Thursday, 29 November 2007

The World is your Oyster! Hmmmmmm. It is what you positively make of it; AND with Him to Guide you!

Hi! It is later afternoon here; and we have been Blessed with a beautiful sunny, yet cold day! The snow did not stick, save for the bit build up of further frost upon the rooftops and in the tid 'shady' areas. Hmmmmmm. 'shady' - has different meanings; and as of late, we have been exposed to the rather 'shady' antics of others.

Slept 'like a rock' last night! Best sleep in a very long tidbitz! I think with all the "fluff stuff" , that has been largely unnecessary, has worn us all down a wee bittidz. Am not going to go into the legal tidbits at this bittid time; suffice to post, it is very tiring. Very hard too, on Alan's parents; because they have had to come to the stark reality of the 'conspiracy' of some 'trusted' family members, and "others", who have had a 'murderous and crippling' agenda all along.

We were even wondering whether we should now go away on our long awaited vacation? However, since we have already made our trip arrangements a tidbitual ago; we will go; and, we should be in a better bittidual 'space', once "away". We have done our best for the parents; so we are trusting in Him, that all will run smoothly in our absence.

We run the 'bulk' (never thought of it that way!) of our business from our home; and we are so appreciative and grateful for that luxury; working from our home. We LOVE our cosy abode; and yes, others may have bigger, better homes, newer and nicer furniture, whatever... However, "HOME IS WHERE YOUR HEART IS"; don't you genuinely figure! Plus we are all so fortunate to have roofs over our heads! Many people, 'living' in other parts of the world, do not have that vital option. And more likely than not, they are amongst the 'walking dead!' "Praise Him in All Things", keeps hitting me squarely between the eyes and in the heart. I guess that is a bit of a bittidz, for the space between our ears.

Have now lit a roaring fire and with the lively sunshine pouring in, the 'rainbow' prisms are glistening back and forth from our scattered pieces of crystal; as in our 'dancing' decanturs, which look majestic in the natural light.

Now unearthed another oyster plate (now 29 in total)and it is also in the books; increasing our number, from three to four plates. The above photo is the replica of the oyster plate that I 'fell upon', whilst 'browsing' on Ebay. Where would we be, all of us, without an "Ebay!!!" Both books (mentioned in yesterday's blog)have the plate listed as quite valuable; unbeknownst to me, as I ended up buying it for next to nothing! Blog about an uniquely exquisite purchase; and I now have it on a tasteful mahogany 'plate stand' in our wonderful cabinet! The vibrantly hand painted colours on the plate, are magnificent, along with 2 dear tidbitz crystal 'shot glasses'. I suppose the 'bohemian shot glasses' could also be enjoyed as 'shooters' when inhaling oysters 'in the raw!' LOL!

Tidbit - "Home IS where YOUR heart is" or, "where you hang your hat!" - An appreciative truth!

Bittid - "Live one day at a time" and best not to worry about the 'next day'; although, it is easier said than done, at challenging times. Simply leave it to Him to Provide Daily Solution; and to put things right.

Alan is currently out helping his parents 'pack' for their move tomorrow afternoon. If you wish, you can refer to earlier blogs, to become a bit more familiar with the present tid of activity.

Further reflective tidbitz - Surrender everything to Him, for His Help; so that He can Provide you with a calm AND a peace.

God Bless.

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