Sunday, 25 November 2007

Seek, and Ye Shall Find - LOVE this photo image!


Sunday afternoon, our time! A glorious day! Sunshine, clear blue skies, and a bit cold; but wonderfully crisp!

Just gave some "TLC" (tender loving care) to our geraniums. There are still new tid buds coming forth; and green foliage as well! A magnificent Blessing!

We have so much to be DAILY thankful for! This am, Alan brought me my coffee, then a "Value Meal" from Macdonald's. The 'breakfast' would not rate as the most 'healthy' food; but, it tasted so good; and it hit the spot!

Enjoyed watching T.V. again, this Sunday morning, on the Vision Channel (105); with Dr. Robert Schuller, then Joyce Meyer, and then followed by Charles Price. I have mentioned their programs, in various November 4th ('Seek, and Ye Shall Find'); November 11th ('Remember in Rememberance and always have FAITH'); and November 18th ('Keep it Simple!'); if you wish to refer to those tidbitical tidbits.

With Dr. Robert Schuller, he quoted from Matthew, Chapter 4, verse 19: - "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men". Very true! He works with us; when we OBEY Him.

On Joyce's program (I really relate to her!), she had John Maxwell, the author of "The Difference Maker" as her guest on the show. His book is right on! Basically it covers ATTITUDE. ie 'what is INSIDE of us'. 'CHANGE' does not necessarily make you grow; but when you GROW, you experience CHANGE. For example, if you have adversities in you life, how do you cope with them? Do you turn around and BLAME everybody else? Do you become a "victim", to continuously be 'enabled' by others; and / or remain in the 'status quo' of being in a "comfort zone"; as in passive?

Joyce referred to an area in Psalms (Please forgive me, I did not catch which chapter or verse) but she endorsed that it is better to be with "positive" people than with "negative" people. Why stick with people who constantly want to hurt or maligne you? Nobody needs that; and yet so many put up with that type of conduct from others; out of fear, or loss, or failure, whatever. In other words, 'quit hanging around' with the negative ones; simply take responsibilty to make positive choices, to be with those that have genuinely POSITIVE ATTITUDES! You are better off to be "alone" than "poisoned" by spiteful behaviour and negative attitudes from others. When you "Walk in the Spirit", things CHANGE; your life CHANGES. Am sure there are those of you, who can relate to these bittidical bittids. And, there are situations, where you just have to "let go".

In Charles' message: ie in John, Chapter 5, verses 1-9, is the story / miracle of the diseased person, who had been diseased for 38 years; and he was never able to get to the Pool of Bethesda (house of mercy). The question, that Jesus basically asked of him, was: "Do you want to be HEALED?". There were various excuses given; because this person had been constantly 'enabled'; and blamed others for his various misfortunes. Jesus told him to just get up, pick up his mat. The man was healed; made whole, because he had the FAITH to OBEY Him.

So many of us can or wish to be "paralyzed" by our fears, doubts, insecurities, whatever is 'within', and various 'circumstances' around us....Accept Him genuinely into your hearts, and LET HIM work the 'miracles' for you. It is not up to our own understandings to work things out. TRUST HIM AND HAVE THE FAITH IN HIM. Then you will experience GROWTH AND CHANGE.

Tidbit - Read the Bible; the BEST book ever written!

Bittid - I have recognized that the Bible is the most accurate source of TRUTH. I must re read it as well; and because I enthusiastically WANT to! Again, when He says, "Seek, and Ye Shall Find", He wants us to read His message to us, in the Bible.

Hope this is of encouraging enlightenment, to all who read this Blog!

God Bless.

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