Saturday, 17 November 2007

To our "MoMo" - She LOVED Christmas!

Happy Mid Afternoon! Appreciated getting my hair done this am. The "before and after" definitely applied today! LOL!

Then Alan and I went to Costco, (such wonderful prices!) and finished up our final grocery shopping at our local Safeway; including picking up a nice bottle of South African Red wine to savour with our dinner tonight.

Now home; and a perfect day to stay indoors; with a cheery warm fire. When we were at Costco, there were various tid offers to sign up for 'whatevers', and receive "free gifts".

Tidbit - There is "No Free Lunch!" There is always a bit of a catch! However, we give "them" an "A" for promotional effort!

We are in for the weekend too; still feeling not 100%; so the next couple of days spent quietly at home, will be good. I think with all that has been 'going on' currently in our lives, including the unreal "car scenario", really took a fair bittidz out of us. However, the tidbitz of taking a stand against the "B.S." has been totally worth it. We have some pre- Christmas events to attend over the weekend, but we are just going to give them all a pass, and appreciate our cosy "den", and rest ourselves back to our 'young' selves. Rain and all!

Bittid - When your body is saying "relax", follow that plan. Particularly, with the Christmas season coming upon us all. We are looking so forward to feeling better; and also to our special vacation in a warm and sunny clime!

We will be packing extremely 'light!' We have to go through Texas Customs, on our way home; so we will keep things SIMPLE! We are not planning to do much shopping; perhaps a tidbit of jewelry, if a bittid piece happens to catch our eye. Other than that, we are just going to go and RELAX and enjoy!

We are also looking joyfully forward to Christmas this year; more so than usual; although, there have been no plans made. We are not hosting a "Christmas Party" this year. We 'threw' one last year; and, glad we did; as, it was our first Christmas in our new abode, and we wanted to genuinely welcome our family and friends. We do not know what this Christmas will hold; so, we will go with the flow. We return home just before Christmas; so am not sure about Christmas Dinner plans. I have always LOVED Christmas Dinner; and I have to thank my Mum, in that regard. She always went all out at Christmas; and then the Christmas 'reigns' were passed over to me. Now, I feel that we are at that 'stage' in our lives. Weird, but maybe, just because we have "downsized" a bittidz; and are a tidbitz older. However, I am thankful for the wonderful Christmas Dinner memories and pictures, I have of many happy festive family gatherings; both of my parents and their grandchildren.

Further tidbit / bittid - Christmas is in celebration of Jesus' Birth. And also, to joyfully spend time with your loved ones; ie your families. As eluded in earlier posts, the above photo is of "MoMo". "MoMo" was my wonderful Mum (who I miss to this day; but I have lots of happy memories of her!), my daughter (who is a Mum herself), and yours truly.

God Bless.

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