As mentioned in my most recent post, here is 'Al's Add Ons!' If you wish (may be a tid helpful to you), you can refer to yesterday's bit post. The comment section; re: Professor Howdy and Alan, expressing our thoughts, is "quoted" below. Also, you may appreciate reading Professor Howdy's excellent blog, 'Thought & Humour' (found to the right, under 'Other Blogs').
"We do not disagree! We find with interest on the Lou Dobbs show yesterday, re: Union vs Non, that 50% of the Stimulus Package is geared to the Union Sector, which presently has a 2% unemployment rate. Of the entire employment number, only 12.5% belong to a Union. Also, Lou was saying that the Unions, which are primarily Government (Federal, State, and Municipal)plus Fire, Police, have contributed in excess of $40,000,000 in campaign contributions to left of centre politicans, this past 2 years.
It appears Obama and his cohorts, are and have assisted this group very quickly.
Up here in Canada, it is specifically disheartening to observe how the United States with its banking, securities, hedge funds, etc has allowed the thieves, deceivers, and extortionists, to go unpunished! The CEO's and executives of all of these firms, had to KNOW what the 'hell was going on' and subsequently, should be criminally charged, prosecuted and sent to jail! For their gross incompetence and greed, that has essentially compromised and contaminated all G-30 + economies, which has filtered down through the Freddy Macs,Fanny Mays, Bearsterns, Lehman Brothers, City Bank, AIG, MADOFF, etal etc etc. The collusion that occured between the Credit granting agencies down there, along with the banks, distorting data and knowing full well, that they were selling toxic assets? (paper) to other unsuspecting banks, investment houses, in the International arena is deplorable!
As we have seen, the 'house of cards' has fallen, which has and is creating fear, confusion, re: the unemployment numbers, losses across the board, on the NYX, TSX, and elswhere! The lack of confidence is depressing and all news medias keep 'stoking the fires!' Now, the Democrats want to get into a Protectionist mode to exasperbate the situation further!
Just 'spouting off!'"
January 31, 2009 11:08 AM
Love the above photo of our fireplace at night!
Peace be with you, Good Night, and God Bless.
Saturday, 31 January 2009
'Al's Add Ons!'
Skal to Saturday evening!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Am glad it is the weekend; when our weary bodies and minds can have a bit of R & R; as this past week has literally 'zoom zoom zoomed' by us!
Am referring to the quoted paragraphs from last Sunday's ' Blessings' post of January 25th, and even more recent posts, to recap for you. Methinks it is better to post tidbits sooner, rather than the bittids later; and thus not play 'catch up!' Besides, for those interested, it is better for you, to check into them; if you wish more knowledge of Him; and / or to be gently uplifted in spirit. I really enjoy sharing a bit of their fresh and inspirational teachings; as I feel it is a genuine obligation to share -'Seek and Ye Shall Find' (see photo image!) with others; particularly during these tid times! However, because tomorrow is Sunday, I am going to give you their welcoming websites. 'Hour of Power-; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' -; and 'Living Truth' - They are on the Vision Channel, starting at 8:30 am - depending where your live. Am looking forward to watching and hearing their enlightening teachings tomorrow!
(Blessings! - Sunday, January 25/09 post)
"This morning I was up early, full of joyful anticipation for the 3 programs on the Vision Channel. Had my cup of coffee, mind, heart, pen and paper ready! (You can refer to yesterday's post for a bit of background, if you wish). I will share a few tidbitz thoughts within the week; however, to do yourselves the best bittidz, please tune into their wonderful teachings and messages of encouragement.
Will say, that on 'Hour of Power', there were some wonderful guest speakers! If you think you are having your challenges and thensome, please read about Patrick Henry Hughes, as per his courage and touching story; and you may rethink your situation(s) again. Also, Pastor Bill Hybels, from Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, Illinois gives invaluable and genuine insights about 'taking a stand!' etc. Both Alan and I think Bill Hybels is a 'special' man; and a heartfelt 'thank you' goes out to him!
On 'Enjoying Everyday Life', Joyce Meyer basically shares about having a 'healthy self image and to get right with God.' Also 'to enjoy the journey along the way'; and 'the less you think about yourself, the happier you will be'. Best to check into her as well; she is great and right down to earth!
On 'Living Truth', Charles Price is starting a series on the 'dynamics of an effective Church'; as well as the dangers of a 'dead' Church. (ie Church of Sardis in Revelations). Eventhough, I have made bittid notes to post a tidbit or few, still best to check out his excellent teachings for yourselves! In other words, take the iniative to 'find out more', if you truly wish to gain more knowledge and Truth. I am currently reading 'Revelation Unveiled' by Tim LaHaye; very interesting and timely book!
Also, while we were watching 'Hour of Power', Alan commented that I had a 'rainbow' on my face! Of course, I could not see it; but he did! We have a beautiful cut crystal antique ashtray; and the brilliant sunshine that was streaming in through our front windows, created a prism and thus a rainbow! I LOVE rainbows; so that was another Blessing!"
Tidbit - Christ teaches us to live the other 6 week days, as you would reverence and appreciate a Sunday and its ministerial messages. When you chose to live daily according to His Will, you 'grow' (or 'blossom') in your Relationship with Him; and you are "Filled" with His Holy Spirit; giving you a CLARITY and a CALM. This bodes well for helping you overcome daily challenges etc.
Bittid - Have steadfast FAITH and DEPEND upon Him; leave it ALL to Him to GUIDE you; not relying on your own understandings. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.
We have just returned from being out for the afternoon. Our cupboard which was bare, is now bare no more! Went to Costco; and 'stocked up!' We are going to appreciate a nice quiet evening tonight at home.
Should mention too, that a classmate of mine, is in her final days with cancer; and most likely will be gone within the next very short while. That being the case, was awake thinking about her in the wee hours of the am; and ended up sending her and her family an email. As she is no longer up to see anyone, all of us school chums are individually emailing our 'goodbyes'; as 'Joan's' daughter suggested. 'Joan' can still hear; so her daughter reads to her. Very sad.
Our doorbell just rang; it was one of our older neighbours, who lives 'down the road' from us (made mention of them in one of my earlier posts). Her husband is dying (liver cancer) and things do not look too bright there either. She was returning 'Al's Soup'; because her husband, 'David' (who LOVED the soup smell!) can not physically stomach any food; save for a teaspoon of clear chicken broth. She is a 'vegetarian'; and our soup has meat in it. We have a couple of other neighbours, who love Alan's soup; so he will give them the large bowl!
Guess we should just appreciate each and every moment; as none of us know when our time is up. All the more important to now genuinely 'invite Him into your heart'; so that you will 'end up' eternally at His address.
As I was thinking that a glass of red wine would be 'nice', Alan brought me a glass of our South African wine. Love that wonderful wine! Tonight, we will be savouring 'Alan's mashed potatoes' with garlic, 'my Caesar Salad' creation, and 'Beef Wellington' from M & M's; a wonderful food speciality outlet, whereby you can purchase tasty pre-made delights; AND, at an excellent price! Think what you would be paying to enjoy the Beef Wellington at a restaurant; and / or buying all the ingredients to make it! All you need to do, is to throw the packaged dish in the oven and voila! Bon Appetit! Skal!
Hope you are enjoying a good weekend. Will also be posting 'Al's add ons'; pretty self explanatory methinks.
Good Night and God Bless.
Friday, 30 January 2009
Jackson Lake, Grand Teton, Wyoming Revisited!
Good Evening,
Am glad it is Friday night. I feel as if I just wrote that (which was a week ago!) The tid days have literally flown by us! Wanted to share this beautiful photo image with you; as it 'speaks to me'. Am feeling a wee bit weary; so thought I would take a 'holiday in my mind' to this spot! Am refreshed!
Am "quoting" my post of May 7/07 - Jackson Lake, Grand Teton, Wyoming. I have never been there; but it was 'love at first sight', with this glorious photo image! Whoever took that picture, great one, methinks!
"LOVE this photo image, at dusk. It is of Jackson Lake, Grand Teton, Wyoming. It is very similar to what we have in our part of the world! Love the storms (within reason) on the water! Gorgeous and dramatic background too!
Tidbit - Appreciate the day for what it was; and give thanks to Him for the dusk that now falls upon us. Am ready for a deep relaxed sleep; and, am listening to the body; that is a bittid of advice! ie. no sense in fighting fatigue; instead, treat yourself to a good night's rest; so that you are fully refreshed for the next day!
Good Night and God Bless."
"Gina said... May 13, 2007
If I say a tid myself, I love this photo image! It is very romantic! Just a bit of my thoughts!
God Bless!"
"Today, January 30/09
"Still feel the tid way about this 'powerful' photo! It is as if I am 'right out there' on the water, feeling the winds, the brewing storm, the waves, the air etc. When 'safe' back on land, hot chocolate! Happy for this happy bit thought!"
Peace to all! Good Night and God Bless.
Love the cheery colours!
Good Afternoon,
Am about to go out the door; however, have taken some more photos! 'Bitten by the bit photography bug!' LOL! I will learn how to use the correct settings on our digital camera; as it will make quite a tid difference, methinks!
The pictures are of this little antique end table in our bedroom; I just love the colours and they match with everything else (ie The embroidered chairs from 'Blessings', January 25th post) in our room!
Thought this might be a bit of good cheer; before the weekend!
Bye for now!
Peace and God Bless!
Reflective and meaningful moments!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Have just returned from an appointment downtown; and before you know it, the evening will be here. We are working on lots of projects and options; to best survive these tougher times. We did receive a bit of good cheer yesterday; and we are leaving everything up to Him, for His Purpose, as mentioned all along in my other posts.
Tidbit - 'When you can keep your head, while others all around you are losing theirs, you have beome a man'. That is a very true saying by Rudyard Kipling; and that is where we find ourselves presently.
Currently, we are experiencing a major CALM; and are just going with the 'flow'; with Him in full force. We are 'like an instrument in His Orchestra that He is conducting', Keep it simple (stupid); as in the 'KISS' principle.
Bittid - Finding and appreciating beauty, also in the 'little things'; giving Him enthusiastic Thanks always for your Blessings, strengthens you to take joyful and confident steps in youu daily 'walk'; whatever your circumstances may be.
Have just taken 3 pictures of our family room / den / T.V. room (You can refer to yesterday's post for other photo & info); and on our coffee table, you can perhaps see the wonderful crystal cut ashtray; as well as reflections of light on our wall; although it is a rather overcast day. As they say, 'Pracice makes perfect'; thus I am embracing the camera!
We have a full afternoon ahead of us; so am taking a tid 'time out', along with a delicious cup of coffee and a bite of lunch! Also, you will see a portrait of a man's head on the wall; my Mum in her youth, painted that; and I have always loved that particular 'classic' picture. Methinks, she was Blessed with a wonderful gift; painted life-like portraits and incredible flowers. She was content with the few paintings she did; and we are the appreciative recipients of them! Her painting momentos etc, bring a warm smile to my face.
God Bless.
Thursday, 29 January 2009
It feels like a Friday!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We have had a very full bittid day; feels as if it is a 'Friday'; and it is only Thursday! Alan and I put out various tid 'brush fires', had appointments, made numerous phone calls, the works! Also, we enjoyed some tidbit Blessings; re: our business; time will tell!
I love the humour in the good tidbit question asked today, by Professor Howdy: 'How's Canada today???' (You can refer to my post and comment section, of January 27th 'Canadian Budget Speech'; as well as my post of January 28th & comment section for tidbitz background!) Professor Howdy's Blog - 'Thought and Humour' is excellent!
My bittid response - "Currently, it is the 'same old, same old'. ie. 'After reflecting on things', Liberal Leader Ignatieff is saying he will support the budget. BUT, he is only demanding quarterly reports (which are available anyway).
'He is posturing as if he is the 'king maker', when in actual fact, if he did not approve the budget, and forced an election, he would invariably lose! That being said, it would appear that the coalition between the NDP and the Bloc Quebecois has been terminated. They are very angry at the Liberals for not adopting an Opposition Coalition. Political analysts up here commented that it was the weakest possible posture he could take! And yet, 'he still pounded his chest', as if the government would stand or fall on his input!" (Alan's "words" here; eloquently expressing our sentiments)'.
Do I dare ask how the United States is doing today? ie. Governor Blagojevich;
President Obama's 'stimulus package' etc. (the stimulus package, as worded currently, appears to be a bit frightening to us Canadians, as we are thinking 'protectionism').
We are looking forward to February 19th; whereby President Obama and Prime Minister Harper will meet in Ottawa, to work towards building a better future. ie NAFTA etc. It will be an exciting day in our history!"
To 'lighten things up' a bit, here are 4 pictures I took later this afternoon. One photo is of our den / family room / T.V. room; displaying our shelf of wonderful Horse Head Vases! It has been dark and overcast day; so when the sunshine is back, will take another photo of our 'Horsies'; as this picture, methinks, does not do them enough justice! The picture with Blue, is in our front hall; whereby, the cut crystal antique ashtray (mentioned in posts of 'Blessings' -January 25th & also in yesterday's comments of 'Present political mess in Ottawa') is resting upon the 400 year old antique Norwegian 'throne like' large chair. The other matching blue chair, as you can see, is in our living room; and I had cushions made to complement them! The 2 other photos are my 'attempts' at showing this beautiful crystal ashtray. This ashtray (resides in our family room), is stunning whenever the sun's rays fall upon it! Prisms of colours are created 'everywhere'; hence mini & multi scattered rainbows throughout the room!
Am enjoying a glass of our red South African wine. Skal! Glad that evening is now upon us. Tomorrow, we have an early bittidz start; a downtown appointment at 9:30; and before you know it, it will be nightfall again!
Tidbit - Take joy in the 'little things'. ie prisms or whatever makes you smile and or laugh!
Bittid - When you feel a 'peace' and a calm, you know He is working within you, towards a greater Purpose! Have the Faith to daily endure, and 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.
Good Night and God Bless.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Present political mess in Ottawa
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Interesting times! ie our Canadian Budget Speech and / or our present political mess in Ottawa. At the moment, it is being suggested that Liberal Leader Michael Ingatieff, is putting the Conservative government on 'probation'; ie if the Liberals support the Budget, the Conservatives must currrently yield to their demands / ammendments. In other words - 'with strings attached'. Excuse me; Is this genuinely good for the whole of Canada, to be held up for 'ransom' in such a manner? Brother, if I were a Liberal, I would strongly consider crossing the floor to the Conservatives camp asap! The behaviour exhibited by Ignatieff, is NOT in the best interest of our Nation. His face displays his approach. Plus, if an election had to be called (again!), methinks that the Conservatives would be given a resounding majority government! They did not create the financial mess; it goes back to 'Trudeau and the boys'. 'Selective memory' comes to mind; how quickly one 'conveniently forgets?' To add, a futher 'comedy of errors' - NDP Leader, Jack Layton is royally 'ticked off' at Ignatieff's latest remarks, and appears to be saying no to a 'coalition'. Plus the Bloc are upset because they feel they are not receiving enough benefits for 'their Quebecois'. You can refer to my post of yesterday, that Alan eloquently shared our views.
Am going to include some tidbits that I included from my January 25th post,'Blessings'; as a recap for some later bittids.
"This morning I was up early, full of joyful anticipation for the 3 programs on the Vision Channel. Had my cup of coffee, mind, heart, pen and paper ready! (You can refer to yesterday's post for a bit of background, if you wish). I will share a few tidbitz thoughts within the week; however, to do yourselves the best bittidz, please tune into their wonderful teachings and messages of encouragement.
Will say, that on 'Hour of Power', there were some wonderful guest speakers! If you think you are having your challenges and thensome, please read about Patrick Henry Hughes, as per his courage and touching story; and you may rethink your situation(s) again. Also, Pastor Bill Hybels, from Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, Illinois gives invaluable and genuine insights about 'taking a stand!' etc. Both Alan and I think Bill Hybels is a 'special' man; and a heartfelt 'thank you' goes out to him!
On 'Enjoying Everyday Life', Joyce Meyer basically shares about having a 'healthy self image and to get right with God.' Also 'to enjoy the journey along the way'; and 'the less you think about yourself, the happier you will be'. Best to check into her as well; she is great and right down to earth!
On 'Living Truth', Charles Price is starting a series on the 'dynamics of an effective Church'; as well as the dangers of a 'dead' Church. (ie Church of Sardis in Revelations). Eventhough, I have made bittid notes to post a tidbit or few, still best to check out his excellent teachings for yourselves! In other words, take the iniative to 'find out more', if you truly wish to gain more knowledge and Truth. I am currently reading 'Revelation Unveiled' by Tim LaHaye; very interesting and timely book!
Also, while we were watching 'Hour of Power', Alan commented that I had a 'rainbow' on my face! Of course, I could not see it; but he did! We have a beautiful cut crystal antique ashtray; and the brilliant sunshine that was streaming in through our front windows, created a prism and thus a rainbow! I LOVE rainbows; so that was another Blessing!"
We have another full day; however hope to be back later. In the meantime, am going to Pray an Intercessary Prayer for Parliament; and ALL those involved in the process. May their hearts be touched by 'Understanding, Grace, Guidance, Humility, and Empathy etc by Him. Also, may they hear and follow 'His Words of Wisdom' to Direct them into making the best and right decisions for Canada, AS A WHOLE! How about putting the partisan politics aside!
God Bless.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Canadian Budget Speech
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting you to you, in your part of the world.
We have had a full bittid day. That being said, I would like to share Alan's eloquent words that express our tidbit joint views as per today's Canadian Budget Speech, we watched on the T.V. CBC news. Since we were unable to successfully email the CBC at their email address, we contacted a newspaper; and hopefully, this will also reach the ears of the CBC.
"We have been watching with interest since the last Federal Election at the shenanigans of the Opposition parties. ie Liberals 77 seats, the NDP 33 seats, and the Bloc Quebecois 50 seats. We should not forget that the Conservatives have 143 seats and the highest percentage of the popular vote of any party and has the widest level of support across the entire country. The Liberals, on the other hand, had the lowest percentage vote in their history under Dion.
The 3 'also rans' colluded or conspired to put all of their respective seats against the Conservatives to form a quasi self centered coalition to essentially create a coup d'etat.
Everyone knew that the day after the election, Dion was gone. That allowed three 'also rans' to vie for his position. Expediency dictated Michael Ignatieff to be the winner? Since that time, he has been declaring how he should spearhead this coalition and become the next PM by defeating the present, this day Federal Budget. As if he is a king maker!
The Bloc and the NDP have demonstrated their ignorance by declaring that they will not support this Budget; regardless! They have both spoken; especially Layton and his minions that a coalition government would be substantially better at running our country? Whereas, the voting public would definitely disagree! The NDP has support if we can call it that, of approximately 18% of the voting public. The Bloc literally only has support in Quebec. Their expressed reason for existence is to break up Canada and all the while, are at the public trough, re: their salaries, expense accounts, pensions, as well as $1.95 per vote per annum to continue their assault on the rest of us, outside Quebec.
Mr. Ignatieff has been pontificating at any and all turns that the Conservatives had better include all of the Liberals' positions in the forthcoming budget; and if not, at their peril by joining forces with the other 2 leaders??? to bring the government down on a vote of non-confidence. It should be noted that the NDP and the Liberals combined, can not meet the number of Conservatives in the House; and it is at the behest of the Bloc to dictate terms.
Re: Ignatieff's digesting the Budget, he is casting aspersions that as per the article by Andrew Mayeda of Canwest News Service, the Province, Sunday, January 25/09, that he openly states that the deficit that we presently have, was caused by the last majority Conservative Government of Brian Mulroney and giving credit to Jean Chretien and his bunch for eliminating the deficit. However, he fails to remember that it was Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his cronies that literally started the buildup of deficits since 1968, until his defeat by the Conservatives. They slowed it down; but it was so large, that it consumed in excess of 32% of total tax revenue to pay the interest. Also, the GST was specifically created to reduce the deficit and was to be discontinued after the annual deficit had been taken care of. This did not happen under Chretien or Martin's watch.
It still appears that the Liberals think that it is their predestined right to govern our nation; wherein they essentially only have minimal support throughout our great nation.
All 3 Opposition parties have been throwing mud at the Conservatives for the debaucle of the world financial melt down; whereas, if the truth be known, this dilema had very little to do with the goings on in Canada. We would be wise to listen to the World Bank, the IMF, and all major governments of the G-30, that Canada and its financial institutions are the most stable and best regulated than any nation in the world!!
Shouldn't the Opposition parties be part of the solution, rather than not??? We have not heard of one concrete suggestion from any of them, as to what they would do to take care of ' the average Canadian family '. Why not?
The policies of the Conservatives over these past 2 years has quite literally foisted us to the top of the free world's totem pole. We should be thankful and appreciative of their efforts and support them to help all of us get out of this global economic difficulty, as smoothly and efficiently as possible."
Will be back tomorrow.
Good Night and God Bless.
Monday, 26 January 2009
Always learning and appreciating!
Good Evening!
Snow 'is in the air'; you just 'feel' and 'know' the signs! We are appreciative of our early start today; as well as experiencing 'good vibes' from our appointments this afternoon. We managed to get a fair bittidz done, and now am calling it a day. Upon our return a short while ago, Alan made a couple of tidbitz calls, while I was enthusiastically 'practicing' with our camera! LOL!
Will post tidbits tomorrow. You may wish to refer to the January 24th post - 'Food for Thought'; and the January 25th post - 'Blessings', for background bittids.
"Tomorrow is Sunday; and I look forward to watching in the am, the Vision Channel on T.V. -'Hour of Power' - the Schullers; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' - Joyce Meyer, and 'Living Truth' - Charles Price. If you wish, please refer to some of my past posts for info' about these wonderful International Bible Teachers. As it has been an extra busy week for us; methinks, it is best to 'get caught up' on last week's inspirational messages (if you are genuinely interested to gain knowledge and insights first hand), to simply access their websites -; and"
The above quoted paragraph (from January 24th post), may encourage some of you to 'jump start' for yourselves, by checking into their websites; as they all provide enlightenimg messages and excellent resources. Hope this is a helpful tidbit to uplift your spirits a bittid!
Also, the tid photos (mentioned in the 2nd paragraph) of our Lady Head Vase Collection, still appear to have a highly visible 'glare' (even with the blinds closed); so I will just post this bit picture. Ultimately, will 'learn the ropes'; so that I can effectively use our digital camera! Methinks, it will be easier on the eyes! LOL!
Alan has created one of his homemade soups; and the aroma is wonderful! Dinner time! Alan has also just poured me a glass of South African red wine. Skal!
Good Night and God Bless.
Our Lady Head Vase Collection
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Will be back later; however, at the request of a good friend, 'Cathy', I have posted some photos of our 'Lady Head Vase' Collection. We have other various ladies 'scattered about'; in other tid cabinets (with miscellaneous antique pieces), as well as in cupboards, bathrooms, on walls, in the kitchen, and last, but not least, in the 'cook book cupboard' (You can refer to 'Food For Thought' January 24th post, if you wish a bit of background). As you face our fireplace, the top picture is of the right side; and the second photo is of the left. Will learn how to orderly position them; right now, I am happy that I can post the photos! LOL!
Am 'experimenting' with our digital camera; and eventhough I am a 'beginner', I am enjoying taking pictures; and as the expression goes 'practice makes perfect!'
To make things a bittid easier for you (although you may wish to read the January 24th blog), I have included some tidbit info from that post.
"Another post, 'Pam', of February 27/07 gives you a bittidz of history about Lady Head Vases. (I have been passionately collecting these interesting Lady Head Vases since 1991!).
"They are pottery "vase" pieces dating back to the 1940 and 1950 era (and later); and were originally from Japan. There are various pottery companies; ie in the United States...Napco, Enesco, Ruebens, etc. that produced these little wonders! The Ladies are of all sizes - anywhere from 3" to 10" approx. Generally, 3 sizes - miniature / small (3" (or a tidbit tinier!) to 4.5" tall), medium (5" to 6" tall); and the larger ones (7" to 10" tall +). These unique "gems of Ladies" were a nice added touch to florist shops; and for "special occasions," bouquets of flowers would be assembled in these unique "hole in the head" vases; and then sent / delivered to whomever! I LOVE the Ladies with the "pearl earrings and the pearl necklaces!" Just awesome! Of course, if you are a Lady Head Vase collector, (or on the road, to becoming one! - remember, more than one, is considered a "collection!" LOL!) this may be a fun read! I welcome your comments and stories you wish to share about Head Vase collecting; or any other collections that you are "crazy about!"
Ultimately, these Ladies, have become very collectible over time. There are Newsletters, Books on the subject,(you can track on Google), they are being sold on Ebay, and in Antique Stores etc etc etc! AND THE FUN PART - THERE IS EVEN A HEAD VASE CONVENTION! held in Orlando, Florida every January!!! So, this is a "SERIOUS" adventure, enterprise, investment!(whatever category fits!) It is so exciting to meet "collectors," who are passionate about what they "collect!" Makes life even more interesting! Right?"
It has been a full Monday morning! Another gorgeous day; very cold; and snow is in the forecast. We most likely will be receiving approx 2 feet to 3 feet of snow later this afternoon, this evening, and tomorrow in our 'neck of the woods'. So we are heading out now to appointments that we called about earlier this morning to confirm. If it works out, we may pop in and see my daughter, who lives close by to the furthest appointment.
Here is wishing you a great start to the week! 'Keep the Faith' and 'Keep things simple' go a long way in working around difficult moments!
God Bless.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It has been a wonderful day; and it is still light out! Nice that the days are becoming longer! The weather, albeit very cold, was gorgeous! Bright blue skies, brilliant sunshine, and fresh snow on the majestic mountains.
The 'three of us'; Alan, Blue, and I enjoyed an afternoon exhuberant walk, which was so invigorating and refreshing! Ran into a couple of neighbours; and one of whom was a good friend of my parents. I had no idea she was living here; so we made a new friend. We have been invited over to her home; and we look forward to a visit with her.
Also, wore a black 'pea coat', I have not worn for awhile (given to me 6 years ago for Christmas, by my daughter); and it looks great; if I tid say so myself! LOL! The tale gets better! I was 'on fumes' with my bright pink lipstick (one of my 'trademarks', so I am told! LOL!); and lo and behold, when I put my hands into the jacket / coat pocket, tube of lipstick shows up. Wow! The strange thing is, that I had 'misplaced' a new tube of lipstick a few years ago; and now it has been 'found'; as good as ever! Plus, reacquainted myself with a warm jacket, perfect for chilly temperatures!
I just took the above 2 photos. My Norwegian Grandmother did the fine embroidery on 2 matching lovely old antique chairs; which are situated in our bedroom bay window area, that overlooks the wondrous 'parklike' setting, as well as the magnificent coastal mountains in the distance, across the ocean. As you can see, on the chair, there is a bittid pillow with a lipstick! LOL! My lipstick colour is almost identical to the vibrant pink lipstick and writing, illustrated on the pillow! 'Put on a little lipstick. You'll be fine!' Guess the name of the lipstick! 'Pink Vibrations', from Elizabeth Arden. Thought that was an amusing, but a most true tidbit! Always good to have a sense of humour! LOL!
This morning I was up early, full of joyful anticipation for the 3 programs on the Vision Channel. Had my cup of coffee, mind, heart, pen and paper ready! (You can refer to yesterday's post for a bit of background, if you wish). I will share a few tidbitz thoughts within the week; however, to do yourselves the best bittidz, please tune into their wonderful teachings and messages of encouragement.
Will say, that on 'Hour of Power', there were some wonderful guest speakers! If you think you are having your challenges and thensome, please read about Patrick Henry Hughes, as per his courage and touching story; and you may rethink your situation(s) again. Also, Pastor Bill Hybels, from Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, Illinois gives invaluable and genuine insights about 'taking a stand!' etc. Both Alan and I think Bill Hybels is a 'special' man; and a heartfelt 'thank you' goes out to him!
On 'Enjoying Everyday Life', Joyce Meyer basically shares about having a 'healthy self image and to get right with God.' Also 'to enjoy the journey along the way'; and 'the less you think about yourself, the happier you will be'. Best to check into her as well; she is great and right down to earth!
On 'Living Truth', Charles Price is starting a series on the 'dynamics of an effective Church'; as well as the dangers of a 'dead' Church. (ie Church of Sardis in Revelations). Eventhough, I have made bittid notes to post a tidbit or few, still best to check out his excellent teachings for yourselves! In other words, take the iniative to 'find out more', if you truly wish to gain more knowledge and Truth. I am currently reading 'Revelation Unveiled' by Tim LaHaye; very interesting and timely book!
Also, while we were watching 'Hour of Power', Alan commented that I had a 'rainbow' on my face! Of course, I could not see it; but he did! We have a beautiful cut crystal antique ashtray; and the brilliant sunshine that was streaming in through our front windows, created a prism and thus a rainbow! I LOVE rainbows; so that was another Blessing!
Want to expand a bittid on 'Stop - Loss', that was included in my tidbit post yesterday. I added and changed my original content; because we are aghast that this actually happened or happens. Here are my revised words, for quick referral; although you may wish to refer to the post. "Also watched 'Stop - Loss' last night; very impactful movie, of what took place in real life. We hope and Pray those situations have been remedied; and / or if not, will be changed".
Eventhough we are Canadians, we were dismayed while viewing the movie, 'Stop - Loss'; in that when the decorated hero in the U.S. Army came home after his final 'tour', he was arbitrarily ordered to return to the front for another 'tour'. What a massive 'let down!' It was (hopefully it is now a 'WAS' scenario) disgraceful, that these courageous men, who had already endured major traumatic experiences, as well as suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome, were coercised and treated in such an insensitive way. To boot, families were torn apart!
We can appreciate 'doing one's duty'; however, this practically defies / defeats 'the concept of Freedom in a Democracy', methinks humbly. However, we are Prayful that these unfeeling decisions have been been corrected; and / or these particular injustices are rectified. The 'powers that be' in my opinion, should be more compassionate and understanding; it reminds me of the saying: 'You can not judge a person or circumstance, until you have walked a mile in his shoes'.
Tidbit - He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT - always!
Bittid - Be thankful for the 'little things'; as in small and simple Blessings! Today, I enjoyed quite a few! LOL!
Am presently appreciating a glass of South African red wine. Skal! For dinner, we are having baked chicken, a la 'Shake and Bake', parmesan & herb roasted potatoes, and my mixed creative combination of a healthy Green / Caesar salad. 'Keeping it simple', but good! Alan has already prepared and put the chicken and potatoes in our oven; and such a wonderful smell is permeating throughout our house!
Here is wishing you a nice evening and may you have a good start to your day etc! 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'
Peace and God Bless.
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Food for thought!
Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It was a full week; where did the tid time go! We were / are wearing many 'hats'; so this weekend is a bit of a respite for us to recharge our bit batteries for the upcoming week. Sometimes, do you not find that everything comes all at once? As the expressions go, 'It never rains, but it pours', or 'Feast or Famine'. When you find yourself 'overwhelmed' by circumstances that 'pile up', take a deep breath, Ask Him for His Guidance, Understanding, and Grace. 'Things' become a lot simpler; and you are able to handle challenges with a confident calm, almost as if in 'slow motion'. Enduring with FAITH, having a simple focus and keeping things simple really help! If you wish a bittid of encouragement, please refer to my post of May 14/07,' In Pursuit of Happiness'; wherby FAITH shows up!
In addition to the 'Crab Crostini with Baby Shrimp' photo image, these are 13 attempted 'layman' (as you can see! LOL!) pictures, of the 'linen cupboard', that once held my parents' towels and sheets, when they lived here. There are 4 built in shelves (by my Dad) and the carpet (we added) becomes the '5th shelf', for 'added shelf life'. LOL! Thought it best (experimenting as a 'layman') to include more than less, in this case; although it is often said, that 'Less is best!' LOL! As you look directly, Photo #1 - 4th shelf; Photos #2 & #3 - 3rd, 4th, & a tid of 5th shelves; Photo #4 - 2nd & 3rd shelves; & Photos #5 & #6 - 1st, 2nd & 3rd shelves; Photo #7 - 1st & 2nd shelves; Photos #8 & #9 - 1st, 2nd, & a bit of the 3rd shelves; Photo #10 -3rd, 4th, & 5th shelves (carpet is 5th); Photo # 11 - 4th & 5th shelves; Photo #12, -3rd, 4th, & a bit of the 5th shelves; and photo # 13 - 3rd, 4th, & a tid of the 5th shelf. Hope this is of more tidbitz help than not; eventhough I am a wee bittidz 'cross eyed' at the moment! LOL! As you can see, our COOKBOOKS have taken up residence, along with a few special Lady Head Vases appreciatively presiding over these local and innundating International cookbooks. Some other time, I will take some photos of our other Lady Head Vases! Our towels and linens are in our armoire (If you like, you can refer to 'Be thankful for Blessings', Jan 18th post, to see the photo of our armoire).
If you wish, you can refer to various posts for a tidbitz of background.
This particular bittid post is from May 27/07 with a recipe for 'Crab Crostini with Baby Shrimp!' Am sure you can substitute other tids and bits to create your own tasty tidbit sandwiches! Am hungry already; eventhough I enjoyed a hearty breakfast! Methinks, I will print this recipe out for quick and easy reference; so that I can make it often; as well as applying different concoctions. ie Chicken, tuna, whatever is in the kitchen cupboard and or leftovers in fridge. Whatever comes to mind!
Ingredients Serves 6 slices
6 slices baguette-style bread, sliced thinly
1/2 pound Gruyere cheese, grated
1/2 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon minced scallions
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon Old Bay seasoning
8–10 dashes Tabasco sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 pound lump crabmeat
1/4 pound baby shrimp
1. Grill the thinly sliced bread or place it under the broiler until toasted. Turn and toast the other side. Set aside.
2. Combine the half of the cheese, the sour cream, mustard, scallions, lemon juice, Old Bay seasoning, Tabasco sauce, salt, and pepper in a medium mixing bowl and mix thoroughly.
3. Check the crabmeat for any small pieces of shell and discard them.
4. Gently add the crab to the mixture. Don’t over mix; you want the lumps of crab to remain intact.
5. Cover the mixture with plastic wrap and refrigerate for several hours so that the flavors meld.
6. Remove the crab from the refrigerator and spoon it onto the toasts. Top each with a portion of the remaining cheese and a few baby shrimp.
6. Sprinkle a small amount of the cheese over the shrimp and place under the broiler for 2 to 3 minutes, until melted and bubbly.
Preparation time: 15 minutes plus several hours downtime.
Another post, 'Pam', of February 27/07 gives you a bittidz of history about Lady Head Vases.
"They are pottery "vase" pieces dating back to the 1940 and 1950 era (and later); and were originally from Japan. There are various pottery companies; ie in the United States...Napco, Enesco, Ruebens, etc. that produced these little wonders! The Ladies are of all sizes - anywhere from 3" to 10" approx. Generally, 3 sizes - miniature / small (3" (or a tidbit tinier!) to 4.5" tall), medium (5" to 6" tall); and the larger ones (7" to 10" tall +). These unique "gems of Ladies" were a nice added touch to florist shops; and for "special occasions," bouquets of flowers would be assembled in these unique "hole in the head" vases; and then sent / delivered to whomever! I LOVE the Ladies with the "pearl earrings and the pearl necklaces!" Just awesome! Of course, if you are a Lady Head Vase collector, (or on the road, to becoming one! - remember, more than one, is considered a "collection!" LOL!) this may be a fun read! I welcome your comments and stories you wish to share about Head Vase collecting; or any other collections that you are "crazy about!"
Ultimately, these Ladies, have become very collectible over time. There are Newsletters, Books on the subject,(you can track on Google), they are being sold on Ebay, and in Antique Stores etc etc etc! AND THE FUN PART - THERE IS EVEN A HEAD VASE CONVENTION! held in Orlando, Florida every January!!! So, this is a "SERIOUS" adventure, enterprise, investment!(whatever category fits!) It is so exciting to meet "collectors," who are passionate about what they "collect!" Makes life even more interesting! Right?
Tidbit - Whatever your collection is; be it re: lady head vases, toby jugs, thimbles, art, china, silver, plates, etc. take time out every so often, to appreciate and ENJOY what you have already gathered over the hours, days, weeks, months, years! The fun is also, how you "found your piece(s);" whom you have met, the "tales!" etc. all add to the mix, in the "spice of life!" ".
Would like to add another 'tidbit' - Cookbooks are collectible too; as you can see! LOL! One can never have enough Cookbooks; now all I have to do, is USE them and more often! LOL! I happen to have an antique authentic White House Cookbook, dating from 1887. It is in good shape, save that some of 'The White House Cookbook' pages need to be 'rebound' (which we will have done professionally). This unique piece of history, with mouthwatering recipes, is on our one kitchen shelf, along with a few other favourite cookbooks! Our kitchen is not the White House, and our shelves are minimal; hence the 'linen cupboard' was 'pressed into service'. LOL!
Also watched 'Stop - Loss' last night; very impactful movie, of what took place in real life. We hope and Pray those situations have been remedied; and / or if not, will be changed.
Tomorrow is Sunday; and I look forward to watching in the am, the Vision Channel on T.V. -'Hour of Power' - the Schullers; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' - Joyce Meyer, and 'Living Truth' - Charles Price. If you wish, please refer to some of my past posts for info' about these wonderful International Bible Teachers. As it has been an extra busy week for us; methinks, it is best to 'get caught up' on last week's inspirational messages (if you are genuinely interested to gain knowledge and insights first hand), to simply access their websites -; and
Here is wishing you a tranquil R & R weekend! Am going to take 'a bit of time out' to look through some of the cookbooks, for 'future ideas!' LOL! We would also like to do a tid of renovating of our kitchen, to create more space and shelves; however, we have other priorities to deal with during these particular times. However, it is always good, to have 'fun' projects to joyfully look forward to!
Peace and God Bless.
Friday, 23 January 2009
It is the weekend! Hurrah!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Whew! Had a full tidbitz day; and am about to call it a tid night and watch a couple of movies.
We have been working on various bit projects; and in the early evening, we received a return phone call from a financier (who 'thinks outside the box'), who may be able to offer us some quality and reasonable assistance with our 'small business'. As per yesterday's post, the banks at this time, appear to be 'more of a hindrance, than a help'. We will provide the information requested; and he will have what he needs by Monday morning.
Tidbit - Appreciate the end of a day; and just 'chill out'. Put all matters 'to bed' or to 'rest' for the night. Sometimes when times are tough, it takes extra courage to reach out to Him for His Help. However, when you Ask Him to carry your burdens etc; you immediately feel uplifted; as if a huge weight has been removed from your shoulders and heart! Plus, you will have a much better bittidz sleep!
Bittid - 'Praise Him In ALL Things' during both the good and the bad times. However, it is even more important to remember and joyfully acknowledge Him in the good times! After a while,(because you have genuinely accepted Him into your heart) it becomes 'second nature" to always Thank Him for all your Blessings.
I love the above photo image; have written a few posts about that wonderful plate, which we really enjoy! (See November 4th post etc if you wish).
Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Looking forward with hope!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
First of all, my apologies for not writing a tid post yesterday; and inasmuch as we were out all day and a good part of the evening, we were appreciative to see our bed! Busy times; particularly with all this global economic financial upheaval, which has affected most of us. Our government has even given the banks money to 'help those in small business'; and yet, the banks are still 'hoarding' the money to make up for their past losses and / or to enhance their bottom line; even with lower interest rates being offered now. Like 'go figure!' Methinks, with the banks' current posture, this will do the banks more harm, than good in the end. Meanwhile, we are doing our bittidz best to be in a 'holding' pattern; and are exploring other avenues. Also, IF we were to win a lotto, we would 'spread the wealth' to fruition. Period. I guess it is 'thinking outside the box'.
Before I forget, it has been two years to the day, since I started writing my Blog; where have the 24 tidbitz months gone! ('My First Post' & 'Staring with Baby Steps'). If you wish, you can also refer to my bit post, 'Monday Elixir' of January 19th. where I made mention of our digital camera! Plus, I have not forgotten about sharing some bittids / tidbits re: 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'.
Once again, we feel that President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama are both a 'breath of fresh air', as well as the rest of their quality team. Not taking anything away from those (in the past) where the credit is due. God gave us eyes in the front of our faces; so that we can look forward; not backwards.
Tidbit - Rely on Him to always Guide you; particularly, during these tough times. I love the above photo image - 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.
Am enjoying now a glass of our South African red wine. Skal! Alan is cooking up large tasty prawns (bought frozen from Costco) and I will whip up a healthy salad as an accompaniment! Looking forward too, to watching President's Obama on the news tonight! Good on him and to all those he has inspired to help revitalize America!
Bittid - Be thankful for all your Blessings. If we can 'keep things simple' on a daily basis, then we can genuinely enjoy each and every day with a confidence and a calm.
Peace and God Bless.
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Dancing for America!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Have not been home long. Have had a full day; and we are glad to be home! As the saying goes, 'There is no place like home! There is a thick cold fog of 'pea soup', that is still continuing to brew overnight.
Had an early start to our day; however, was able to watch some of the Inauguration; ie the 'swearing in' of both President Obama and Vice President Biden; as well as hearing President Obama's awesome 18 minute speech. The weather in Washington, D.C. was a chilly 28 degrees F; however, they were Blessed with a beautiful clear day! First Lady Michelle Obama looked wonderful in her yellow outfit; I love her classic and elegantly simple style!
Eventhough we are Conservatives in Canada (Republicans if we were Americans), Alan and I have a strong conviction in Obama's Presidency; and have the faith that he will be amongst one of the greatest American Presidents in history! We believe, he will live up to "Yes, we can!". (You can refer to yesterday's tidbitz post if you wish a bittidz of background). His spiritual and inspirational approach, ethics, his unity style, his dynamic leadership, and his quality team, we feel will bring a healthy positive 'change' to the Nation; as well as encouraging HOPE and revitalizing / restoring PEACE throughout the world! I love the dancing photo image of President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama!
Also a tidbit - "Mr. President Bush initiated putting together a global assault on the HIV Aids dilema in Africa and in India; to assist those nations to counteract the epidemic in those countries. He essentially financed the whole program and got others on side. Also, there have been no full blown terroist attacks since 911, on U.S. soil. Saddam Hussein is no longer a dictator, killing his own people. Irag is poised to become a free elected democracy, and that will help to stabilize the Middle East. Unbeknownst to many, Mr President Bush was not the initiator of the sub prime mess. It was the previous Democrat administration. History will show that Mr. President Bush thought he did the right thing, at the right time!" I am quoting Alan's words, in expressing our tid thoughts, as a humble tribute of thanks, to Mr. President Bush and Laura Bush.
We wish President Obama, Vice President Biden, their families, and their team all the best in their tenure! We also wish Mr. President Bush and Laura Bush a happy life together on their ranch! We saw (with a bit of nostalgia) the Bushes exit the White House in the U.S. Airforce One Helicopter; and it would appear that both Presidents and their wives, have formed a genuine friendship. If that is so, I am glad; and good on them!
We also hope that Senator John McCain will be asked by President Obama, to play an active role in establishing an effective quality working relationship between the Democrats and the Republicans for a better unified America. I appreciate the tidbit I heard on the news, that President Bush was looking forward to making his wife a cup of coffee! Good on him!
Good Night and God Bless.
Monday, 19 January 2009
"The wonderment of Democracy in action!"
Good Afternoon,
Has been a full day thus far; we have been handling a lot of bittidical tasks from home. We have a couple of appointments - one, within the next hour; and the other, early evening.
Am taking a few tidbitical moments to share some tidbitz! Also, took the photo of the two sparrows and their three eggs in the nest. Actually, it is a music box, which plays the tune, 'Amazing Grace', when wound up. You can refer to my post,' Amazing Grace' of December 12/08 if you wish some uplifting bittidz! This picture is from our bittid balconey; and you can see a glimmer of the plant boxes to the right, that once had the colourful geraniums in them!
In reference to 'Hour of Power', you may wish to refer to yesterday's earlier post for a tidbit of background. Inasmuch as the Inauguration of President Elect Obama is tomorrow, you may want to check out the awesome Prayer that Pastor Suzette Caldwell (Associate Pastor of United Methodist Church, in Houston, Texas) shared on the air (
We are looking so forward to watching this exciting Inauguration, making history on January 20/09! Thank you, Alan, for your words "expressing" our joint thoughts: - "We are glad that President Elect Obama has taken a great deal of Lincoln perspectives to heart, and that he appreciates Lincoln as the Emancipator! Also, that Obama has used Lincoln's posture, as a guiding light for his conduct, both in his professional and personal life.
Ironically, today is the birthday of Reverend Martin Luther King; hence Martin Luther King Day. Forty five years to the day, and the day before Obama (the first African-American President) to hold this esteemed position, in the history of the United States. At exactly, the same place that Reverend Martin Luther King gave his provocative speech at the Lincoln Memorial, in Washington, D.C.
Obama and his family are Christians; and God Bless them, America, and Canada, to give Obama 'Discernment' from on 'High' to help him in his Presidency."
Peace to all; and God Bless.
Monday elixir
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It is a majestic morning! Took some pictures early this morning; am experimenting with the digital camera my son gave us for Christmas 2007! In yesterday's post, I was sharing tidbits of teachings from 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life'. and 'Living Truth'; and I will write some bittids about their wonderful messages within the next day or two!
'Enjoying Everyday Life', with Joyce Meyer, to quote what I shared as per yesterday's post. However, for those of you who suffer from 'a low self esteem and / or a self poor image', and want to receive a tidbit of encouragement and help, check into Joyce's website: CONFIDENCE is the key; and also 'Who are you in Christ?' The resources Joyce and her guest, Dr. Linda Mintle (Her name 'Linda' means 'beautiful' in Spanish!), are very helpful; re: your marriage or whatever! It is the 'depth' of you; how you really feel about yourself on the 'inside!'"
I would like to expand a bit on the above paragragh. First of all, we all have our tid moments, where we do / when we did experience a low self esteem and / or a self poor image. It is a matter of whether one does anything about it. ie 'Get over it'; best still - to invite Him (Jesus Christ) into your heart and ask Him for daily Guidance; and He helps you 'get over it!'. When you genuinely accept Him into your heart, He (the Holy Spirit) never leaves! You 'change'; and a CONFIDENCE from WITHIN takes strong root! The 'self poor image' - ie too fat, too skinny, too ugly, too pretty, too this, too that, etc - same thing! When you genuinely feel good on the 'inside'; you beam and 'glow' with CONFIDENCE etc. It is what is within; not what is on the outside, that draws people to you. As the expression goes, 'Beauty is only skin deep.' It is on the inside that matters!
Will say, that I was quite 'nervous' about the digital camera; and it has taken me about a year to 'get over it!' Granted, I am a novice with the digital technology; however, I will learn! I just took the above few photos from our bedroom bay window; which gives you an idea of how glorious a morning it is! Do not know if I utilized the correct settings; however,'practice makes perfect'; and thought I would include the four pictures; so that nothing is missed! LOL! The skies are a beautiful 'turquoise' colour, and the sun is glowing on the mountains.
We received a bittid phone call at 6:30 am our time; talk about being an alarm clock, before our Blue! Just as well, because we have a lot happening this week. As we have been up for a bittidz, the coffee tastes extra 'good!' As a tidbitz, apparently four or five cups of coffee per day, helps stimulate anti aging proteins of the brain; thus helping to block alztheimers (sp?) and dementia. How is that for an encouraging tidbit, for us 'coffee drinkers!' Alan read that enlightening 'gem' in the newspaper the other day.
Peace and God Bless.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Be thankful for Blessings!
Hi again! It has been a beautiful day; and until approx 5:00 ish pm, it was still light out, with a gorgeous clear 'sunset' type of sky. Now, it is nightfall; and I am thankful for the evening.
A couple of new 'Blessings' we are appreciative for!
When Alan took Blue out for his early morning walk, he came across a discarded plant (Amadeus?) as well as a beautiful large pottery plant pot in great condition. Both items had been 'left' as 'garbage' in our complex disposal area! However, they are found 'gifts' to us; much like our Charlie Brown Tree, which was and will continue to be our Christmas Tree! You can see the photo of our 'special' tree, taken today, in the later afternoon!
If you wish, you can refer to my January 11th post of 'Rest and Peace' for a tidbitz of background about our 'found treasure'. 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' is so true an expression! Also, 'what is not one man's treasure, may be somebody else's' or is it, 'what is one man's treasure, may not be someone else's'- whatever tid way you wish to look at it; or words to that bit effect. ( You can also read about 'Finding Treasures', in my May 28/08 post). I might add, the dear 'frogs' are both 'happily' indoors on our kitchen sink counter; and have been very useful as scrub / soap holders!
Our lovely neighbour and her houseguest came over; and we enjoyed the bittidz visit immensely; we hope to see him again - 'a lovely old guy' at age 86 yrs young; and totally 'spry and with it!' Methinks it is primarily 'genes' and a positive attitude that helps! May we be like this enthusiastic chap, who is very much 'young at heart', when we reach his age! He used to be a strong skier; however he and his wife were in a car accident some 10 years ago. She unfortunately died from the major mishap; and he has had to continue bravely on without her. However, he is a delight! He is welcome here anytime!
'John' (his name) is looking for a companion dog (preferably a Lab); as he just recently lost his dog. Our Blue took an 'instant shine' to him. You can tell, who is a 'dog lover' (or a cat, bird, horse, fish etc); and if we go on a vacation (not a priority at this time for us; although we know there are good savings etc), we perhaps could call upon him to 'dogsit' and / or even 'housesit with our Blue'. Perhaps, it might be a nice bittid change for him, every once in awhile. Although, our neighbour has put a strong bid in for Blue to care for him, if we are out of town. So, we are fortunate for these tidbit 'Blessings' as well.
Here are two more pictures taken today; showing Blue, 'comfy comfy' at the top of our stairs (our computer is in the background; as in a 'treehouse' environment); and the 1865 ish Mahogany Victorian Armoire,(to the right of our computer) that Alan and I gave each other for our wedding 'gift', six years ago!(made mention of this awesome Armoire in a some past posts if you wish to check). How the years have flown by; and they have been good years; regardless of what challenges / experiences there were, and are currently lying ahead of us in these uncertain times.
We are going to savour 'Beef Wellington' (frozen meals from 'M & M'); and a Caesar salad, Alan's 'Scottish mashed potatoes', and a glass of our South African red wine; thus another evening of International cuisine! The 'Beef Wellington' are smelling delicious throughout our home!
Tomorrow and this week are looking to be pretty full; however, we are going to enjoy this evening; in fact, each and every day as it comes. Any worries, fears, doubts, whatever, we are leaving it ALL to Him to Provide Solution. I have shared that in several posts; and there is TRUTH, in Relying always upon Him and being daily Guided by Him; as 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light!' Today's programs on the Vision Channel were / are illuminating!
Tidbit - Be genuinely grateful for each and every moment, of each and every day. 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.
Bittid - Appreciate your simple 'Blessings'. As mentioned in a recent post, we have much to be thankful for; as there is always someone (or people) who is / are in a worse situation, somewhere in the world! Pray for compassion, empathy, humility, and understanding etc!
Hope you had / or are having a nice R & R Sunday.
Good Night and God Bless.
Be 'childlike' and full of wonder!
Good Afteroon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
This is a quick bit update; as we have an unexpected visit from friends coming over within the next tid while; and we have a few tidbitz things to do, before they arrive!
This am, was up extra early in anticipation of enjoying 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'. I watched 'Hour of Power'; and it was fantastic; also with wonderful guests! Will write a tidbit about today's program later; however, here is the website, if you wish to tune in sooner! Associate Pastor Suzette Caldwell from Huston, Texas was one of the speakers; and her message was / is so refreshing! 'Yes! We Can!' She also Prayed an awesome Prayer for the upcoming inauguration of President Elect Obama, as well as for the whole American Nation. Very worth listening to; and it is 'music to my ears!'
The morning start was a gorgeous one; waking up to beautiful clear blue skies, sunshine, views of our majestic mountains; extra uplifting to our spirits and we are all the more thankful for His Blessings. There are wisps / mists of smoke arising from various chimneys; as it is approx a chilly 30 degrees F.
As I was about to enjoy Joyce Meyers of 'Enjoying Everyday Life', our telephone rang; right when her show was beginning! Was tempted to leave the bittid phone alone; however, it was our neighbour; letting us know that her elderly friend, who has wanted to meet us, is finally in town; and 'would this afternoon work?' He and my Dad knew each other from years ago; and he wants to reminisce for a bittidz. She and I chatted for a bittid; thus I was only able to watch the last few minutes of Joyce's show. However, for those of you who suffer from 'a low self esteem and / or a self poor image', and want to receive a tidbit of encouragement and help, check into Joyce's website: CONFIDENCE is the key; and also 'Who are you in Christ?' The resources Joyce and her guest, Dr. Linda Mintle (Her name 'Linda' means 'beautiful' in Spanish!), are very helpful; re: your marriage or whatever! It is the 'depth' of you; how you really feel about yourself on the 'inside!'
Will share tidbits re: 'Hour of Power' with Charles Price later as well. He is saying that 'one must be like a child, to enter the Kingdom of God.' It is your heart, not your mind that matters more, re: being in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, the Watoto Childrens' Choir, from Uganda, sang so powerfully, with their strong and vibrant young voices. Here is Charles' website for you to enjoy being inspired with some bittids!
I appreciate all three programs on the Vision Channel; and there are other ministerial programs as well. Good on all those that have the courage to stand up and share invaluable teachings about Him.
Must go for now. Alan has just returned from the store, to pick up a few 'goodies' for our guests. May be back later today; if not tomorrow.
Here is wishing you PEACE, a CALM, and a JOY, a CONFIDENCE, etc for today and for each and every day! I love the above photo image!
God Bless.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
'Elephant Walk'
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We gratefully slept in; even our Blue! Until a long distance phone call came in at 9:00 am. We groggily let the 'alarm clock' run its course. When we did check for a message; it was a survey; and it was noon their time. Methinks if someone is going to telephone early on a Saturday am, they should leave a message. It was almost as if the person was afraid to utter a sound, save for my ears hearing background noises and voices of telemarketers. Alan had 'pre made' the coffee last night; just push the button, and presto, my morning elixir! We are emmeshed in a thick fog; as per the weather forecast for the next few days; so the cups of coffee are extra appreciated at this hour! LOL!
Last night, from our comfy bed, we watched 'Elephant Walk' with Elzabeth Taylor, Dana Andrews, and Peter Finch; and wow! Awesome breathtaking Ceylon scenery (You can refer to my post of yesterday, if you wish). I totally enjoyed the movie; beautiful lush countryside, colourful flowers everywhere; and the 'bungalow' was none too shabby either! ie. A classic style, all befitting to a gracious grand old home!
Elizabeth Taylor is one of my favourite actresses and she was ideal for the role; loved the simple elegance of her dresses! (Have been complimented by many, that I look very similar to her; or she like me! Perhaps in earlier years! LOL! When I 'donned' on a dark wig; there was / is a strong resemblance, particularly with the eyes! Have to also share that as a child, I was very fair, a 'natural blonde', with the dark eyebrows. However, in my late teens, the blonde hair grew into a natural dark 'brunette' shade. No knocks on 'brunettes' (was one myself! LOL!); however, I reverted back to the 'original' colour! LOL!). How is that for a tid of trivia! And they say, 'Only your hairdresser knows for sure!'
The 'Elephant Walk' is an appropriate name for the story; as the old Governor (deceased) had built the huge house, which blocked the 'water walk' or direct route of the elephants, in their vital quest for water! There were walls to keep out the poor elephants; and the bull elephant, whose mate had been shot and killed by the old Governor, was constantly 'stirring things up.' As it is said, 'An elephant never forgets'. The son of the old governor had a 'tough act to follow'; it was as if his father was still 'alive', and everyone was paying homage to his memory etc. It depends in which tidbitz way you look at it, but to me, the ending was justified; and yet, with a positive outcome. Better still, if you see the movie for yourselves, to appreciate the 'whole 9 yards'.
Tidbit - As they say, 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. Appreciate and take daily delight in the simple and little things; helps keep you upbeat!
Bittid - He Created the Universe in six days! WOW! 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. ie. The magnificent scenery from 'Elephant Walk!'
We have some bit errands to do; may be back in a bittidz. Should add too, that I love elephants!
Peace and God Bless.