Monday, 19 November 2007

Live one day at a time.

Good Morning or Greetings, to whatever part of the world you inhabit.

Retired early last night as well; did not have the stomach to enjoy even a tid glass of red vino. This bug has taken quite a bit out of us; so our appetites are not full of tidbitz! One thing is, that we have lost a bittidz of weight! No doubt, we will put it all back on when we are in Zihua! Although, I keep visualizing summer and bathing suit attire; so maybe not? LOL!

I ended up watching a tidbitical movie (about class structure; deceit,corruption, romance etc) for FOUR bittidical hours last night; and got my second wind. Nonetheless, I did manage to stay put in bed til 7:30 am! Eerily, our fax machine rang twice during the quiet night.

Today is the day we go and finalize the car details; ie in signing a conditional bill of sale; to purchase our vehicle within the next 3 years or sooner, if we wish. We have a number of other things happening today. Alan presently, is out with his parents; taking them to various appointments with doctors and lawyers. It is a bittid sad, that Alan's siblings are putting the parents "through the ringer". It is becoming more apparent that the previous POAs' did not honour their "fidicuary responsibilities"; as POAs'. They took advantage of trusting parents. That is a major tidbit eyeopener! Unfortunately, a lot of "that" (hidden agenda and / or entitlement) is going on today. What ever happened to the "old fashioned" solid comfort and genuine trust amongst family members? Not everyone is like "that"; but there is more of "that" going on, than you would care to believe! Perhaps some of you can relate.

Tidbit - Ask Him to "Put on the Full Armour of God" upon you. Also, always Rely on Him, for His Guidance and Words of Wisdom. Always Lean on Him and, "Praise Him In All Things".

Bittid - Live one day at a time; as in the above photo image. 'Yesterday is gone; and tomorrow is promised to no one'. So, enjoy the day, and make the best of all that unfolds.

Will post in a bit, when there is a tid of an update.

God Bless.

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