Friday, 16 November 2007

Micro and Macro


"Well".... There is that "well" word again! DEEP subject! (Please see June 13/07 blog, if you wish, for reference to "well", being a "deep" subject!) I feel, that "well" a "depthful" blogversation.

We have had quite an interesting bittidz of a day! We are still not feeling up to tidbitz par (flu, head colds); yet, we mustered 'full regalia, guns and all', in standing up for what is right! Not guns literally; but definitely, we "were loaded for bear!"

Remember, I made mention of the car lease? (post of Nov 14th!). And, my tid thoughts on the dealership's perspective? To make a long story a bit short, Alan called the SENIOR BRASS at HEAD OFFICE, of the credit company this afternoon; and they were aghast at the micro-mindness of the dealership. With a few tidbitical phone calls here and there; and with a few more bittidical "stuff", things have been promptly resolved; within an HOUR! Not withstanding, that we had to go to the bank earlier today, to sign in their presence, that 'we are, who we say we are'....and also, to 'validate that we own our own business?' - that we pay taxes for! Hello??? Also, our wonderfully competent accountant, of a very reputable firm, verified our ownership etc of our primary business; like, go fgure!!!

So, we now have our car re leased; monthly payments are increased (no surprise!!!); BUT, we will "own" our car, within a few years! Blog about MICRO versus MACRO!!! I am sure some of you know of which I post!!!

Tidbit - Stand up for what is right. Do not put up with the "boulderdash!" (B.S.) ie "Those"(minions) who are concerned with dotting the "i's" and crossing the "t's" TWICE, so it would appear. GO STRAIGHT TO THE TOP, to make your concerns KNOWN; and it is amazing what occurs. More importantly, we asked Him for a JUST solution; and He provided the resolution to our Prayers.

Bittid - Upon reflection too; this is a bit of a "Spiritual battle". Let Him fight the 'battles' for us; because, He has already WON. He IS 'The Way, The Truth, and The Light'. And, that is HUGE! Just have the FAITH in Him; and He will PROVIDE!

We have just ordered in a pizza for dinner; somehow, "pizza" is sounding sooooo good!

It has been a day; be appreciative for the day; and thankful for the night.

And, to bittidz or tidbitz further, it is the weekend! (Again!)

God Bless.

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