Thursday, 15 November 2007

The Tony Gazelle Machine (can also refer to Aug 12/07 Blog...there are also some recipes!)

Good Afternoon! Happy Greetings!

Eventhough, I am a bit "fluey"; I am enjoying today!

Alan is out with his parents at various previously scheduled appointments; I have said a Prayer, with the hopes, that "things" will be resolved for all those concerned, fairly and equitably; and preferably, aimicably.

I delighted in a sudsy bath, and "talked" to Him, whilst lying there and gazing up with wonderment at our glorious bathroom sklight. So refreshing to see the top boughs of trees blowing in the wind! Trees are so beautiful! Provided they remain standing! We have had quite the windstorms; and more are forecasted; however, we trust that all will be well.

Then decided to go and finally "work out" on our Tony Gazelle machine; and it was actually quite pleasant. One, I knew that it was doing the body some "toning" good; and secondly, I turned on the T.V. to the local news of events in our city. ie What to see, where to go as a tourist etc. Have always wanted to be a "tourist" in my own city; however, that has yet to happen! Am thinking, that might be a fun way to spend a day or two, with family members and to reconnect not only with our city, but with each other! What was also of a huge interest, was the topic of "BeeKeeping". It was broken down to the expenses, the equipment needed, proper assistance in setting things up, and even providing the return service of collecting and bottling the honey! Sounds quite remarkable; plus jars of honey make sweet gifts; be it at Christmas or whenever! Also, appreciated seeing the beauty of silver jewelry; there is even a silver rope-like necklace design; and would look most chic on that special "black dress!". The cost for that necklace, is $1900.00. Hmmmmmm. However, it was lovely to look at.

Tidbit - Appreciate being a tourist in your own city; along with all its resources and creations!

Bittid - Admire beauty and gravitate towards learning MORE! It can be fun; even when doing a "walkathon" on an exercise machine!

It has been a bittid of a while, since I have been on the machine; and now with "Zihua" beckoning us, I am going to do a tidbit of "walking" everyday; and then continue with the program when we return home again! The machine is great....when you use it! LOL! It is a very easy way to get into beneficial shape, tone up, and loose weight (if needed). I may have been over zealous on the machine today (as it was the first whack at it, in a few months!); but the time passed by so quickly and effortlessly, whilst being "glued" to the exciting T.V. tidbiticals! Ideally, one should try to "walk" bittidicals twice a day; even if 15 mins here and then the other 15 mins later. I would like to do about an hour per day; with the time broken up twice daily. It can be like "knitting", in the sense, you are actively doing something, whilst you enjoy the TV entertainment. Or, if you do not have a T.V. utilize the radio, music, a view, whatever it takes to help you enjoy and actually DO the daily workout. The machine tones all areas of the body; and it is easily accessible and safe for people of all ages! I also have some "dumbells" of about 2 kg (whatever that works out to in pounds). I will start working with those, gently for a few mins every day, whilst watching the T.V. or even in conversation with my hubby.

"Well", Alan just called; he will be picking up some "goodies" for dinner; on his route home. I have missed him; as he has been out most of the day. I hope all went "well" with them. Will keep you posted, when I know a bit more. "Well" - Can be a rather "deep" Subject; another blog(June 13/07), that you can refer to, if you wish.

Enjoy! You can also refer to my blog of August 12/07; that will give you a tidbitz more info on the above bittidz machine, as well as some really easy delicious recipes! I will have to whip up those again! Now I am a tid hungry...perhaps I am starting to feel a bit better; plus when you "work out", don't you usually have an increase in appetite???

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