Saturday, 24 November 2007



It is now dusk; and we are glad that we are "in" for the night! Alan has lit a welcoming fire; and we are so thankful for our cosy home.

My daughter's nice father-in-law came over; and it makes such a difference to see the Ladies now happily all "aglow" with light. We are very appreciative that he helped 'put it right'; because, when the cabinets were built, the 'electrical' work was sorely lacking. Only Alan and I, and our gifted 'jack of all trades' friend, know that the work was not completed properly. The three of us enjoyed a bit of lunch that Alan "whipped up!" ie. Devilled egg sandwiches, with fresh chives from our tid garden! A bit good, if I tid so myself!

We had some tidbitz errands to do; one of them being that I needed to locate some practical and attractive sandals for our vacation; as my sandals, after 5 years, had finally 'seen better days'. FOUND some, and on SALE! The price was so reasonable, that I ended up with a comfy 'walking' pair, along with 2 other pairs of colourful rubber soled sandals. Interestingly enough, both the pink pair and the blue pair, go with all my summer short sets and bathing suit attire! The "walking" pair is an off white; also rubber soled and extremely comfortable! So, as a female, this was a wonderful bittidz buy! I am sure you all can relate! LOL! From being on sale, attractive, and 'durable'.

Also, it looks as if "Annabelle" has found a 'temporary' home! This also means, we can move Alan's parents into the penthouse by the end of this week. We leave shortly after for our vacation; so we want everything set up properly, before we head out of the country!

Christmas will be interesting this year; more so, we feel, than previous years. You can refer to my posts of November 17th('To our "MoMo" - She LOVED Christmas!'), and of November 18th('Keep it Simple!')if you wish, for your perusal.

Tidbit - Joyful appreciation and being genuinely thankful for each and every day!

Bittid - Kindness goes a long way. LOVE CONQUERS All. (Wrote a bittidical in a tidbitical post, November 15th). LOVE the above photo image! So powerful!

God Bless.

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