Sunday, 4 November 2007

Seek and Ye Shall Find

Well, the extra hour "Fall Back" is much appreciated today! It has been an awesome day! I watched the Vision Channel, (Channel 105) with Robert Schuler Jr(8:30 am), Joyce Meyer(9:30 am), and Charles Price (10:00 am). They all have excellent spiritual messages to offer. For those that do not go to Church, these T.V. programs on Sunday mornings, give you wonderful insight and strength.

Christ told us: "Seek, and ye shall find" - so very true. If you invite Him into your heart, and you are genuine, He will enter; and you WILL receive Salvation, and also, Knowledge, and the necessary Guidance you need. As He said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light". As you take your "baby" steps, in what is called, 'your Walk in Christ', He WILL guide you and equip you moment by moment, and day by day.
Lest we forget: "For God (the Father) so Loved the World, that He gave His only Begotten Son, so that whosever, Believeth upon Him, shall have Everlasting Life in His Father's Kingdom".

And, with having just attended a major funeral / wake on Thursday; and then about to go a "wake" later this afternoon, and with Rememberance Day coming up on November 11th, there is a lot to be thankful for in our lives.

Jesus, died for us. He was sacrificed on the Cross, to pay the price of each of our individual sins and to atone for those sins, so that we could enter the Kingdom of His Father. Eventhough, He was sinless; the price was paid; "Once and for all", for all the sins of mankind. This justified the wrath of God; and, as Jesus said on the Cross, "It is finished".

Many people feel they are "not worthy"; and if they only took a tid of a moment to understand that He also, died for us ALL; and He wants to welcome you into His Family.

When you recognize this Truth, the burden, that has become an "albatross around your neck", will be released. Perhaps, an incident happened early in your life, and you have managed to keep things 'hidden' all these years. Well, if you Believe that He died to appease His Father, God; and we have been forgiven 'Once and for all', you no longer need to feel guilty or unworthy.

I hope this has been a bit of an encouragement. I know of people, even family members, that feel they are not worthy. Tragically, they have carried that weight on their hearts for so many years. They tend to blame others, dodge, whatever fits to keep their "status quo"; well, start with inviting Him into your hearts. It can begin with, but a single step - Prayer; ie as in " Jesus, Help me!" The 3 programs I referred to earlier, are good resources.

What I have blogged today, has all been a combination of 'tidbits' or 'bittids'. As He said, "Love one another, as I have Loved you". Very Powerfully True.

God Bless.

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