Saturday, 3 November 2007


A quick post before I "retire" for the night! Just watched the movie, "The Last King of Scotland". Very inciteful and provocative. Many many lives horrifically lost.

Tidbit - There has always been a heavy price to pay for Freedom. Appreciate what you have; and if your freedom is ever compromised, fight for it, with Honour and Truth.

"Rememberance Day" is November 11th; and this year wearing the Poppy, has even more special significance to me; given the increasing unrest in the world. Also remembering all those who gave of their lives in the name of Freedom. They took a courageous stand; fought bravely in the battle for Freedom; the Freedom, that we have been wonderfully blessed with, in our part of the world.

Bittid - Please remember to turn your clocks back one hour, re: Daylight Savings Time; that is, depending where you live. "Fall back" in the Fall; and "Spring forward" in the Spring, is what "they" say. Am looking so forward to the extra bittidz of sleep! Always, a tidbitz treat to me!

Good Night, and Peace. God Bless also, all His souls who gave their lives so valiantly for Freedom.

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