Sunday, 18 November 2007

Keep it Simple!

Good Morning!

Last night we simply went to bed early. We were wiped. We did not feel like cooking the wonderful food we had bought earlier in the day. So, we just had a smattering bit of creative fridge 'leftovers', and put the South African bottle of red wine on "hold" to perhaps, enjoy with tonight's dinner. As well as being known to enjoy a bottle of wine with a repas, we also have the appreciation to anticipate that same bottle of wine, to last over a few tid meals.

Tidbit - "They" say a bittidz glass of red wine a day, is good for the arteries. I am sticking to that tidbitz thought!

Today, we are just going to "lay low" and "putter". This flu bug / head cold has been really quite a nasty piece of work; and it comes back, if not "nipped in the bud". We have also increased our intake of Himalayan Goji Juice!

Watched Joyce Meyer on the Vision Channel; referred to her in my blog of November 11th. She is excellent! Apart from her T.V. program, she writes many books; her newest book being, "The Power of Simple Prayer".

Simply, He wants us to enjoy our lives; and to keep it SIMPLE! As Joyce says, if you 'Pray Your Way Through the Day', it really helps you experience FAITH, JOY, HOPE, LOVE in your life.

As Charles Price says, "You have to experience Jesus, for yourself". Seek for Jesus, Himself". Have the unshakable FAITH and simple BELIEF in Him.

Bittid - Joyce and Charles are incredible 'messengers' in His Service. I recommend you "tune in" to them; as they provide wonderful resources.

We have had our wonderful Thanksgiving; however, Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating it, this coming week! I understand that the American Thanksgiving is an even bigger event then Christmas! In yesterday's blog, I made mention of Christmas. We do not know what Christmas has in store for us this year; save that we are looking forward to it!

Each and every day is like a "Thanksgiving" or a "Christmas" to both Alan and I. Once again, I love the above photo image; "Seek, and Ye Shall Find".

God Bless!

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