Friday, 30 November 2007


Home! Yahoo! We arrived home a bit while ago; ordered in a pizza, and enjoyed a tid glass of red wine!

We moved Alan's parents in; but only partially; as there is still more "stuff" to pack. So, Alan and I went to their "prison" earlier this evening, and "cleared out" his Dad's 'pathetic' room. His things filled our car; and with a couple of "Mr. Glad" Garbage bags, from his Mum's 'sad' room, not even a tidbit olive could fit into our car! LOL! Currently, our overly packed car is safe in our garage; and we will continue with the remaining task of the move tomorrow. The main thing is, that the parents are "out" of their old location!!! It was tragic to see all the "old people" lining up in their wheelchairs for dinner, and then lining up after dinner, in single file again, to return to their bittid rooms via elevator. There were a couple of 'fights' and nasty words amongst 'wheel chair line crashers'; unreal! And, the only 2 elevators in the old age home, are "slower than molasses" to boot. All we could say, is "Thank God, the parents are OUT of here!"

Tidbit - Appreciate being in your own home! And, for as long as possible! I plan to NEVER be in that dour situation; because it is the 'kiss of death' - quite literally.

Bittid - Have compassion for the 'older folk'. You will be there one day.

Having said that, I am going to 'limp off' to bed. There is a good movie, "Miss Potter" on tonight; so we are going to enjoy watching the acting antics of Renee Zellweger as, Miss Beatrix Potter. I like Renee Zellweger; she exudes a genuine warmth; and I feel the role is a good one for her. We caught a tidbitz glimpse of the movie last weekend; ; but we already had made some other bittidz movie plans. So, tonight, this will be purrfect; to appreciate the talented works of Beatrix Potter. She was very talented as an artist / painter, and with her creative imagination, she published: 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit'; and other such delightful childrens' stories!

It was Alan's Mum's birthday today; she was a "happy camper". Instead of being in a tidbitical tiny room,(with not even a bittidical view), she is in a lovely penthouse in Yale Town, with a full panoramic view. She and her beloved husband are on "Cloud Nine!" The sunset was glorious; and the golden rays were wonderfully reflecting against the surrounding buildings. Our tenant is staying there in the spare bedroom, before he leaves on Monday. And the nice thing is, they all get along very well with each other! Interestingly enough, his parents are the exact same age as Alan's parents.

Good Night and God Bless.

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