Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Still resting up!


Well, have been going through a few tid ropes today; and when you are not feeling your best, it can be pretty wearisome! Nonetheless, I would like to believe that progress is being made!

For ex. We are wishing to renew the lease on our wonderful car; which we have had for 4 years. It has only been driven 45,000 K; and is in practically brand new shape; as we have maintained and looked after it well. We have been told 2 sets of conflicting deal with the credit leasing company, who makes the final decision and / or the car dealership who, "apparently" makes the ultimate decision about renewal or otherwise. We have been given "confusing" shuttling 'back and forth' reports; to the point whereby I called the dealership today...well, they "tried to pass the buck" back to the credit leasing company; to which I gently gave them (the car dealership company) a bit piece of my mind. Now we have been given 2 "forms", from their "business department" to have filled out; both by our bank and by our accountant; to be completed for this Monday; when the lease expires. We feel, that it comes down to: that our car is in such tidbitz shape, that the dealership would rather sell it; and get us into a new lease (and higher monthly payments, I might bittidz) with a new vehicle. The dealership would prefer to sell our car at a higher price, than for the amount left owing. The dealership's books would look "good," because the lot would have "sold" another car; rather than just permitting us to have an extension of the lease, with the sole purpose of ultimately owning our vehicle. Our car, we think, has at least another 5 to 10 years of life! Plus, if we receive even an extension for a few months, along with making a 25% down payment on what is now outstanding, we would offer to pay the remainder off at that date.

Just heard on the news that because of the U.S. and Cdn dollar situation, that the used domestic car markets here, are really feeling the "pressure" because a number of used cars have been purchased in the U.S; and right now, there are used cars sitting on the lots already. There are also several hundreds of leases expiring or coming up for renewal; you would think that we are doing our particular dealership a favour!!!

Tidbit - There is a tid of bittidizing "boulderdash" going on around the world; and worse, when it is happening in one's 'own back yard', or car lot, in this case. I guess I am tidbittzing a bit! "Do not be fooled"; and "speak up", when you feel you are getting "hosed or hoodwinked!" No doubt, you have had experiences where you have felt that the "wool was being pulled over your eyes".

Bittid - There are always so many amazing lessons to be learned in life! "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" That tid phrase just popped into my head; and it is quite appropro; given the surprising behaviour shown today.

As earlier mentioned, have been hit with a nasty head cold; and it takes a bit out of you. So, I am off to bed early to shake off this bug. I will also enjoy some extra Himalayan Goji Juice tonight!

Good Night and God Bless.

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