Thursday, 1 November 2007

The golden leaves of Fall


Was up a tid early this am! Thought it best for Alan to have a bit of a rest; given the toxic reaction to a severe bite he 'received' on the weekend. You would think, how can one little ittzy bittzy spider or whatever, do such damage!

A confession. Left the kitchen in a total turmoil last night; so, it was beckoning to me this am. You feel so good when things are tidbitzy again; blinds are open, another new day etc! Most appreciative too, that we have an automatic dishwasher! Makes life a lot easier! Alan does more of the cooking; and I do most of the cleanup; and it works brilliantly!

Posting of 'brilliantly;, the sun was shining so vividly; that the fall leaves were a " yellow /gold" colour! Both Blue and I enjoyed our "wake up" walk! Love the above photo image of the "golden leaves!" It was Hallowe'en last night; without incident; or at least in our area. When I saw the golden glow of the leaves, I immediately envisioned wee leprachons; dancing with their "pots of gold".

Last night, about 3:20 am, there was a 'magnificent' sound of thunder; it felt as if it lasted for a couple of minutes! It was literally, right above us; so there was an extra loud boom in the air! Our 'puppy' was a bit frightened by the sudden noise and the shuddering vibrations. Ten tid minutes later, the rain came down in deluges; this went on for some 5 mins; and then it all abruptly stopped? And then this am; beautiful suuny day, blue skies. Go figure. Now, as I post, there is a weather change, yet again....dark clouds swiftly erasing the once blue skies; with rain looming on the horizon.

Tidbit - Appreciate Autumn and its majesty!

Bittid - Amazing how much we all depend on the weather; and how our lives are so affected by it.

As mentioned in a recent blog, we have a memorial service this afternoon to attend; so the afternoon and part of the evening will be spent with old friends; of all ages.

Here is wishing you a great day; and God Bless.

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