Friday, 9 November 2007

Never a dull moment!

Good Morning!

Another tid of an early start! Blue and I had a really enjoyable walk; amongst all the falling leaves, swirling all around us. It looks as if we are in for a blustery Fall day!

Am appreciating a tid cup of coffee in my favourite mug; which has 2 wonderful Irish blessings on each side.

May the road
rise up to meet you.
May the wind
be always
at your back.


May the Lord
always hold you
in the hollow
of His hand.

As it happened, the wind was at my back today; and small wonder I am drawn towards this favourite mug! Plus, we never know what the day will hold; even with all the plans for that day. But, I do know this, that He is always with us!

Alan and I, have been blessed to "Never Have a Dull Moment". I have always felt, that when one is 'bored', that is one's choice, and or problem. To change that outlook, requires a different perspective and a more positive way of looking at things. Like, I may be sitting in a lecture, and thinking "this is boring; I am out of here.." but, it is almost as if you are depriving yourself of something, not yet grasped by you. So, I remain steadfast in the lecture hall, and leave with a bit more knowledge and appreciation. I end up altering "my way" of thinking to something a bittidz more "worldly" in thought. When something appears to be a tidbitz 'boring', or 'I am bored', I think..."Hmmmmm. Why? whose fault is that?" Momentarily, I can only 'blame' myself"; however, when I 'turn it around', the feeling of being 'bored', vanishes.

Bittidically, I wish there were more hours in the day! The days seem to be tidbitically running past us; and yet we do our best to savour each and every moment.

This morning when Blue and I went for our walk, I reflected on our many blessings; even for just the part of the world we live in.

Eventhough, we have a lot of 'stuff' on our plates, we are grateful for what we have; good and not so good. I am happy to "work from home", relieved to be "my own boss". At the same time, you DO need to have strong discipline and courageous focus; and to always keep an open mind, with always, a positive energy flow; particularly if you are one that is self employed! As a tid bittid - 'There is no free lunch'; regardless of one's scenario. However, as a bit tidbit - We live moment by moment; each and every day! If ever in limbo or whatever, ('bored'), DO something.... Be it cleaning out cupboards, rearranging a collection, cooking, baking, reading, calling a friend, completing tasks, whatever works!

Tidbit - Life is what you make of it! If you have a "calm" within yourself, and have Him as part of your life, it is amazing how full and rich a life you can enjoy! And, there is never a 'dull moment!'

Bittid - You only go around once! Make the best of it!

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