed on going out tonight; and we are glad we chose to stay close to home! We hope this 'bug' we may have, will be 'nipped in the bud' by not going out and getting a good night's rest. Also, it is a miserable rainy night to have to go anywhere!

Tidbit - Homemade soup is wonderful for one's spirits; particularly during these tough and traumatic times. Plus good for a cold or whatever ails you. Love the above photo image!

Bittid - KNOW that He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light; and that He will show you the Way. May not happen as quickly as you would like, but He does 'turn up' at your darkest hour. Just have the FAITH to continue to Rely and Depend solely upon Him to Guide you. As Robert Schuller Jr.(Hour of Power) says, 'When you are down to nothing, you know He is up to something'. ie for you and to the good! We, ourselves, have been in a process of 'waiting'; and it is not always easy at various moments. However, we are doing our best to 'enjoy the journey, while we wait' with patience, understanding, and a calm confidence that He will Provide. Hope this is a bit of tid encouragement to those who read tonight's post.

The hockey game is on tonight; so we are just going to chill out, enjoy our time at home, and appreciate a good night's sleep.

Good Night and God Bless.

Tidbits on a rainy day

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Have come down with a tid of a cold; stuffed up nose, 'plugged' ears, sore throat, and a bit of a 'foggy groggy' head. We were supposed to go out tonight to an evening soiree, to honour my cousin re: the publishing of his successful second book. Unfortunately, we will have to give the occasion a pass; however, we will buy his autographed book! No doubt, he will experience a warm turnout!

Have spent most of the day in bed; most unusual for me; am up now, to blog for a bittid. It is pouring with rain; so it is definitely a good day to be 'tuckered in' at home.

We carefully watched the Debate last night between Senators McCain and Obama. We felt that Senator McCain was much better than in his last two Debates, and we wish him all the best for the next few weeks. Could not help but sense that CNN may appear to have a bittidz leaning towards the Democrats. However, that being said, we are most grateful for CNN, bringing us these Debates, as well as other globular news. Senator Obama, if elected as President, may be a good President; particularly, if he aligns himself with a good mix of advisors to effectively help him run the country, as well as uniting the bruised Nation, as a whole. Also, I was not aware that 'Independents' must be Registered as 'Independents'. Guess that makes sense; and yet I find it interesting that the poll of 'Independents' appears to have a Democratic slant. Also, Sarah Palin has an 80% approval rating in her State, which is one of the highest ratings ever achieved as a Governor of any State. Wish that Senator McCain had mentioned that tidbit as well, in yesterday's Debate. Not to forget Joe Biden, I believe he would also make a good Vice President; if the Democrats should win the election.

Tidbit - When you are feeling not at your best, turn your thoughts around and think of all your Blessings and 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. Also have the FAITH in Him, that He will Provide Solution for your needs.

Bittid - Sometimes, just take time out and calmly reflect on how best to 'keep things simple'; for each and every day; and living one day at a time. Do not allow your head to be filled up with 'clutter and stuff'; instead, take an appreciative step back, so that you can enjoy a positive focus on what genuinely matters the most to you.

Love the above photo image!

God Bless.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Bittids & Tidbits - down to earth!


'They' say 'chicken soup is good for the soul'; well, how about turkey soup?
Alan is cooking up leftover tidbits and bittids of turkey; and the smell of wonderful turkey soup is healthily permeating throughout our home. Mmmmmmm! During these 'tough and trying times', soups are so 'down to earth', aren't they?

Tonight, Alan and I are looking forward to watching the U.S. Debate between Senators McCain and Obama. As mentioned in today's earlier post, I trust there will be more astute directness in dealing with the current issues of domestic and foreign policy. If I were an American, I would vote as a Republican; as I am a strong Canadian Conservative. I trust and Pray that Senator John McCain will courageously 'be himself', 'shine' through, and 'speak up', as he has much to offer to the world, let alone the United States of America! His running mate, Sarah Palin, is a very wise choice too; as it has been shown, that she has the best record of being a State Governor! Also, again to reiterate, we are relieved that Stephen Harper has been re elected as Prime Minister; that is a definite plus to world wide stability!

Tidbit - FEAR NOT. Rely on Him - always!

Bittid - Appreciate the simplicity of things; do not get bogged down in details.

I love the above message! 'Love Conquers All'. We must remember and honour these powerful words always!

God Bless.

We have much to be thankful for!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

My apologies for not writing a bit post yesterday; it was a tid 'tackling Tuesday', as well as our election in Canada. We were sitting on the 'bittid edge of our seats' last night, when we were watching some tight races / results in various ridings, brought to us, by CBC.

Stephen Harper was re elected; and personally Alan and I are delighted; eventhough the candidate in our riding, was not elected. The Conservatives gained approx 22 more new seats throughout our country! There is a broader distribution of seats, save for a few areas; which I believe will have more representation in time. It is taking tidbit steps, one day at a time; and having communication and dialogue amongst all parties. Methinks, that this Election has helped create a feeling of cooperation and, a positive focus for the parties to genuinely work together; starting with our economy. I thought it was interesting that our PM spoke in French first, when he was delivering his gracious Victory Speech last night.

Tonight, we are looking forward to watching the U.S. Debate between Senators McCain and Obama. Trust there will more directness in their responses to key issues.

Tidbit - Live one day at a time. It is the little steps taken along the way each day, that encourage both stability and fruition.

Bittid - Have an open, joyful mind and heart. Do your daily best to be positive and confident; knowing that He carries your burdens and He IS the Solution. 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.

Love the above photo image! We enjoyed tid turkey leftovers (the best part! Yum!), with all the trimmings last night. We have so much to be thankful for; we feel that each and every day, is like a mini 'Thanksgiving'. As a tidbit, we appreciated the Spanish red wine, 'Penascal' (You can refer to 'Appreciate your Home', Oct 12th, if you wish); however, we are still loyal to our South African Red wine. 'Two Oceans' (plus it is a bittid cheaper!). My son came over for Thanksgiving Monday dinner and it was great to spend some time with him. My daughter and her family were not able to visit; as she and her wee sons had picked up a bit of a bug; and thus were 'laying low'. Plus, it was pouring with rain; and not a nice day to travel on the roads.

Have our business bittidz to attend to; may be back for a later tidbitz today. Hope you are enjoying the day! In the mornings, I usually Pray for a 'good day'; and generally, that is the case!

God Bless.

Monday, 13 October 2008

'Seek and Ye Shall Find'

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

This morning, it is pouring with rain; and personally, I am glad, on this Thanksgiving Monday! It is the perfect day for a warm and cheery tid fire! Alan will be making up his Scottish stuffing (as mentioned in yesterday's post); and then our turkey will be stuffed and into the oven it goes!

Ended up staying in bed and watching a bit of news on T.V. Hmmmmmm. A lot of people apparently, are turning to therapists, during these tough and troubled times. Methinks, best to turn to Him! 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

Tidbit - Enjoy the day; appreciating one day at a time; regardless of the 'doom and gloom' and fear forecasted around the world. Do NOT panic; remain CALM. Place or reaffirm your FAITH in Him; as He always Provides Solution. Perhaps, your FAITH is being tested to the max; ENDURE and Know that He will Guide you through this storm. 'Be strong'. Do not rely on your own understanding; as He wants you to lean on Him to show you the Way! 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light!' Also, He IS Life.

Bittid - Family and home is more important than ever! Basic values, a genuine 'down to earth' willingness and courage, to confidently 'keep on trekking' in FAITH in Him. 'FEAR NOT', For I Have OVERCOME the World'; that is ALWAYS His message to us.

God Bless.

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Appreciate your home


A quick bittid. We did not have the turkey tonight; as it was still quite frozen at 4:00 pm. It would have taken at least 5 to 6 hours to cook; so, we thought we would put it on hold til tomorrow. I will be placing the turkey in the oven approx 10:00 am; so that whomever pops by, there will be turkey! The cranberry sauce is already made and is chilling nicely in our fridge. We ended up having pizza instead, with a few tid green peppers (fresh from our bit patio garden), that Alan added at the last minute. Ironically, the dinner hit the spot; and a piece of pumpkin pie a la mode, was a welcomed tidbit treat!

We are about to watch a fun 3*** movie with Jacki Chan. Not only is he dexterious with his antics, he is very humourous! Even our 'puppy' Blue, was happy to go out earlier for his tid walk; and now is settled comfortably for the night.

Tidbit - Sometimes your plans change; simply make the best of it! ie Our turkey will be that much more special to us tomorrow evening!

Alan will be making his infamous Scottish oatmeal stuffing and mashed potatoes, and I will be cooking up candied carrots, along with crisp buttered brussel sprouts. Mmmmm. And of course, homemade gravy; which I will flavour also with a bit of Madeira, sour cream, and Norwegian goat cheese (Ski Queen). We also have a bottle of Spanish red wine, that we will be serving with dinner; so if the wine is good, will let you know!

Bittid - Enjoy the end of the day; and appreciate being home with your loved one(s). I love the above photo image; looks so cosy and inviting!

Good Night and God Bless.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today has been a quiet day; which is nice; but a little too 'quiet', if that makes any bittidz sense. I think with the current economic 'crisis' throughout the world, things are a tidbitz 'on hold'.

Watched the 3 enlightening programs on the Vision Channel this am; and once again; best if you tune into them and appreciate their first hand messages for yourselves.

However, I will say that Robert Schuller Snr (Hour of Power) shared that 'Faith is the substance of things hoped for'.(Hebrews 11, v 1); and he has 'Five Principles' re Faith; and to quote him: 1) Become a person; 2) Learn to manage your ideas; 3) Be proud of who you are - ie what you are doing; 4) Be a Possibility Thinker; and 5) Be aware of God's presence all around you. My tidbit recommendation is to take a look at his ministry; as he is a great and humane teacher on how your life can be filled with abundance and power of positive thinking!

Robert Schuller Snr also told the heartwarming story about a couple (the woman was dresed in a 'gingham' dress, and the man in a 'farmer suit?'; which gave the bittid appearance that they were poor country folk), who travelled to see the Dean at Harvard. The receptionist took a look at them; and suggested that the Dean was in meetings and would be far too busy to see them; and thus the couple, she thought might leave ultimately - that is being tired of waiting. Well, WAIT this couple did! Finally, the Dean emerged from his office at the end of the day, and he did not have the discernment towards the couple; as he assumed that they probably could not afford even a donation. At that point, the couple said that they would like to build a building to honour their dead son, who had attended Harvard, as a student. Well, says the Dean, the buildings cost $7 million. To that the wife, chirps up to her husband, and says along the lines - Well, if that is all it costs, we can build a University! Guess what the name of the University was? STANDFORD. That encouraging story touched a deep chord within me! Also, it is true that 'you' can not judge a book by its covers!' They had the courage to follow their dream; and GOOD on them!

With Joyce Meyer (Enjoying Everyday Life), she and her wonderful guest, Mark Hankins (Pastor and Author), were sharing how FAITH is such a key part in our daily lives. By having Authority over the devil, is by putting our Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ, because of our Covenant with Him. There is POWER in His NAME, in His WORD, and in His BLOOD - thus Faith. Once again, I suggest you check her ministry out too; as she is 'right on' with her message. God is on our side, is our ADVOCATE!

Charles Price (Living Truth) is in Africa for the next couple of weeks. 'Journey to Africa'. I apologize that I did not get the name of the man who has set the support program up (was not quick enough with my pen); save that he believes in enriching and changing lives of orphans, widows, and even the dying. This remarkable man has also set up 'Footprints'. if any of you are familiar with that program. Aids and HIV are so very prevalent there! A partnership with an 'outside Church', ie 'Living Truth', will help to provide ongoing 'safety, nutritious food, and education' to this part of South Africa. Here is a telephone number for those that wish to get involved - 1-888-269-6085; and / or the website is: if you wish to participate or contribute. Charles will be in a different area of Africa next week.

Tidbit - Eventhough, these are very turbulent times, GIVE! It takes your mind off of yourself and your problems. There is always someone worse off than you; and you feel
so much better, when you have helped someone in even greater need than yourself. Stop and think about it!

Bittid - FAITH, is where it is at! The three International Bible Teachers, I have made mention of; and their insightful messages, may help to change your lives for the better. I know of what I write; and am sure that there are some of you, who have also had some 'epifanys'. ie When you have called upon Him in Faith; and you have accepted Him genuinely into your heart. He will never leave you; because you are forever Changed - by Him; as His Holy Spirit resides within you! It is during these trying times of turmoil and confusion, that the enemy thrives to bring you down; be it by fear, panic, doubt, whatever his devious strategy. Have the Hope, the Confidence, the Calm, the Joy, and the Faith in Him, that He will Provide your needs; and always to the good and what is best for you.

Today, we are extra 'thankful' for our home and ALL our Blessings. We are cooking up the turkey (14 pounds!) for tonight; and tomorrow, we can enjoy the leftovers galore! As mentioned in my posts of the last tid day or so, my son will be over for dinner! Possibly, my daughter, her husband, and our wee grandchildren may pop over too, for a bit visit. So, by having the turkey etc cooked, we are set for the onslaught; and for that matter, for whomever turns up at our door! They are welcome to enjoy a plate of turkey, with all the trimmings!

Here is wishing all those who are celebrating Thanksgiving, a 'Happy Thanksgiving!' We have so much to be thankful for! Love the above photo image!

God Bless.