Monday, 5 November 2007

Glad it is end of the day!


Been a rather interesting full day! Being on the phone with our business', doing some banking, working with financial and legal professionals to sort things out for Alan's parents, and ultimately, our patio door blinds were just installed. So nice to see blinds finally covering our patio door windows! Eerie feeling; when all you would see, was cold window glass at night. This will help keep heat in; inasmuch, as it is a cooler time of year.

Tidbit - We just heard from my son, Arthur. That made my afternoon, as a mother. We are glad he is enjoying himself on his 10 day vacation! He will give us a tidbitz list of places / restaurants to check out, when we next return to our beloved Zihua.

Bittid - Life is so short; enjoy! The 2 recent memorial services we attended, really illuminated how fragile and precious life is; and also, just how quickly it can be gone; in a bittidz.

Am going to call it a day; as we have an early start tomorrow. LOVE the above photo image; nice peaceful end to the day!

God Bless.

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